Editorial J. H. D. Scourfield and J. G. F. Powell, pp. 271-273
P. A. Draper, ed. Homer: Iliad, Book 1 Reviewed by Michael Chappell, pp. 275-276
J. Watson, ed. Homer: Odyssey VI and VII Reviewed by Michael Chappell, pp. 275-276
D. F. Wilson: Ransom, Revenge, and Heroic Identity in the Iliad Reviewed by Johannes Haubold, pp. 277-278
F. Montanari, ed. Omero tremila anni dopo. Atti del Congresso di Genova 6-8 luglio 2000. Con la collaborazione di P. Ascheri Reviewed by Maureen Alden, pp. 278-281
H. M. Roisman, J. Roisman, ed. Essays on Homeric Epic Reviewed by Bruce Heiden, pp. 281-282
M. L. West, ed. Greek Epic Fragments. From the Seventh to the Fifth Centuries B.C. Reviewed by R. Janko, pp. 283-286
M. L. West, ed. Homeric Hymns. Homeric Apocrypha. Lives of Homer Reviewed by R. Janko, pp. 283-286
A. Suter: The Narcissus and the Pomegranate. An Archaeology of the Homeric Hymn to Demeter Reviewed by Andrew Faulkner, pp. 286-288
D. L. Couprie, R. Hahn, G. Naddaf: Anaximander in Context. New Studies in the Origins of Greek Philosophy Reviewed by Catherine Osborne, pp. 288-289
A. Laks, C. Louguet, ed. Qu'est-ce que la Philosophie Présocratique? What is Presocratic Philosophy? Reviewed by Malcolm Schofield, pp. 289-291
A. Preus, ed. Before Plato. Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy VI Reviewed by D. N. R. EvansJr, pp. 291-292
M. T. Ghidini, A. S. Marino, A. Visconti, ed. Tra Orfeo e Pitagora. Origini e incontri di culture nell' Antichità. Atti dei Seminari Napoletani 1996-1998 Reviewed by M. R. Wright, pp. 292-294
L. A. Graumann: Die Krankengeschichten der Epidemienbücher des Corpus Hippocraticum. Medizinhistorische Bedeutung und Möglichkeiten der retrospektiven Diagnose Reviewed by Christine F. Salazar, pp. 294-295
J. Lambin: The Art is Long Reviewed by Ferdinand Peter Moog, pp. 295-297
G. Lambin: Anacréon. Fragments et imitations Reviewed by Bonnie MacLachlan, pp. 297-299
B. Gentili, C. Prato, ed. Poetae elegiaci. Testimonia et fragmenta. Pars altera. Editio altera novis Simonidis fragmentis aucta Reviewed by M. L. West, pp. 299-300
H. Mackie: Graceful Errors. Pindar and the Performance of Praise Reviewed by Douglas E. Gerber, pp. 300-301
A. H. Sommerstein, ed. Shards from Kolonos: Studies in Sophoclean Fragments Reviewed by Matthew Wright, pp. 301-303
A. Harder, R. Regtuit, P. Stork, G. Wakker, ed. 'Noch einmal zu ...` Kleine Schriften von Stefan Radt zu seinem 75. Geburtstag Reviewed by James Diggle, pp. 303-305
D. Kovacs, ed. Euripides VI: Bacchae, Iphigenia at Aulis, Rhesus Reviewed by Ruth Scodel, pp. 305-306
D. Kovacs: Euripidea Tertia Reviewed by Robert Renehan, pp. 306-307
K. Zacharia: Converging Truths. Euripides' Ion and the Athenian Quest for Self-Definition Reviewed by Luigi Battezzato, pp. 308-309
M. Gagarin: Antiphon the Athenian. Oratory, Law, and Justice in the Age of the Sophists Reviewed by Danielle Allen, pp. 310-312
A. Hourcade: Antiphon d'Athènes. Une pensée de l'individu Reviewed by Danielle Allen, pp. 310-312
