Editorial J. H. D. Scourfield and J. G. F. Powell, pp. ix-xi
D. Hammer: The Iliad as Politics. The Performance of Political Thought Reviewed by Mark Buchan, pp. 275-276
J. S. Burgess: The Tradition of the Trojan War in Homer and the Epic Cycle Reviewed by Frederick T. Griffiths, pp. 276-278
C. Mülke: Solons politische Elegien und Iamben (Fr. 1-13; 32-37 West). Einleitung, Text, Übersetzung, Kommentar Reviewed by Douglas E. Gerber, pp. 278-279
A. Cavarzere, A. Aloni and A. Barchiesi, eds. Iambic Ideas. Essays on a Poetic Tradition from Archaic Greece to the Late Roman Empire Reviewed by Matthew Clark, pp. 279-281
N. Loraux: The Mourning Voice. An Essay on Greek Tragedy Reviewed by Richard Seaford, pp. 281-282
R. Rehm: The Play of Space. Spatial Transformation in Greek Tragedy Reviewed by Lowell Edmunds, pp. 282-284
E. Lefèvre: Die Unfähigkeit, sich zu erkennen. Sophokles' Tragödien Reviewed by Ruth Scodel, pp. 284-285
S. Mills: Euripides: Hippolytus Reviewed by E. M. Craik, pp. 285-286
A.-T. Cozzoli: Euripide: Cretesi. Introduzione, testimonianze, testo critico, traduzione e commento Reviewed by Donald J. Mastronarde, pp. 287-288
R. Krumeich, N. Pechstein and B. Seidensticker, eds. Das griechische Satyrspiel Reviewed by Ian Ruffell, pp. 288-290
M. C. Torchio, ed. Aristofane: Pluto Reviewed by Ralph M. Rosen, pp. 290-291
N. W. Slater: Spectator Politics. Metatheatre and Performance in Aristophanes Reviewed by A. M. Bowie, pp. 292-293
S. Consigny: Gorgias, Sophist and Artist Reviewed by Dee L. Clayman, pp. 293-295
E. I. McQueen, ed. Herodotus Book VI Reviewed by Roger Brock, pp. 295-296
N. Denyer, ed. Plato: Alcibiades Reviewed by G. R. F. Ferrari, pp. 296-298
R. Weiss: Virtue in the Cave. Moral Inquiry in Plato's Meno Reviewed by Mary Louise Gill, pp. 299-301
I. Hajdú: Kommentar zur 4. Philippischen Rede des Demosthenes Reviewed by Douglas M. Macdowell, pp. 301-302
C. A. Gibson: Interpreting a Classic. Demosthenes and his Ancient Commentators Reviewed by Douglas M. Macdowell, pp. 303-304
S. Benardete and M. Davis, eds. Aristotle on Poetics Reviewed by Stephen Halliwell, pp. 304-305
A. Falcon: Corpi e movimenti. Il De caelo di Aristotele e la sua fortuna nel mondo antico Reviewed by Anita Ljubic, pp. 305-307
C. Luna: Trois études sur la tradition des commentaires anciens à la Métaphysique d'Aristote Reviewed by R. W. Sharples, pp. 307-308
M. Winiarczyk: Euhemeros von Messene. Leben, Werk und Nachwirkung Reviewed by Benjamin Garstad, pp. 309-311
K. Spanoudakis: Philitas of Cos Reviewed by N. Hopkinson, pp. 311-312
A. Coppola: Il re, il barbaro, il tiranno. Poesia e ideologia in età ellenistica Reviewed by Silvia Barbantani, pp. 312-313
C. D. N. Costa: Greek Fictional Letters Reviewed by M. D. Usher, pp. 313-314
C. Brittain: Philo of Larissa. The Last of the Academic Sceptics Reviewed by A. A. Long, pp. 314-316
F. Sbordone: Strabonis Geographica. Vol. III: Libri VII-IX Reviewed by Kai Brodersen, pp. 316-318
P. Goukowsky: Appien: Histoire romaine. Tome iv, livre viii. Le livre africain (Collection des Universités de France publiée sous le patronage de l'Association Guillaume Budé) Reviewed by John Richardson, pp. 318-319
