Wednesday, 12 December 2018
2.00 pm - 6.15 pm
Panel I: Constructing and Deconcstructing the Trente Glorieuses
(Chair: Hedwig Richter)
Martin Baumeister (GHI, Rome), Philipp Müller (HIS, Hamburg)
Emmanuel Droit (Sciences Po, Strasbourg)
The "Trente Glorieuses". The Success of the Notion
Thorsten Holzhauser (University of Mainz)
Rediscovering Capitalism from the Left. Trente Glorieuses and Welfare State Nostalgia in Reunited Germany
Coffee Break
Martin Deuerlein (University of Tübingen)
The Age of the Sovereign Nation State? How the „Long 1950s“ Shaped our View of the World
Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite (University College, London)
Narratives of Neoliberalism and Social Democracy in British History and Historiography
7.00 pm
(Chair: Martin Baumeister)
Paul-André Rosental (Sciences Po, Paris)
Revisiting the Trente Glorieuses? The Social Costs of Economic Growth in Postwar France
Dinner at the conference site
Thursday, 13 December 2018
10.00 am – 12.00 noon
Panel II: Technocracy and the State
(Chair: Lutz Klinkhammer)
Lars Döpking (HIS, Hamburg)
From Peasants to Italians. The Fiscal Construction of the Italian Trente Glorieuses
Anna Catharina Hofmann (Humboldt University Berlin)
Administrative Authoritarianism and Developmentalism. The Reinvention of the Franco Dictatorship since the 1950s
1.00 pm – 5.00 pm
Panel III: Europe, Democracy and the State
(Chair: Emmanuel Droit)
Till Kössler (University of Halle)
Europeanizing Authoritarian Rule and Society? Franco-Spain and the Trente Glorieuses (1950-1975)
Carlos Domper Lasús (LUISS ‘Guido Carli’ University, Rome)
What Democracy after Fascism? Francoism, the Estado Novo and the Fight for the Concept of Democracy in Europe, 1945-1957
Coffee Break
Clara Maier (HIS, Hamburg)
Legitimacy, Legality and the State - the Rechtsstaat in Germany and Spain
Alexandre Bibert (Sciences Po, Strasbourg)
Worker Participation in the Management of Companies as a Keyword of the Glorious Thirty
Friday, 14 December 2018
9.30 am – 11.00 am
Panel IV: Economic Planning and the Welfare State
(Chair: Wolfgang Knöbl)
Philipp Müller (HIS, Hamburg)
European Developmentalism? Modernizing Portugal During the Late Authoritarian Regime
Giovanni Bernadini (EUI Florence)
The Rise and Fall of Planning Policies in Western Europe during the ‘Trente glorieuses’
11.15 am
Final Discussion (tba)