8 Ph.D. grants "Society and Culture in Motion" (Univ. Halle-Wittenberg)

8 Ph.D. grants "Society and Culture in Motion" (Univ. Halle-Wittenberg)

Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Graduate School "Society and Culture in Motion"
Halle (Saale)
Vom - Bis
01.10.2010 - 30.09.2012
Findeis, Hagen

The Graduate School “Society and Culture in Motion“ (SCM), Halle (Germany) announces the following openings:

8 grants for Ph.D. students (EUR 1050/month) for 24 months with the possibility of a 12 month extension

Application deadline: May 21st, 2010
Beginning: Oct 1st, 2010

Who can apply?
Potential Ph.D. students must hold a German M.A. degree or equivalent in one of the participating disciplines (listed below) or related disciplines, entitling the holder to take up Ph.D. studies in Germany. In order to fully participate in and take advantage of the GS SCM’s activities, continuous presence of the students in Halle is required. Applications must include the following documents:
- Cover letter
- Copy of M.A. certificate
- Transcript of Records (if available)
- CV
- Outline of a research proposal together with project timeline (3.000 - 5.000 words). This proposal should relate to the general topic "Society and Culture in Motion" as well as to the idea of “strangeness as a learning incentive”. Furthermore, we ask that you include details of your research progress (if any) up to the time of application.
- Letter of recommendation written by an academic supervisor from the previous university.
- Proof of adequate knowledge of English (if a non-native speaker).

What does the GS SCM offer?
- Trans-disciplinary seminars and workshops on various subjects.
- Presentations and talks by visiting scholars.
- Workshops related to key skills training.
- A framework for discussing dissertation projects.
- In addition to the grants, the GS SCM offers additional financial support for grantees with children.
- The GS SCM can also contribute to field work expenses (if applicable). If this kind of support is required, then it should be stated and explained in the research proposal.

The GS SCM programme is not only directed at the GS SCM grantees; a number of other Ph.D. students and junior researchers are continuously taking part in the programme.
While the working language of the GS SCM is English, we nevertheless request that students acquire a working knowledge of German (for everyday communication as well as reading skills in scholarly literature). German language instruction is available through the university.

What does the GS SCM expect from participating Ph.D. students?
- We expect a sustained effort in the Ph.D. work, together with
- a willingness to actively take part in the GS SCM schooling programme. This involves giving presentations and papers at the trans-disciplinary seminars, workshops, as well as on other occasions
- a general interest in methodological and epistemological enquiries.
- Successful completion of the degree (Ph.D.) takes place according to the guidelines and regulations of the corresponding faculty.

List of participating disciplines:
Anthropology, Arab Studies, Comparative Literature, Economics, History, Islamic Studies, Japanese Studies, Jewish Studies, Jurisprudence, Philosophy, Political Studies, Sociology and Theology.

Please send complete applications per e-mail to


and/or per ordinary mail to:

Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Graduate School “Society and Culture in Motion”
Dr. Hagen Findeis
Mühlweg 15
D-06114 Halle/Saale

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