Geppert, Alexander C.T.
– THURSDAY, 10 April 2014 –
10:00 Introduction
Alexander C.T. Geppert, Daniel Brandau and Tilmann Siebeneichner: Heavenly Utopias and Ultimate Battlefields. The Dark Side of Global Astroculture
10:30 Feature Presentation I
Alex Roland (Durham): The Cold War in Space
11:45 Panel I: Angst
Chair: Markus Pöhlmann (Potsdam)
Chris Gainor (Sidney, CA): The Nuclear Roots of ICBMs
Greg Eghigian (Philadelphia): Flying Saucers, America, and the Specter of War in Postwar Germany, 1946–1960
14:00 Panel II: Territories
Chair: Katie Boyce-Jacino (Baltimore)
Dierk Spreen (Lüneburg): Global Security and Spatial Revolution
Danilo Flores (Berlin): Envisioning Infiltration. Epistemic Border Disputes of Militarized Astroculture
15:30 Panel III: Evolutions
Chair: Jana Bruggmann (Berlin)
Jordan Bimm (Toronto): Simulating Mars in the 1950s and the Military Origins of Astrobiology
Patrick Kilian (Zurich): Darwin vs. Cyborg. Cold War’s Struggle for Evolutionary Fitness in Space
17:00 Panel IV: Plots
Chair: Daniel Brandau (Berlin)
Jörg Hartmann (Karlsruhe): “Weltraumschiff I startet.” The Dual-Use of a Spaceflight-Science-Fiction-Film between Fact and Fiction, V-2 and Sputnik
Matthias Hurst (Berlin): “Die phantastischen Abenteuer des Raumschiffs Orion.” Defending Earth in a German Spaceship
– FRIDAY, 11 April 2014 –
09:00 Feature Presentation II
Michael Sheehan (Swansea): Star Wars – Mars against Venus. Strategy, Science Fiction, and Contrasting Visions of Space Security
10:15 Panel V: Infrastructures
Chair: Eva-Maria Silies (Berlin)
Regina Peldszus (Darmstadt): Architecture of Command. Dual-Use Legacy in Mission Control Centers of Civilian Space Operations
Isabell Schrickel (Lüneburg): The Geopolitics of Space Mirrors
11:45 Panel VI: Domination
Chair: Tilmann Siebeneichner (Berlin)
Cathleen Lewis (Washington, DC): Space Spies in the Open. Military Space Stations and Heroic Cosmonauts after the Moon Race, 1971–1975
Paweł Frelik (Lublin): War Play. Space Combat and Galactic Conquests in Arcade and Computer Games
14:00 Panel VII: Depictions
Chair: Tobias Becker (Berlin)
Colleen Anderson (Cambridge, MA): The Militarization of Outer Space in East and West German Satirical Cartoons, 1957–1989
Oliver Dunnett (Belfast): C. S. Lewis and the Moral Threat of Space Exploration
15:30 Panel VIII: Utopias
Chair: Thore Bjørnvig (Copenhagen)
Simon Spiegel (Zurich): Utopian Soldiers. Robert Heinlein’s “Starship Troopers” as Utopian Novel
Philipp Theisohn (Zurich): The Suits of Invasion. Extra-Terrestrial Warfare and the ‘Clothing’ of the Body Politic in Twentieth-Century Fiction
– SATURDAY, 12 April 2014 –
09:00 Panel IX: Strategies
Anthony W. Enns (Halifax): Satellites and Psychics. The Militarization of Outer and Inner Space
Diethard Sawicki (Paderborn): Heating up the Ionosphere and Owning the Weather? High Power Auroral Stimulation in Defense Scenarios and Conspiracy Theories
10:30 Panel X: Surveillance
Chair: Robert Poole (Manchester)
Patryk Wasiak (Wrocław): Visual Imagery and the Public Life of Anti-Satellite Weapon Systems
Paul E. Ceruzzi (Washington, DC): The Global Positioning System. Military Origins, Civilian Application, and the Culture of Precise Positioning
13:00 Panel Discussion: Reconfigurations
Chair: Alexander C.T. Geppert (Berlin)
David Edgerton (London) / Bernd Greiner (Hamburg) / Michael Neufeld (Washington, DC)
16:00 End of Conference