P. Goukowsky: Appien: Histoire romaine. Tome vii, livre xii. La guerre de Mithridate (Collection des Universités de France publiée sous le patronage de l'Association Guillaume Budé) Reviewed by Brian McGing, pp. 319-321
J. Boulogne: Plutarque: Oeuvres morales IV (Collection des Universités de France publiée sous le patronage de l'Association Guillaume Budé) Reviewed by Christopher P. Jones, pp. 321-323
I. Männlein-Robert: Longin: Philologe und Philosoph. Eine Interpretation der erhaltenen Zeugnisse Reviewed by Heinz-Günther Nesselrath, pp. 323-326
A. Bailey: Sextus Empiricus and Pyrrhonean Scepticism Reviewed by Charles Brittain, pp. 326-328
S. Goldhill, ed. Being Greek under Rome. Cultural Identity, the Second Sophistic and the Development of Empire Reviewed by G. W. Bowersock, pp. 329-331
B. Meissner: Die technologische Fachliteratur der Antike. Struktur, Überlieferung und Wirkung technischen Wissens in der Antike (ca. 400 v. Chr.-ca. 500 n. Chr.) Reviewed by Michael D. Reeve, pp. 331-334
P. J. van der Eijk: Diocles of Carystus. A Collection of the Fragments with Translation and Commentary. Volume One: Text and Translation Reviewed by C. F. Salazar, pp. 334-337
P. J. van der Eijk: Diocles of Carystus. A Collection of the Fragments with Translation and Commentary. Volume Two: Commentary Reviewed by C. F. Salazar, pp. 334-337
C. Otte: Galen: De plenitudine Reviewed by C. F. Salazar, pp. 337-338
P. Burguière, D. Gourevitch and Y. Malinas: Soranos d'Ephèse: Maladies des femmes. Tome IV, livre 4 Reviewed by Helen King, pp. 338-339
A. Debru and N. Palmieri, eds. Docente natura. Mélanges de médecine ancienne et médiévale offerts à Guy Sabbah Reviewed by C. F. Salazar, pp. 339-340
C. Walde: Die Traumdarstellungen in der griechisch-römischen Dichtung Reviewed by Gregor Weber, pp. 341-344
A. Karenberg and C. Leitz, eds. Heilkunde und Hochkultur 1. Geburt, Seuche und Traumdeutungen in den antiken Zivilisationen des Mittelmeerraumes Reviewed by Gregor Weber, pp. 341-344
D. R. Shackleton Bailey, ed. Cicero: Letters to Friends, Volume 2 Reviewed by C. E. W. Steel, pp. 344-346
D. R. Shackleton Bailey, ed. Cicero: Letters to Friends, Volume 1 Reviewed by C. E. W. Steel, pp. 344-346
D. R. Shackleton Bailey, ed. Cicero: Letters to Quintus and Brutus, To Octavian, Invectives, Handbook of Electioneering Reviewed by C. E. W. Steel, pp. 344-346
D. R. Shackleton Bailey, ed. Cicero: Letters to Friends, Volume 3 Reviewed by C. E. W. Steel, pp. 344-346
S. Butler: The Hand of Cicero Reviewed by Ellen O'Gorman, pp. 346-347
F. Lillo Redonet: Palabras contra el dolor. La consolacion filosofica latina de Ciceron a Fronton Reviewed by Paul Carranza, pp. 347-348
M. Morford: The Roman Philosophers from the Time of Cato the Censor to the Death of Marcus Aurelius Reviewed by Gretchen J. Reydams-Schils, pp. 349-350
K. Volk: The Poetics of Latin Didactic: Lucretius, Vergil, Ovid, Manilius Reviewed by Andrea Cucchiarelli, pp. 350-352
D. F. Kennedy: Rethinking Reality. Lucretius and the Textualization of Nature Reviewed by Gordon Campbell, pp. 352-354
P. Claes: Concatenatio Catulliana: A New Reading of the Carmina Reviewed by Niklas Holzberg, pp. 354-355
E. S. Schmidt, ed. L'histoire littéraire immanente dans la poésie latine Reviewed by Philip Hardie, pp. 355-357
