European governments and the infrastructure industries, c.1840–1914 ROBERT MILLWARD, pp 3-28
Skilled and unskilled wage differentials and economic integration, 1870–1930 CONCHA BETRÁN, MARIA A. PONS, pp 29-60
A Norwegian consumer price index 1819–1913 in a Scandinavian perspective OLA H. GRYTTEN, pp 61-79
Path dependence, time lags and the birth of globalisation: A critique of O'Rourke and Williamson DENNIS O. FLYNN, ARTURO GIRÁLDEZ, pp 81-108
Once more: When did globalisation begin? KEVIN H. O'ROURKE, JEFFREY G. WILLIAMSON, pp 109-117
Berliner Colloquium zur quantitativen Wirtschafts-und Sozialgeschichte, pp 119-120
The European Historical Economics Society, pp 121-121