The Journal of the History of Ideas is pleased to announce a new editorial team: Warren Breckman, Martin Burke, Anthony Grafton, and Ann Moyer. The journal has moved to a new home at the University of Pennsylvania and a new publisher, the University of Pennsylvania Press. Below we list the contents of our first 2006 issue as well as our new address and contact information, which can also be found at our new web address:
Editorial Statement: Since its inception in 1940, the Journal of the History of Ideas has served as a medium for the publication of research in intellectual history that is of common interest to scholars and students in a wide range of fields. It is committed to encouraging diversity in regional coverage, chronological range, and methodological approaches. The JHI defines intellectual history expansively and ecumenically, including the histories of philosophy, of literature and the arts, of the natural and social sciences, of religion, and of political thought. It also encourages scholarship at the intersections of cultural and intellectual history, for example the history of the book and of visual culture.
ANTHONY GRAFTON The History of Ideas: Precept and Practice, 1950-2000 and Beyond...1
ROBERT GOULDING Histories of Science in Early Modern Europe: Introduction...33
JAMES STEVEN BYRNE A Humanist History of Mathematics? Regiomontanus s Padua Oration in Context...41
ROBERT GOULDING Method and Mathematics: Peter Ramus s Histories of the Sciences...63
NICHOLAS POPPER Abraham, Planter of Mathematics : Histories of Science in Early Modern Europe...87
LAUREN KASSELL All was this land full fill d of faerie, or Magic and the Past in Early Modern England...107
DENNIS R. KLINCK Lord Nottingham and the Conscience of Equity...123
ELÍAS JOSÉ PALTI The Problem of Misplaced Ideas Revisited: Beyond the History of Ideas in Latin America...149
JOHN PATRICK DIGGINS Arthur O. Lovejoy and the Challenge of Intellectual History...181
Books Received...209