Thursday 4th July
3.00-3.15 pm: Introduction
3.15-5.30 pm: Panel I: Women’s Development Work
Comment: Agnieszka Sobocinska (King’s College London)
- Jana Tschurenev (Free University Berlin), ‘Foundation Layers: Women Volunteers, the Welfare State, and Early Childhood Care and Education in India, 1945 to 1975.’
- Rosalind Parr (Glasgow Caledonian University), ‘Transnational family planning networks and development in India, Pakistan and Ceylon, 1950s-1960s.’
- Claudia Prinz (Humboldt University Berlin), ‘Women in health education: Mothers, teachers, consumers?’
5.30-6.00 pm: Coffee break
6.00-7.30 pm: Keynote
Adwoa Opong (Chapman University), All that is meant by citizenship: Women, social work, and development in Ghana, 1945–1970s.’
Friday 5th July
9.00-10.30 am: Panel II: Development Knowledge
Comment: Carolyn Taratko (ZZF Potsdam)
- Kirsten Kamphuis (University of Münster), ‘Discourses of Development and Women’s Roles in Indonesian Women’s magazines, 1920s-1960s.’
- Iris Schröder (University of Erfurt), ‘Gender, Voluntariness and Social Scientists’ Expertise in Postcolonial Ghana.’
10.30-10.45am: Coffee break
10.45am-1pm: Panel III: Development, Rights and Politics
Comment: Rosalind Parr (Glasgow Caledonian University)
- Maha Ali (Leiden University), ‘Framing Development as a Right: Asian Women at the United Nations.’
- Su Lin Lewis (University of Bristol), ‘The Politics of Development at Afro-Asian Women's Conferences.’
- Agnieszka Sobocinska (King’s College London), 'Illuminating the Implementation Gap: Gender, Resistance and International Development between Global North and Global South '
1.00-2.00 pm: Lunch break
2.00-3.30 pm: Panel IV: Rural and Urban Spaces
Comment: Jana Tschurenev (Free University Berlin)
- Maria Framke (University of Erfurt), 'Progress for women through volunteering? Development, transnational cooperation and gender in rural South Asia.’
- Claire Nicolas (University of Geneva), ‘Urban Migration, Social Development, and the Ghana Young Women’s Christian Association (1951-1961).’
3.30-4.00 pm: Summing up