The project Patchwork Parliaments studies the historical and social conditions of politics in a state made up of post-imperial tributary regions. We focus on constituent assemblies to understand the dynamic interrelationships between personal, regional and state factors in Poland, Greater Romania and The Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, three countries made from scraps of former empires. We will seek answers to questions about how different types of elites and regional groupings compete for power with the help of different resources, or capitals. Methodologically, the study builds on (1) parliamentary debates, (2) the political divisions and social contexts of politics, and (3) the biographies of MPs from different regions. The project leader is Wiktor Marzec, PhD. You can read more about the project here.
For additional information about the project and the position, please contact the project leader at wh.marzec@uw.edu.pl
- work in an international, interdisciplinary research team.
- a research-oriented position focused on high-quality scientific research and international publications
- office space, computer equipment, software needed for research and publications
- task-based working hours and the opportunity to work online
- opportunity to develop additional competencies related to publishing in the international academic circulation, project management and obtaining external funding
- opportunity to develop one's own research sub-project related to the overall theme
- opportunity for interdisciplinary intellectual development (project workshops, working seminars, reading group).
- a wide academic network (in Poland and abroad), mobility within the project (conferences, workshops)
- attractive remuneration (14000 PLN total gross gross cost allocated in the annual budget for the salary of this position i.e. about 8000-8500 PLN base salary gross according to the salary grid from Opus 23 projects, 13 salaries, state health insurance, pension dues and additional benefits).
- funding for research trips and conference presentations within the project.
- financial support for publication activities within the project (proofreading, OA).
- possibility of obtaining additional university funds for professional activities (workshops, collaborations, proofreading and editing of academic texts, publication of a book, etc.)
Institute of Social Studies is an interdisciplinary research oriented institution grouping sociologists, psychologists, economists and political scientists. More information about the institute at iss.uw.edu.pl
The University of Warsaw is the largest public research university in Poland, holding a leading position in national and international academic rankings. For more information about the UW: www.uw.edu.pl
The institute is located in Warsaw, a European capital with much to offer. More information at: warsawtour.pl
- Ph.D. degree in sociology, history, political sciences, regional studies, or related field (no older than 7 years)
- at least passive knowledge of Serbo-Croatian allowing for independent work with archival materials from the interwar period (written in Cyrillic alphabet). Proficiency in oral communication will be an added advantage
- outstanding academic track record, documented by publications in internationally recognized journals in English
- active participation in academic life manifested in conference participation record
- a very good command of English allowing for day-to-day team work and professional communication in speech and writing;
Additional assets:
- experience in working with archival materials and text/discourse analysis and/or biographical materials
- expertise in the political history of Yugoslavia up to 1939 and experience in research on elites (economic, political and intellectual) will be additional assets
- participating in team research, in particular:
- working on the prosopographical database of MPs in post-imperial parliaments.
- analytical work on parliamentary debates (the data corpus is already prepared).
- conducting one's own research related to the theme of the project
- building an international network
- publishing papers in journals with international reach
- strengthening the institute's brand and position in strategically defined areas
- participating in the organizational work of the team such as organizing workshops or conferences
- career development plan (describing your previous research, your ideas for study related with the project theme and other research plans)
- a copy of the PhD diploma (or a certificate of awarding the degree if the diploma is not ready)
- CV including track record and a list of publications
- additional forms and declarations specified in the pdf announcement
PROCEDURE: please follow the pdf link below to the full announcement (scroll down the file for English content) for additional eligibility criteria and the full list of required forms.
Applications should be sent by e-mail to: iss@uw.edu.pl
Candidates will be informed of the results of the competition by e-mail.
ANTICIPATED DATE OF EMPLOYMENT: APRIL 1, 2025 (possibly negotiable).