Volume 42, Number 4 (2003)
Environmental History: Nature at Work Brian Fay (1)
I. The Nature of Environmental History Observations on the Nature and Culture of Environmental History J. R. McNeill (5)
The Environmental Approach to Prehistoric Studies: Concepts and Theories Olena V. Smyntyna (44)
II. The Nature of “Nature” The Problematic Nature of Nature: The Post-constructivist Challenge to Environmental History Kristin Asdal (60)
Does Nature Always Matter? Following Dirt through History Ellen Stroud (75)
Nature and Technology in History Theodore R. Schatzki (82)
III. The Environment at Work Spaces of Consumption in Environmental History Matthew W. Klingle (94)
The Ultimate “Other”: Post-Colonialism and Alexander von Humboldt's Ecological Relationship with Nature Aaron Sachs (111)
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