D. S. Levene and D. P. Nelis, eds. Clio and the Poets. Augustan Poetry & the Traditions of Ancient Historiography Reviewed by Sander M. Goldberg, pp. 357-358
L. Cadili: Viamque adfectat Olympo. Memoria ellenistica nelle 'Georgiche` di Virgilio Reviewed by Yumna Khan, pp. 359-360
J. D. McClatchy, ed. Horace: The Odes Reviewed by Alistair Elliot, pp. 360-361
J.-E. Bernard: Le portrait chez Tite-Live. Essai sur une écriture de l'histoire romaine Reviewed by Christina S. Kraus, pp. 361-363
F. Boldrer: L'elegia di Vertumno (Properzio 4.2) Reviewed by Frances Muecke, pp. 363-365
R. M. Lucifora: Voci politiche in Properzio 'erotico`. Ideologia e progetto elegiaco in II, 16 e III, 11 Reviewed by Frances Muecke, pp. 363-365
B. W. Boyd, ed. Brill's Companion to Ovid Reviewed by Steven J. Green, pp. 365-367
E. Malaspina: L. Annaei Senecae De clementia libri duo Reviewed by David Konstan, pp. 367-369
J. G. Fitch, ed. Seneca VIII: Tragedies I: Hercules, Trojan Women, Phoenician Women, Medea, Phaedra Reviewed by C. D. N. Costa, pp. 369-370
G. Guastella: L'ira e l'onore. Forme della vendetta nel teatro senecano e nella sua tradizione Reviewed by Roland Mayer, pp. 370-372
E. Courtney: A Companion to Petronius Reviewed by Costas Panayotakis, pp. 372-374
D. A. Russell, ed. Quintilian: The Orator's Education, Books 1-2 Reviewed by Peter Mack, pp. 374-376
D. A. Russell, ed. Quintilian: The Orator's Education, Books 11-12 Reviewed by Peter Mack, pp. 374-376
D. A. Russell, ed. Quintilian: The Orator's Education, Books 9-10 Reviewed by Peter Mack, pp. 374-376
D. A. Russell, ed. Quintilian: The Orator's Education, Books 6-8 Reviewed by Peter Mack, pp. 374-376
D. A. Russell, ed. Quintilian: The Orator's Education, Books 3-5 Reviewed by Peter Mack, pp. 374-376
G. G. Vioque: Martial, Book VII. A Commentary Reviewed by Patricia Watson, pp. 376-377
B. Jones and R. Milns: Suetonius: The Flavian Emperors. A Historical Commentary Reviewed by Arthur J. Pomeroy, pp. 378-379
D. K. van Mal-Maeder: Apuleius Madaurensis: Metamorphoses, Livre II Reviewed by Ellen Finkelpearl, pp. 379-381
M. Zimmerman: Apuleius Madaurensis: Metamorphoses, Book X. Text, Introduction and Commentary Reviewed by Anton Bitel, pp. 381-383
P. Dräger: Ausonius: Mosella Reviewed by Roger Green, pp. 383-384
N. M. Kay: Ausonius: Epigrams Reviewed by Roger Green, pp. 384-385
C. Cignolo, ed. Terentianus Maurus: De litteris, de syllabis, de metris Reviewed by Jan-Wilhelm Beck, pp. 385-388
D. Amherdt: Sidoine Apollinaire: Le quatrième livre de la correspondance Reviewed by Roger Green, pp. 388-389
D. Rohrbacher: The Historians of Late Antiquity Reviewed by Michael Whitby, pp. 389-391
S. A. H. Kennell: Magnus Felix Ennodius: A Gentleman of the Church Reviewed by Danuta Shanzer, pp. 391-394
B. Croke: Count Marcellinus and his Chronicle Reviewed by Mary Whitby, pp. 394-395
W. Adler and P. Tuffin: The Chronology of George Synkellos. A Byzantine Chronicle of Universal History from the Creation. Translated with an Introduction and Notes Reviewed by Michael Whitby, pp. 396-397
S. Hodkinson: Property and Wealth in Classical Sparta Reviewed by Graham Shipley, pp. 397-400