D. Hamel: Trying Neaira. The True Story of a Courtesan's Scandalous Life in Ancient Greece Reviewed by Cynthia Patterson, pp. 312-314
B. Mitchell, J. R. Lucas: An Engagement with Plato's Republic. A Companion to the Republic Reviewed by David Roochnik, pp. 314-315
M. R. Wright, ed. Reason and Necessity. Essays on Plato's Timaeus Reviewed by Christopher Rowe, pp. 316-317
G. J. Reydams-Schils, ed. Plato's Timaeus as Cultural Icon Reviewed by Samuel Scolnicov, pp. 317-320
M. Janka, C. Schäfer, ed. Platon als Mythologe. Neue Interpretationen zu den Mythen in Platons Dialogen Reviewed by Luc Brisson, pp. 320-322
T. M. Robinson, L. Brisson, ed. Plato: Euthydemus, Lysis, Charmides. Proceedings of the V Symposium Platonicum Reviewed by M. R. Wright, pp. 322-324
C. Nadon: Xenophon's Price. Republic and Empire in the Cyropaedia Reviewed by Christopher Tuplin, pp. 324-326
R. Lengen: Form und Funktion der aristotelischen Pragmatie Reviewed by Philip Van Der Eijk, pp. 326-327
T. W. Smith: Revaluing Ethics. Aristotle's Dialectical Pedagogy Reviewed by Aristide Tessitore, pp. 327-329
R. A. H. King: Aristotle on Life and Death Reviewed by George Karamanolis, pp. 329-331
R. Mariss: Alkidamas: Über diejenigen, die schriftliche Reden schreiben, oder Über die Sophisten. Eine Sophistenrede aus dem 4. Jahrhundert v. Chr. eingeleitet und kommentiert Reviewed by David C. Mirhady, pp. 331-333
J. Warren: Epicurus and Democritean Ethics. An Archaeology of Ataraxia Reviewed by David Sider, pp. 333-335
M. B. Trapp, ed. Greek and Latin Letters. An Anthology with Translation Reviewed by C. D. N. Costa, pp. 335-337
C. M. Taisbak: [Delta]E[Delta]OMENA. Euclid's Data, or The Importance of Being Given. The Greek Text Translated and Explained Reviewed by Reviel Netz, pp. 337-338
M. Casevitz, D. Babut, ed. Plutarque: Oeuvres morales. Tome XV, 2e partie. Traité 72: Sur les notions communes, contre les stoïciens Reviewed by George Boys-Stones, pp. 338-340
M. Casevitz, J. Pouilloux, A. Jacquemin, ed. Pausanias: Description de la Grèce. Tome VI. Livre VI. L'Elide (II) Reviewed by Jason König, pp. 340-342
J. Vaio: The Mythiambi of Babrius. Notes on the Constitution of the Text Reviewed by Kathryn Gutzwiller, pp. 342-343
J. L. Lightfoot: Lucian: On the Syrian Goddess. Edited with Introduction, Translation, and Commentary Reviewed by Heinz-Günther Nesselrath, pp. 343-347
A. Pigler: Plotin: une métaphysique de l'amour. L'amour comme structure du monde intelligible Reviewed by Lloyd P. Gerson, pp. 347-349
E. C. Clarke: Iamblichus: De mysteriis. A Manifesto of the Miraculous Reviewed by John Dillon, pp. 349-351
D. J. O'Meara: Platonopolis. Platonic Political Philosophy in Late Antiquity Reviewed by R. M. Van Den Berg, pp. 351-352
L. G. Westerink, J. Combès, ed. Damascius: Commentaire du Parménide de Platon. Tome IV Reviewed by Cosmin I. Andron, pp. 353-354
R. Wisnovsky: Avicenna's Metaphysics in Context Reviewed by Peter Adamson, pp. 354-356
A. J. Carriker: The Library of Eusebius of Caesarea Reviewed by T. D. Barnes, pp. 356-358
C. De Stefani, ed. Nonno di Panopoli: Parafrasi del Vangelo di S. Giovanni. Canto I Reviewed by Mary Whitby, pp. 358-360
