Post-Doctoral Fellowships "Social Sciences and Humanities"

12-Monatige Post-Doc-Stipendien für Nachwuchswissenschaftler:innen der Geistes-und Sozialwissenschaften

Leuphana University Lüneburg (Leuphana Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture and Society)
Leuphana Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture and Society
Gefördert durch
Niedersächsiches Vorab; Volkswagenstiftung
Vom - Bis
01.04.2026 - 31.03.2026
Katja Rieck, Leuphana Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture and Society, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg

The Leuphana Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture and Society offers fellowships for R2 researchers with a consolidated post-doctoral project.

12-Monatige Post-Doc-Stipendien für Nachwuchswissenschaftler:innen der Geistes-und Sozialwissenschaften

Das Leuphana Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture and Society an der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg schreibt für das akademische Jahr 2026/27 Post-Doc Stipendien mit einer Dauer von 12 Monaten aus. Die Stipendien beginnen am 1. April 2026 und enden am 31. März 2027.

Für die Teilnahme an den Aktivitäten des LIAS und der Universität sind fließende Englischkenntnisse erforderlich.

Weitere Informationen zur Bewerbung und den Bewerbungsbogen finden Sie auf der unten genannten Webseite. Alle Bewerbungsunterlagen sollten als eine PDF eingereicht werden.

CfA 12-Month Post-Doctoral Fellowships for R2 Researchers in Social Sciences and Humanities

The Leuphana Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture and Society at Leuphana University Lüneburg (Germany) offers 12-month fellowships for R2 researchers in the social sciences and humanities with a consolidated post-doctoral project.

Scholars at the level of postdoctoral researcher, assistant professor or early associate professor or equivalent who already have distinguished themselves with two to three years outstanding postdoctoral work corresponding to the programmatic outline of the institute are eligible to apply. Eligible applicants must hold a PhD at the time of application but not have received their PhD more than ten years prior to the beginning of the planned fellowship. Fluency in English is required.

The application must include the following collated into one PDF file: 1) completed application form, 2) cover letter stating your motivations to apply to LIAS specifically, 3) academic curriculum vitae including list of publications, 4) project proposal (no more than 5 pages/2,500 words) in which you present your research project in a systematic manner (including the project's research question, explanation of the contribution to the state of research, methodological/theoretical approach, etc.) and elaborate on its relation to the research programme at the LIAS in Culture and Society. The project proposal should also include a short work plan for the time of your stay.

For the application form, further information about the application process, and suggestions on crafting a strong application, please consult the website at the URL given below.

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