Managing the Research University: Clark Kerr and the University of California Mary Soo, Cathryn Carson, pp. 215-236
In Search of ‘Mode 2’: the Nature of Knowledge Production in Norway Magnus Gulbrandsen, Liv Langfeldt, pp. 237-250
The Idea of ‘Basic Research’ in Language and Practice Jane Calvert, pp. 251-268
Religion in the University: Authority, Faith, and Learning W.C. Lubenow, pp. 269-284
Science and Social Responsibility Lawrence Badash, pp. 285-298
Tertiary Education and Research in New Zealand Brian Opie, pp. 299-308
More Variations than Theme: The Sovietization of Eastern European Universities Laurie Koloski, pp. 309-314
Britain and the H-Bomb Philip Gissing, pp. 315-319