E. I. Tylawsky: Saturio's Inheritance. The Greek Ancestry of the Roman Comic Parasite Reviewed by John Barsby, pp. 360-362
G. Laster, ed. Quintus Tullius Cicero: Commentariolum petitionis. Herausgegeben, übersetzt und kommentiert. (Texte zur Forschung 75.) Reviewed by Robert Morstein-Marx, pp. 362-363
E. Flores: Titus Lucretius Carus: De rerum natura. Edizione critica con introduzione e versione. Volume primo (Libri I-III) Reviewed by E. J. Kenney, pp. 366-370
L. Rumpf: Naturerkenntnis und Naturerfahrung. Zur Reflexion epikureischer Theorie bei Lukrez. (Zetemata 116.) Reviewed by Katharina Volk, pp. 370-371
M. Gale: Virgil on the Nature of Things. The Georgics, Lucretius and the Didactic Tradition Reviewed by Richard F. Thomas, pp. 371-374
D. Nelis: Vergil's Aeneid and the Argonautica of Apollonius Rhodius. (ARCA Classical and Medieval Texts, Papers and Monographs 239.) Reviewed by James J. O'Hara, pp. 374-376
E. Adler: Vergil's Empire. Political Thought in the Aeneid Reviewed by Monica R. Gale, pp. 376-378
J. Clarke: Imagery of Colour & Shining in Catullus, Propertius, & Horace. (Lang Classical Studies 13.) Reviewed by Brian Arkins, pp. 378-380
C. Klodt: Bescheidene Größe. Die Herrschergestalt, der Kaiserpalast und die Stadt Rom: Literarische Reflexionen monarchischer Selbstdarstellung. (Hypomnemata 137.) Reviewed by Kathleen Coleman, pp. 380-381
R. Maltby: Tibullus: Elegies. Text, Introduction and Commentary. (ARCA Classical and Medieval Texts, Papers and Monographs 41.) Reviewed by J. C. McKeown, pp. 382-384
P. Hardie: Ovid's Poetics of Illusion Reviewed by Ralph Hexter, pp. 384-388
J. Reeson: Ovid: Heroides 11, 13 and 14. A Commentary. (Mnemosyne Suppl. 221.) Reviewed by Steven J. Green, pp. 388-390
E. Spentzou: Readers and Writers in Ovid's Heroides. Transgressions of Genre and Gender Reviewed by Gianpiero Rosati, pp. 390-392
M. Wyke: The Roman Mistress. Ancient and Modern Representations Reviewed by Roy K. Gibson, pp. 392-393
I. K. McEwen: Vitruvius. Writing the Body of Architecture Reviewed by Karl Galinsky, pp. 393-395
U. Schmitzer: Velleius Paterculus und das Interesse an der Geschichte im Zeitalter des Tiberius Reviewed by Diana Spencer, pp. 395-397
H. F. Mueller: Roman Religion in Valerius Maximus Reviewed by Rebecca Langlands, pp. 397-399
A. J. Keulen: L. Annaeus Seneca: Troades Reviewed by Margarethe Billerbeck, pp. 399-400
E. Berti, ed. M. Annaei Lucani Bellum civile Liber X Reviewed by Charles Tesoriero, pp. 400-402
R. Sklena[rcaron]: The Taste for Nothingness. A Study of Virtus and Related Themes in Lucan's Bellum Civile Reviewed by P. A. Roche, pp. 402-403
V. Rimell: Petronius and the Anatomy of Fiction Reviewed by F. Jones, pp. 403-405
D. R. Shackleton Bailey, ed. Statius: Silvae Reviewed by Carole E. Newlands, pp. 405-407
L. Watson, P. Watson, ed. Martial: Select Epigrams Reviewed by Craig Williams, pp. 407-410
R. Mayer, ed. Tacitus: Dialogus de oratoribus Reviewed by Anthony Corbeill, pp. 410-412