P. Siewert, ed. Ostrakismos-Testimonien I. Die Zeugnisse antiker Autoren, der Inschriften und Ostraka über das athenische Scherbengericht aus vorhellenistischer Zeit (487-322 v. Chr.) Reviewed by David Whitehead, pp. 400-402
T. Morawetz: Der Demos als Tyrann und Banause. Aspekte antidemokratischer Polemik im Athen des 5. und 4. Jahrhunderts v. Chr Reviewed by Roger Brock, pp. 402-403
R. E. Gaebel: Cavalry Operations in the Ancient Greek World Reviewed by Peter Hunt, pp. 403-405
I. Malkin: Ancient Perceptions of Greek Ethnicity Reviewed by Christopher Smith, pp. 405-407
W. Huss: Ägypten in hellenistischer Zeit 332-30 BC Reviewed by Dorothy J. Thompson, pp. 407-409
E. Herring and K. Lomas, eds. The Emergence of State Identities in Italy in the First Millennium BC Reviewed by Christopher Smith, pp. 409-411
G. Bradley: Ancient Umbria. State, Culture, and Identity in Central Italy from the Iron Age to the Augustan Era Reviewed by Alison E. Cooley, pp. 411-412
R. Laurence: The Roads of Roman Italy. Mobility and Cultural Change Reviewed by Stephen L. Dyson, pp. 412-414
M. Lovano: The Age of Cinna: Crucible of Late Republican Rome Reviewed by Shane Butler, pp. 414-415
B. Campbell: War and Society in Imperial Rome 31 BC-AD 284 Reviewed by Richard Alston, pp. 416-417
M. H. Dettenhofer: Herrschaft und Widerstand im augusteischen Principat. Die Konkurrenz zwischen res publica und domus Augusta Reviewed by Gregory S. Bucher, pp. 417-419
J. L. Franklin Jr: Pompeis difficile est. Studies in the Political Life of Imperial Pompeii Reviewed by Alison E. Cooley, pp. 419-421
J. Evans Grubbs: Women and Law in the Roman Empire. A Sourcebook on Marriage, Divorce and Widowhood Reviewed by Jill Harries, pp. 421-423
P. Setälä, R. Berg, R. Hälikkä, M. Keltanen, J. Pölönen and V. Vuolanto: Women, Wealth and Power in the Roman Empire Reviewed by Susan Treggiari, pp. 423-424
T. S. Vigorita: Casta domus. Un seminario sulla legislazione augustea, 2nd edn Reviewed by Lisa A. Hughes, pp. 425-426
I. Gradel: Emperor Worship and Roman Religion Reviewed by Olivier Hekster, pp. 426-428
B. Olsen, D. Mitternacht and O. Brandt, eds. The Synagogue of Ancient Ostia and the Jews of Rome. Interdisciplinary Studies Reviewed by David Noy, pp. 428-429
O. Stoll: Zwischen Integration and Abgrenzung. Die Religion des römischen Heeres im Nahen Osten Reviewed by Michael M. Sage, pp. 429-431
N. Pollard: Soldiers, Cities, and Civilians in Roman Syria Reviewed by Harry Sidebottom, pp. 431-433
U. Hartmann: Das palmyrenische Teilreich Reviewed by David Potter, pp. 433-435
R. Van Dam: Kingdom of Snow. Roman Rule and Greek Culture in Cappadocia Reviewed by Anna M. Silvas, pp. 435-436
A. Nünnerich Asmus: Heiligtümer und Romanisierung auf der iberischen Halbinsel. Überlegungen zu Religion und kultureller Identität Reviewed by Simon Keay, pp. 436-437
F. Colin: Les peuples libyens de la Cyrenaïque à l'Egypte. D'après les sources de l'Antiquité classique Reviewed by F. E. Romer, pp. 437-438
L. Wierschowski: Fremde in Gallien-'Gallier` in der Fremde. Die epigraphisch bezeugte Mobilität in, von und nach Gallien vom 1. bis 3. Jh. n. Chr Reviewed by J. F. Drinkwater, pp. 439-440
M. R. Salzman: The Making of a Christian Aristocracy. Social and Religious Change in the Western Roman Empire Reviewed by Gillian Clark, pp. 440-442
