Classical Quarterly 54 (2004), 1

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Classical Quarterly 54 (2004), 1
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Classical Quarterly (CQ)
United Kingdom
Classical Quarterly Classical Association Senate House Malet Street London, WC1E 7HU UK
Udo Hartmann


The Classical Quarterly, Vol. 54, No. 1, 2004

Table of Contents

Frölich's table of Homeric wounds, K. B. Saunders, pp. 1-17

Asclepius and the legacy of Thessaly, Emma Aston, pp. 18-32

Draft evasion onstage and offstage in classical Athens, Matthew R. Christ, pp. 33-57

Idealized schole and disdain for work: aspects of philosophy and politics in ancient democracy, V. I. Anastasiadis, pp. 58-79

Fathers and sons in Plato's Republic and Philebus, M. F. Burnyeat, pp. 80-87

Reversing the myth of the Politicus, Gabriela Roxana Carone, pp. 88-108

A note on Plato Politicus 285d9-286b1, D. F. Bates, pp. 109-116

A haruspicy joke in Plautus, Ariana Traill, pp. 117-127

The composition and circulation of Cicero's In Verrem, Thomas D. Frazel, pp. 128-142

Cicero and Quintilian on the oratorical use of hand gestures Jon Hall, pp. 143-160

Did Julius Caesar temporarily banish Mark Antony from his inner circle? John T. Ramsey, pp. 161-173

Octavian's arrival in Rome, 44 b.c., Mark Toher, pp. 174-184

Masculinity and femininity in the Laudatio Turiae, Emily A. Hemelrijk, pp. 185-197

The end of the Rhine mutiny in Tacitus, Suetonius, and Dio, S. J. V. Malloch, pp. 198-210

Omnia vincit amor: why the Remedia fail, Laurel Fulkerson, pp. 211-223

Playing with marble: the monuments of the Caesars in Ovid's Fasti, Steven J. Green, pp. 224-239

Textual notes on Hercules Oetaeus and on Seneca's Agamemnon and Thyestes, John G. Fitch, pp. 240-254

Martial's fiction: Domitius Marsus and Maecenas, Shannon N. Byrne, pp. 255-265

A speech of the Emperor Hadrian, Christopher P. Jones, pp. 266-273

Shorter Notes

Medea 1250: dystyches d'ego gyne, Howard Jacobson, p. 274

Menis and Pelex. Protagoras on solecism, Julia Lougovaya and Rodney Ast, pp. 274-277

Aristotle on sperm competition in birds, Roger Brock, pp. 277-278

A pun in Antiphanes (fr. 225 K-A = Ath. 60C-D), Matthew Leigh, pp. 278-283

Some notes on methistemi in the inscription from Troizen, Mikael Johansson, pp. 283-285

Cyclopea: Philoxenus, Theocritus, Callimachus, Bion, J. H. Hordern, pp. 285-292

What did he do? Clearchus on Philoxenus (Ap. Ath. 1.5f-6a = Clearch. fr. 57 Wehrli), Krystyna Bartol, pp. 292-296

Ferimus, Nigel Holmes, pp. 296-297

Lucretius 5.1105-7, Martin Ferguson Smith, pp. 298-299

Aeneid 1.567-8, Howard Jacobson, pp. 299-300

The wolf and the dog (Horace, Sermones 2.2.64), L. B. T. Houghton, pp. 300-304

On the number of books in Ovid's Metamorphoses, Elena Merli, pp. 304-307

The Elder Seneca, Controversiae 2.1.1: sub domino sectore, John T. Ramsey, pp. 307-310

Seneca, Epistulae Morales 12.5: rulers and roofs, Howard Jacobson, p. 311

A note on Seneca, Quaestiones Naturales 6.1.5, Nigel Holmes, pp. 311-312

The star signs at Brundisium: astral symbolism in Lucan 2.691-2, Francisco Barrenechea, pp. 312-317

Peregrinus in Armenia, Kent J. Rigsby, pp. 317-318

The ending of Apuleius' Metamorphoses, P. Murgatroyd, pp. 319-321

Sophroniscus' son is approaching: Porphyry, Isagoge 7.20-1, Francesco Ademollo, pp. 322-325

The Constantinian origin of Justina (Themistius, Or. 3.43b), D. Woods, pp. 325-327

Julian's bull coinage: Kent revisited, Shaun Tougher, pp. 327-330

Anth. Lat. 36 De Euryalo: a sole surviving solace?, T. J. Leary, pp. 330-331

Erratum, p. 331


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