S. Frangoulidis: Roles and Performances in Apuleius' Metamorphoses Reviewed by Paula James, pp. 412-413
B. Alexanderson: Le texte des Confessions de saint Augustin. Manuscrits et stemma Reviewed by Michael D. Reeve, pp. 414-415
G. A. Cecconi: Commento storico al libro II dell'epistolario di Q. Aurelio Simmaco. Con introduzione, testo, traduzione e indici Reviewed by Cristiana Sogno, pp. 415-417
D. Shanzer, I. Wood: Avitus of Vienne: Letters and Selected Prose. Translated with an Introduction and Notes Reviewed by Daniel J. Nodes, pp. 417-419
B. Löfstedt, ed. Virgilius Maro grammaticus: Opera omnia Reviewed by Jan-Wilhelm Beck, pp. 419-420
T. McEvilley: The Shape of Ancient Thought. Comparative Studies in Greek and Indian Philosophies Reviewed by Emily Kearns, pp. 420-423
K. Piepenbrink, ed. Philosophie und Lebenswelt in der Antike Reviewed by Miriam Griffin, pp. 423-425
A. Grilli: Vita contemplativa. Il problema della vita contemplativa nel mondo greco-romano Reviewed by James Warren, pp. 425-427
G. R. Boys-Stones, ed. Metaphor, Allegory, and the Classical Tradition. Ancient Thought and Modern Revisions Reviewed by Robert Lamberton, pp. 427-430
S. Everson: Ethics. Companions to Ancient Thought 4 Reviewed by Eugenio Benitez, pp. 430-432
M. Lefkowitz: Greek Gods, Human Lives. What We Can Learn from Myths Reviewed by Barry B. Powell, pp. 432-433
J. Larson: Greek Nymphs: Myth, Cult, Lore Reviewed by D. Felton, pp. 433-435
G. Ferrari: Figures of Speech. Men and Maidens in Ancient Greece Reviewed by Robin Osborne, pp. 435-437
R. M. Rosen, I. Sluiter, ed. Andreia. Studies in Manliness and Courage in Classical Antiquity Reviewed by Simon Goldhill, pp. 437-439
T. K. Hubbard, ed. Homosexuality in Greece and Rome. A Sourcebook of Basic Documents Reviewed by M. Lambert, pp. 439-441
D. Ogden: Magic, Witchcraft, and Ghosts in the Greek and Roman Worlds. A Sourcebook Reviewed by Lynn LiDonnici, pp. 441-443
P. Mirecki, M. Meyer, ed. Magic and Ritual in the Ancient World Reviewed by Einar Thomassen, pp. 443-445
P. Easterling, E. Hall, ed. Greek and Roman Actors. Aspects of an Ancient Profession Reviewed by Niall W. Slater, pp. 445-447
T. E. Duff: The Greek and Roman Historians Reviewed by Rhiannon Ash, pp. 447-449
G. Halsall, ed. Humour, History and Politics in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages Reviewed by Paul Schulten, pp. 449-450
E. Auerbach: Mimesis. The Representation of Reality in Western Literature. Fiftieth Anniversary edition Reviewed by Charles Martindale, pp. 450-453
M. Gumpert: Grafting Helen. The Abduction of the Classical Past Reviewed by Stephen Esposito, pp. 453-455
C. Dougherty, L. Kurke, ed. The Cultures within Ancient Greek Culture. Contact, Conflict, Collaboration Reviewed by Robin Osborne, pp. 455-456
M. H. Hansen, ed. A Comparative Study of Six City-State Cultures. An Investigation Conducted by the Copenhagen Polis Centre Reviewed by Vedia Izzet, pp. 457-458
E. W. Robinson, ed. Ancient Greek Democracy. Readings and Sources Reviewed by Peter Liddel, pp. 458-460