J. Banaji: Agrarian Change in Late Antiquity: Gold, Labour, and Aristocratic Dominance Reviewed by Michael Whitby, pp. 442-444
S. Kingsley and M. Decker, eds. Economy and Exchange in the East Mediterranean during Late Antiquity. Proceedings of a Conference at Somerville College, Oxford, 29 May 1999 Reviewed by Michael Whitby, pp. 442-444
G. P. Brogiolo, N. Gauthier and N. Christie, eds. Towns and their Territories between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages Reviewed by Tamara Lewit, pp. 444-446
Y. Hamilakis: Labyrinth Revisited. Rethinking 'Minoan` Archaeology Reviewed by Nicoletta Momigliano, pp. 446-448
M. Cultraro: L'anello di Minosse. Archeologia della regalità nell'egeo minoico Reviewed by Nicoletta Momigliano, pp. 448-449
J. M. Camp: The Archaeology of Athens Reviewed by Paul D. Scotton, pp. 449-450
S. Lewis: The Athenian Woman. An Iconographic Handbook Reviewed by David Cohen, pp. 450-452
G. Hedreen: Capturing Troy. The Narrative Functions of Landscape in Archaic and Early Classical Greek Art Reviewed by Elizabeth Moignard, pp. 452-454
D. Knoepfler: Eretria fouilles et recherches XI. Décrets érétriens de proxénie et de citoyenneté Reviewed by G. J. Oliver, pp. 454-458
M. Buonocore: L'Abruzzo e il Molise in età romana tra storia e epigrafia Reviewed by M. H. Crawford, pp. 458-460
C. Nicolet, R. Ilbert and J. C. Depaule, eds. Mégapoles méditerranéennes. Géographie urbaine rétrospective Reviewed by Ray Laurence, pp. 460-462
F. Feraudi-Gruénais: Ubi diutius nobis habitandum est. Die Innendekoration der kaiserzeitlichen Gräber Roms Reviewed by David Noy, pp. 462-463
G.-J. Pinault, ed. Musique et poésie dans l'Antiquité Reviewed by William A. Johnson, pp. 463-464
T. Aigner, B. Mauritsch-Bein and W. Petermandl: Laufen: Texte, Übersetzungen, Kommentar Reviewed by Nigel B. Crowther, pp. 464-465
R. Campagner: Lessico agonistico di Aristofane Reviewed by Antonis Tsakmakis, pp. 465-467
T. F. Scanlon: Eros and Greek Athletics Reviewed by Christian Mann, pp. 467-468
C. A. Williams: Roman Homosexuality. Ideologies of Masculinity in Classical Antiquity Reviewed by Alastair Blanshard, pp. 468-470
G. Cajani and D. Lanza, eds. L'antico degli antichi Reviewed by James I. Porter, pp. 470-472
W. Geerlings and C. Schulze, eds. Der Kommentar in Antike und Mittelalter. Beiträge zu seiner Erforschung Reviewed by Ineke Sluiter, pp. 472-474
M. Skoie: Reading Sulpicia. Commentaries 1475-1990 Reviewed by M. Jane Borelli, pp. 474-476
H. B. Evans: Aqueduct Hunting in the Seventeenth Century. Raffaello Fabretti's De aquis et aquaeductibus veteris Romae Reviewed by A. Trevor Hodge, pp. 476-478
C. Winterer: The Culture of Classicism. Ancient Greece and Rome in American Intellectual Life 1780-1910 Reviewed by Alexandra Lianeri, pp. 478-479
S. Rebenich: Theodor Mommsen. Eine Biographie Reviewed by Stephan Heilen, pp. 479-481
K. Lapatin: Mysteries of the Snake Goddess. Art, Desire, and the Forging of History Reviewed by Emma J. Stafford, pp. 481-482
J. Helldén, M. S. Jensen and T. Pettitt, eds. Inclinate aurem. Oral Perspectives on Early European Verbal Culture. A Symposium Reviewed by Olga Levaniouk, pp. 483-484
