Band 39 (2004), Heft 1
1. 'A Unique Fusion of the Natural and the Man-made': The Trajectory of Swiss Nationalism, 1933-39 / Oliver Zimmer. - S.5-24
2. East Germans and the Berlin Wall: Popular Opinion and Social Change before and after the Border Closure of August 1961 / Corey Ross. - S.25-44
3. The Pen as Sword: George Orwell, H.G. Wells and Journalistic Parricide / John S. Partington. - S.45-56
4. Lord Curzon and the Appointment of Lord D'Abernon as Ambassador to Berlin in 1920 / Gaynor Johnson. - S.57-70
5. The Antisemitism of the Eighth Duke of Northumberland's the Patriot, 1922-1930 / Markku Ruotsila. - S.71-92
6. Revision, Revisionism and Rehabilitation, 1959-1999: The American Century, ModernStarts and Cultural Memory / Francis Frascina. - S.93-116
7. Anglo-American Relations from World War to Cold War / Nigel Ashton. - S.117-126
8. Christian Democracy in Twentieth-century Europe / Wolfram Kaiser. - S.127-136
9. Fashioning Identities: Gender, Class and the Self / Christine Boydell. - S.137-146
10. Film Studies and the Turn to History / Andrew Spicer. - S.147-156
11. Abstracts S.157