P. J. Rhodes: Ancient Democracy and Modern Ideology Reviewed by Eric Robinson, pp. 460-461
R. K. Balot: Greed and Injustice in Classical Athens Reviewed by Lisa Kallet, pp. 461-465
S. B. Pomeroy: Spartan Women Reviewed by Anton Powell, pp. 465-467
J. Buckler: Aegean Greece in the Fourth Century B.C. Reviewed by Ian Worthington, pp. 467-469
J. Roisman, ed. Brill's Companion to Alexander the Great Reviewed by Adrian Tronson, pp. 469-472
R. A. Hazzard: Imagination of a Monarchy. Studies in Ptolemaic Propaganda Reviewed by Daniel Ogden, pp. 472-473
F. Guizzi: Hierapytna. Storia di una polis cretese dalla fondazione alla conquista Romana Reviewed by G. J. Oliver, pp. 473-474
P. M. Fraser, E. Matthews: A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names. Volume IIIB. Central Greece from the Megarid to Thessaly Reviewed by Christopher Tuplin, pp. 475-476
S. Knippschild: 'Drum bietet zum Bunde die Hände`. Rechtssymbolische Akte in zwischenstaatlichen Beziehungen im orientalischen und griechisch-römischen Altertum Reviewed by Douglas L. Cairns, pp. 476-478
A. Chaniotis, P. Ducrey, ed. Army and Power in the Ancient World Reviewed by D. B. Saddington, pp. 478-480
B. DuBois: Slaves and Other Objects Reviewed by Theresa Urbainczyk, pp. 480-481
J. M. Højte, ed. Images of Ancestors Reviewed by Janet Huskinson, pp. 482-483
A. K. Bowman, H. M. Cotton, M. Goodman, S. Price, ed. Representations of Empire. Rome and the Mediterranean World Reviewed by J. E. Lendon, pp. 483-485
J. Scheid: An Introduction to Roman Religion Reviewed by Alex Nice, pp. 485-486
B. Bleckmann: Die römische Nobilität im Ersten Punischen Krieg. Untersuchungen zur aristokratischen Konkurrenz in der Republik Reviewed by Dexter Hoyos, pp. 487-488
J. B. McCall: The Cavalry of the Roman Republic. Cavalry Combat and Elite Reputations in the Middle and Late Republic Reviewed by Harry Sidebottom, pp. 488-490
R. J. Evans: Questioning Reputations. Essays on Nine Roman Republican Politicians Reviewed by W. Jeffrey Tatum, pp. 490-491
C. Edwards, G. Woolf, ed. Rome the Cosmopolis Reviewed by Olivier Hekster, pp. 492-493
A. Kolb: Transport und Nachrichtentransfer im Römischen Reich Reviewed by Colin Adams, pp. 493-494
C. Motschmann: Die Religionspolitik Marc Aurels Reviewed by A. R. Birley, pp. 495-496
B. Puech: Orateurs et sophistes grecs dans les inscriptions d'époque impériale Reviewed by Christopher Jones, pp. 496-498
S. P. Ellis: Roman Housing Reviewed by Jeremy Rossiter, pp. 498-499
A. E. Cooley: Pompeii Reviewed by Ray Laurence, pp. 499-501
S. B. Zoumbaki: Elis und Olympia in der Kaiserzeit. Das Leben einer Gesellschaft zwischen Stadt und Heiligtum auf prosopographischer Grundlage Reviewed by H. W. Pleket, pp. 501-503
O. Salomies: The Greek East in the Roman Context. Proceedings of a Colloquium Organized by the Finnish Institute at Athens, May 21 and 22, 1999 Reviewed by S. Mitchell, pp. 503-504
A. Gebhart: Imperiale Politik und provinziale Entwicklung. Untersuchungen zum Verhältnis von Kaiser, Heer und Städten im Syrien der vorseverischen Zeit Reviewed by Ted Kaizer, pp. 504-506
