the following scholars have agreed to attend the conference and give a paper (preliminary titles of talks in brackets):
Yves Abrioux
Eva Bischoff
Rosi Braidotti
Manuel Delanda (Assemblage Theory and Social Complexity)
Eduardova Galena (Deleuzianische Theorie des Eigennamen)
Sue Golding (THE COLOUR OF TIME (forbidden bodies))
Bernd Herzogenrath
Gillian Howie (transcendental realism or transcendental empiricism: Deleuze and Bhaskar on powers)
Dorothea Olkowski (an essay on Bergson's critique of cinematographic knowledge in the context of Deleuze's cinema books)
Dan O'Hara (Anti-Oedipus, visualized through the medium of interpretative dance)
Paul Patton (the event of colonization)
Beatriz Preciado (Deleuze and Guattari's relationship to sexual politics)
John Protevi (Between Geophilosophy and Political Physiology)
Reno Görling
Paul Harris (Deleuze: The LA Tour)
Charles Stivale
Michael Eggers
the program open to changes ...