Milinda Hoo, Seminar für Alte Geschichte, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Thursday 24th March 2022
9:00 - Registration
9:30 - Sitta von Reden (Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg); Milinda Hoo and Lauren Morris (Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg and HCARN). Welcoming addresses
Panel 1. Recent pasts in present
10:00 - Rolf Strootman (Utrecht University). The Lost Valley of Iskander
10:30 - Milinda Hoo (Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg). The entanglements of inbetweenness: Connecting legacies and methods of meaning in the study of Central Asia.
11:00 - Coffee break
11:30 - Fiona Kidd (New York University Abu Dhabi). Mobility, landscape and space: Some thoughts on the historiography of connectivity in Central Asia.
12:00 - Vito Messina (University of Turin). Afterlife: The unsaid of past materiality.
12:30 - Lunch break
14:00 - Ladislav Stančo (Charles University). The answer is 42: Bactro-Sogdian borderlands in the Hellenistic period.
14:30 - Martin Kovacs (Eberhard Karl University of Tübingen). Alexander the Great on Seleucid and Graeco-Bactrian coins? Politics, references, and visual legitimisation.
15:00 - Coffee break
Panel 2. Pasts in the past: Hellenistic Bactria and Sogdiana
16:00 - Marc Mendoza Sanahuja (University of Lleida). To Sogdiana and back: Demodamas, the Branchidae, and Apollo Didymeus.
16:30 - Kristina Junker (Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg). Greek type pottery and the Greek past in Bactria: The interpretation of ceramics as a sign of a philhellene lifestyle in Hellenistic Bactria.
17:00 - Coffee break
17:30 - Aleksandr Naymark (Hofstra University). The date of the collapse of Greek rule in Sogdiana: Early Bukharan imitation of Euthydemus’ tetradrachms.
18:00 - Poster Session
Edward Ross (University of Reading). Ritual activity in multi-religious spaces: A case study of the Hellenistic Far East.
Jakub Havlík (Charles University). Rebelling against the tyranny of tepa: Intensive surface survey in the surroundings of Khaytabad Tepa, southern Uzbekistan.
Mariana Castro (Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University). Turquoise mining and exchange in ancient Central Asia: Preliminary results from the Kyzylkum desert, Uzbekistan.
David Fallon (University College London). Central Asian Archaeological Landscape project: Mapping the future of the past.
Friday 25th March 2022
Panel 3. Pasts in the past: Post-Hellenistic and Kushan Central Asia
9:00 - Stefan Härtel (Free University of Berlin). Greeks, Iranians and Kušān in Tokharestan: Bactrian identities and the Kušān Empire.
9:30 - Razieh Taasob (Charles University). Acculturation or ‘anti-Greek’ view in the Kushan period: Numismatic evidence.
10:00 - Gunvor Lindström (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut). The Oxus Temple: Remembering and transforming the Hellenistic past in the Kushan period.
10:30 - Coffee break
11:00 - Patryk N. Skupniewicz (Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities). The helmets of the post-Hellenistic Central Asian ‘Athenas’: Survival of Greek armament or aesthetic convention?
11:30 - Yue Minjing (National Museum of Shaanxi History, Xi’an). The influence of Hellenization on the image of stone reliefs in the Eastern Han Dynasty.
12:00 Lunch break
Panel 4. Pasts in the past: Hellenistic and post-Hellenistic Gandhara
13:30 - Gunnar R. Dumke (Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg). Following in his ancestor’s (?) footsteps? A new evaluation of Menander II Dikaios.
14:00 - Olga Kubica (University of Wrocław). The term Śramaṇa/Samaṇa in the Greek literature as a case study for the Greek perception of Buddhism.
14:30 - Coffee break
15:00 - Marike van Aerde and Rishika Dhumal (Leiden University). Stupas, patrons, and trade networks: Hellenistic entanglements during the Early Historic Indian period (200 BCE–700 CE).
15:30 - Chandreyi Basu (St. Lawrence University). Exposed bodies in Gandharan Buddhist biographical narratives: Historical memory, stylistic idiosyncrasy, and contemporary urbanism.
16:00 - Coffee break
Panel 5. Ancient presents in the past
16:30 - Michael Iliakis (National Hellenic Research Foundation). Reconstructing Hellenistic Central Asia: Bactria as perceived by Greek and Latin scholarship.
17:00 - Wu Xin (Fudan University) Edge of the world: From Greek and Chinese imagination to archaeological reality of Central Asia.
17:30 - Tomas Larsen Høisæter (University of Bergen). Abiding in the true law: Elite self-representation in third century Kroraina.
Saturday 26th March 2022
9:00 - Viktor Humennyi (Ivan Franko National University of Lviv). ‘The New Persians’ on ‘the Edge of the World’: Some observations on the image and knowledge of Parthian Central Asia in early Imperial Roman tradition.
9:30 - Claude Rapin (Centre national de la recherche scientifique-École normale supérieure). Economic documents and metal detectors: An unusual complementarity in recent studies of Achaemenid and Hellenistic chronology in Central Asia.
10:00 - Maria Riep (Leiden University/Linköping University). The Jaxartes in the mappa mundi: Past and present entangled.
10:30 - Coffee break
Panel 6. Pasts in the present and future
11:00 - Lauren Morris (Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg) and Rachel Mairs (University of Reading). Academics and the antiquities market: Developing an ethical scholarly approach.
11:30 - Hafiz Latify (Archaeology Institute of Afghanistan). The impact of war, looting, and destruction on the Hellenistic heritage of Afghanistan, and the role of the National Museum of Afghanistan and the Archaeological Institute of Afghanistan in its preservation.
12:00 - Lunch break
13:30 - Olivier Bordeaux (Centre national de la recherche scientifique). The numismatist and the auctioneer: Dealing with coins from the art market.
14:00 - Stefan Baums (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich). Whose manuscripts are they anyway? Some thoughts and questions on the handling of cultural heritage.
14:30 - Final remarks