S. Schwartz: Imperialism and Jewish Society, 200 B.C.E. to 640 C.E Reviewed by Margaret H. Williams, pp. 506-508
E. S. Gruen: Diaspora. Jews amidst Greeks and Romans Reviewed by Steve Mason, pp. 508-511
J. R. Barlett, ed. Jews in the Hellenistic and Roman Cities Reviewed by Margaret H. Williams, pp. 511-512
W. Scheidel: Death on the Nile. Disease and the Demography of Roman Egypt Reviewed by Colin Adams, pp. 512-514
R. Alston: The City in Roman and Byzantine Egypt Reviewed by Colin Adams, pp. 514-516
S. Panzram: Stadtbild und Elite: Tarraco, Corduba und Augusta Emerita zwischen Republik und Spätantike Reviewed by Lisa Bligh, pp. 516-517
R. Teja, ed. La Hispania del siglo IV: administracion, economia, sociedad, cristianizacion Reviewed by A. T. Fear, pp. 518-519
W. Van Andringa: La religion en Gaule romaine. Piété et politique (Ier-IIIe siècle apr. J.-C.) Reviewed by J. Rufus Fears, pp. 519-520
R. W. Mathisen: People, Personal Expression and Social Relations in Late Antiquity, Volume II. Selected Latin Texts from Gaul and Western Europe Reviewed by Jill Harries, pp. 521-522
R. W. Mathisen: People, Personal Expression and Social Relations in Late Antiquity, Volume I. With Translated Texts from Gaul and Western Europe Reviewed by Jill Harries, pp. 521-522
C. W. HedrickJr: History and Silence. Purge and the Rehabilitation of Memory in Late Antiquity Reviewed by Mark Humphries, pp. 522-524
J. F. Matthews: Laying Down the Law. A Study of the Theodosian Code Reviewed by Mark Humphries, pp. 524-526
L. De Ligt, J. De Ruiter, E. Slob, J. M. Tevel, M. Van De Vrugt, L. C. Winkel, ed. Viva vox iuris Romani. Essays in Honour of Johannes Emil Spruit Reviewed by Ernest Metzger, pp. 526-527
T. Urbainczyk: Theodoret of Cyrrhus. The Bishop and the Holy Man Reviewed by Susanna Elm, pp. 527-529
A. Dalby: Food in the Ancient World from A to Z Reviewed by S. Douglas Olson, pp. 529-531
M. Golden: Sport in the Ancient World from A to Z Reviewed by Stephen G. Miller, pp. 531-534
S. Amigues: Etudes de botanique antique Reviewed by Peter Warren, pp. 534-536
H. W. Pleket, R. S. Stround, A. Chaniotis, J. H. M. Strubbe, ed. Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum Reviewed by N. P. Milner, pp. 536-537
R. Taylor: Roman Builders. A Study in Architectural Process Reviewed by Pier Luigi Tucci, pp. 537-539
J. P. Small: The Parallel Worlds of Classical Art and Text Reviewed by Sian Lewis, pp. 539-541
S. Woodford: Images of Myths in Classical Antiquity Reviewed by N. J. Waugh, pp. 541-542
N. Kourou, V. Karageorghis, Y. Maniatis, K. Polikreti, Y. Bassiakos, C. Xenophontos: Limestone Statuettes of Cypriot Type Found in the Aegean. Provenance Studies Reviewed by Kenneth Sheedy, pp. 542-544
E. Böhr: Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Deutschland [Band 74]. Berlin, Antikensammlung, ehemals Antiquarium, Band 9] Attische rotfigurige Hydrien. Attische Firnis-Hydrien Reviewed by E. Anne Mackay, pp. 544-545
A. J. Clark, J. Gaunt, ed. Essays in Honor of Dietrich von Bothmer Reviewed by Elizabeth Moignard, pp. 545-548