J. Barsby, ed. Greek and Roman Drama: Translation and Performance Reviewed by J. Michael Walton, pp. 484-485
A. Rodighiero: La parola, la morte, l'eroe. Aspetti di poetica sofoclea Reviewed by E. Lefèvre, pp. 485-486
K. H. Rengstorf, ed. A Complete Concordance to Flavius Josephus. Study Edition. Volume I: A-K. Volume II:[Lgr]-[OHgr], including Supplement I: Namenwörterbuch zu Flavius Josephus von A. Schalit Reviewed by David Noy, p. 486
R. Merkelbach and J. Stauber: Steinepigramme aus dem griechischen Osten. Band 3. Der 'Ferne Osten` und das Landesinnere bis zum Tauros Reviewed by Hugh Elton, pp. 486-487
M. Haffner: Das Florilegium des Orion. Mit einer Einleitung herausgegeben, übersetzt und kommentiert Reviewed by James Diggle, pp. 487-488
D. R. Slavitt, ed. Propertius in Love: The Elegies Reviewed by J. L. Butrica, p. 488
P. A. Miller, ed. Latin Erotic Elegy: An Anthology and Reader Reviewed by Alison Sharrock, p. 489
P. Dräger, ed. D. Magnus Ausonius: Mosella, Bissula, Briefwechsel mit Paulinus Nolanus (Sammlung Tusculum) Reviewed by Roger Green, pp. 489-490
A. Perutelli: Frustula poetarum. Contributi ai poeti latini in frammenti Reviewed by E. Courtney, p. 490
I. Andorlini, G. Bastianini, M. Manfredi and G. Menci, eds. Atti del XXII Congresso Internazionale di Papirologia, Firenze, 23-29 Agosto 1998. Vols I, II and III Reviewed by N. Gonis, pp. 490-491
G. Wagner, ed. Les ostraca grecs de Douch. Fascicule V (506-639) Reviewed by N. Gonis, pp. 491-492
P. Jackson: Verbis pingendis. Contributions to the Study of Ritual Speech and Mythopoieia Reviewed by James Clackson, p. 492
C. Furrer-Pilliod: Horoi kai hypographai. Collections alphabétiques de définitions profanes et sacrées Reviewed by Caroline Macé, pp. 492-494
S. Ihm: Clavis commentariorum der antiken medizinischen Texte Reviewed by Christine F. Salazar, p. 494
D. Ridgway, F. Serra-Ridgway, M. Pearce, E. Herring, R. D. Whitehouse and J. B. Wilkins, eds. Ancient Italy in its Mediterranean Setting. Studies in Honour of Ellen Macnamara Reviewed by Alison E. Cooley, pp. 494-495
D. Ridgway: The World of the Early Etruscans. Göteborgs Universitet: The Félix Neubergh Lecture, 2000 Reviewed by Christopher Smith, p. 495
P. Southern: Pompey the Great Reviewed by Arthur Keaveney, pp. 495-496
P. Baldassari: sebastoi soteri. Edilizia monumentale ad Atene durante il Saeculum Augustum Reviewed by Zahra Newby, p. 496
R. B. Jackson: At Empire's Edge. Exploring Rome's Egyptian Frontier Reviewed by Michael Whitby, p. 497
M. Bentz: Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Deutschland, Band 1. Vasenforschung und Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum-Standortbestimmung und Perspektiven Reviewed by Elizabeth Moignard, pp. 497-498
P. Valavanis: Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Greece, Fasc. 7. Marathon Museum Reviewed by Elizabeth Moignard, pp. 497-498
A. S. Christensen: Cassiodorus, Jordanes and the History of the Goths. Studies in a Migration Myth Reviewed by Michael Whitby, p. 498
N. Morley: Writing Ancient History Reviewed by David Potter, pp. 498-499
J. Toner: Rethinking Roman History Reviewed by T. P. Wiseman, pp. 499-500
Books Received pp. 501-515
I General Index pp. 517-527 II Index Locorum pp. 528-529