Comparative Southeast European Studies 69 (2021), 4

Titel der Ausgabe 
Comparative Southeast European Studies 69 (2021), 4

Berlin, Boston 2021: De Gruyter Oldenbourg
Open Access



Comparative Southeast European Studies
Sabine Rutar, Leibniz-Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung, Landshuter Straße 4, 93047 Regensburg, E-Mail:
Sabine Rutar, Leibniz-Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung, Regensburg

Comparative Southeast European Studies 69 (2021), 4, is published in open access. This is a multidisciplinary issue that starts with the contribution by Petru Negură, Lucia Gașper, and Mihai Potoroacă who analyze social cohesion and institutional trust in Moldova during the Covid-19 pandemic. Stelu Şerban then looks at the identity of Moldovian Csangos based on fieldwork in Eastern Romania. Irena Šentevska and Maroje Mrduljaš explore the history and memory of the tourism complex Haludovo on the Croatian island of Krk. Finally, Mehmet Bardakçı analyzes the Russo–Turkish international relations. In the open section, Silvana Mojsovska looks at the process of North Macedonia's integration with the European Union. The issue also features a book review section.


Petru Negură, Lucia Gașper and Mihai Potoroacă
Trust in Institutions, Social Solidarity, and the Perception of Social Cohesion in the Republic of Moldova in the Early Phase of the Covid-19 Pandemic
p. 453

Stelu Şerban
Whose Minority? The Resistant Identity of the Moldavian Csangos
p. 483

Irena Šentevska and Maroje Mrduljaš
Remembering Haludovo: The Penthouse Years and What Came Later
p. 507

Mehmet Bardakçı
Is a Strategic Partnership Between Turkey and Russia Feasible at the Expense of Turkey’s Relations with the EU and NATO?
p. 535

Policy Analysis

Silvana Mojsovska
North Macedonia: Politics versus Policy of EU Integration
p. 561

Book Reviews

Carl Bethke
Tibor Valuch, Die ungarische Gesellschaft im Wandel. Soziale Veränderungen in Ungarn 1989–2019
p. 575

Dimitri A. Sotiropoulos
Eltion Meka and Stefano Bianchini, eds, The Challenges of Democratization and Reconciliation in the Post-Yugoslav Space
p. 579

Karlo Basta
Vassilis Petsinis, National Identity in Serbia: The Vojvodina and a Multi-Ethnic Community in the Balkans
p. 585

Geert Luteijn
Elisa Satjukow, Die andere Seite der Intervention. Eine serbische Erfahrungsgeschichte der NATO-Bombardierung 1999
p. 589

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