Die neue Ausgabe des German Historical Institute London Bulletin ist gerade erschienen und auf der Webseite des Instituts kostenlos einsehbar.
Forty Years of the GHIL
Andreas Gestrich, ‘The German Historical Institute London at Forty' 3
Interview with Lothar Kettenacker and Peter Alter 7
Richard Bessel, ‘The German Historical Institute London and British Research on German History’ 15
Andreas Fahrmeir, ‘The German Historical Institute London and German Research on British History’ 19
Lutz Raphael, ‘Life Cycle and Industrial Work: West German and British Patterns in Times of Globalization’ 23
Martin Sabrow, ‘A Myth of Unity? German Unification as a Challenge in Contemporary History' 46
Review Article
National Socialism, Islam, and the Middle East: Questioning Intellectual Continuities, Conceptual Stakes, and Methodology (Nils Riecken) 63
Book Reviews
Fiona J. Griffiths and Julie Hotchin (eds.), Partners in Spirit: Women, Men, and Religious Life in Germany, 1100–1500 (Hedwig Röckelein) 77
Kathryne Beebe, Pilgrim and Preacher: The Audiences and Observant Spirituality of Friar Felix Fabri (1437/8–1502) (Sabine von Heusinger) 82
Christina Brauner, Kompanien, Könige und caboceers: Interkulturelle Diplomatie an Gold- und Sklavenküste im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert (Helen Paul) 86
Anne Mariss, ‘A World of New Things’: Praktiken der Naturgeschichte bei Johann Reinhold Forster (Stefan Hanß) 91
Wolfram Siemann, Metternich: Stratege und Visionär. Eine Biografie (Tim Blanning) – 96 Tait Keller, Apostles of the Alps: Mountaineering and Nation Building in Germany and Austria, 1860–1939 (Laurence Cole) 101
Dominik Geppert and Frank Lorenz Müller (eds.)‚ Sites of Imperial Memory: Commemorating Colonial Rule in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (Jan C. Jansen) 105
Martin Böhm, Die Royal Air Force und der Luftkrieg 1922–1945: Personelle, kognitive und konzeptionelle Kontinuitäten und Entwicklungen (Alaric Searle) 110
Lauren Faulkner Rossi, Wehrmacht Priests: Catholicism and the Nazi War of Annihilation (Dagmar Pöpping) 115
Andreas W. Daum, Hartmut Lehmann, and James J. Sheehan (eds.), The Second Generation: Émigrés from Nazi Germany as Historians. With a Biobibliographic Guide (Birte Meinschien) 123
Conference Reports
Thirteenth Workshop on Early Modern German History (Hannah Briscoe and Rebecca Lott) 130
Cultures of Intelligence (Bernhard Sassmann and Tobias Schmitt) 135
The Contemporary History of Historiography: International Perspectives on the Making of Professional History (Amar Baadj) 141
Noticeboard 149
Library News
Recent Acquisitions 157