G. Abbamonte, L. Gualdo Rosa, L. Munzi, ed. Parrhasiana II. Atti del II Seminario di Studi su Manoscritti Medievali e Umanistici della Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli, Napoli, 20-21 ottobre 2000 Reviewed by Michael Winterbottom, pp. 548-549
B. Gemelli: Isaac Beeckman, atomista e lettore critico di Lucrezio Reviewed by Yasmin Haskell, pp. 549-550
F. Citti, C. Neri: Seneca nel Novecento. Sondaggi sulla fortuna di un 'classico` Reviewed by Peter Davis, pp. 551-552
I. Gildenhard, M. Ruehl, ed. Out of Arcadia. Classics and Politics in Germany in the Age of Burckhardt, Nietzsche and Wilamowitz Reviewed by William M. CalderIII, pp. 552-554
A. Wessels: Ursprungszauber. Zur Rezeption von Hermann Useners Lehre von der religiösen Begriffsbildung Reviewed by Björn Biester and William M. CalderIII, pp. 554-555
J. Shay: Odysseus in America. Combat Trauma and the Trials of Homecoming Reviewed by Robert Zaborowski, pp. 555-559
H. Cancik, H. Schneider, ed. Brill's New Pauly. Encyclopaedia of the Ancient World. Antiquity, Volume 2: Ark-Cas Reviewed by Roger Rees, pp. 559-561
H. Cancik, H. Schneider, ed. Brill's New Pauly. Encyclopaedia of the Ancient World. Antiquity, Volume 1: A-Ari Reviewed by Roger Rees, pp. 559-561
S. Shirley (trans.), J. Romm, ed. Herodotus: On the War for Greek Freedom. Selections from the Histories. With Introduction and Notes Reviewed by Stephanie West, p. 562
I. McAuslan, J. Affleck: Sophocles: Oedipus Tyrannus. A New Translation and Commentary Reviewed by J. Michael Walton, pp. 562-563
S. Ruden: Aristophanes: Lysistrata. Translated, with Notes and Topical Commentaries Reviewed by Keith Sidwell, pp. 563-564
E. Csapo, M. C. Miller, ed. Poetry, Theory, Praxis. The Social Life of Myth, Word and Image in Ancient Greece. Essays in Honour of William J. Slater Reviewed by Matthew Wright, pp. 564-565
A. Thivel, A. Zucker, ed. Le normal et la pathologique dans la Collection hippocratique. Actes du Xème colloque international hippocratique (Nice, 6-8 octobre 1999) Reviewed by Rebecca Flemming, pp. 565-566
V. H. Méndez Aguirre: El modo de vida idoneo en la República de Platon Reviewed by Andrew Laird, pp. 566-567
V. H. Méndez Aguirre: Filantropia divina en la ética de Aristoteles? Lectura desde la hermenéutica analogica Reviewed by Andrew Laird, pp. 566-567
A. E. Ramirez Trejo: Aristoteles: Retorica. Introduccion, traduccion y notas Reviewed by David Konstan, p. 567
H. Rodriguez Somolinos: Diez años de publicaciones de filologia griega en España (1991-2000) Reviewed by Andrew Laird, pp. 567-568
W. C. Trenchard: A Concise Dictionary of New Testament Greek Reviewed by John Taylor, p. 568
H. Gärtner: Diogenes Laertius: Vitae philosophorum. Vol. III. Indices Reviewed by Jonathan Barnes, pp. 568-569
R. Thiel, C. Lohr: Ammonius Hermeae: Commentaria in quinque voces Porphyrii. Übersetzt von Pomponius Gauricus. In Aristotelis categorias (erweiterte Nachschrift des Johannes Philoponus = CAG XII/i). Übersetzt von Ioannes Baptista Rasarius Reviewed by Andrew Smith, p. 569
G. Manzoni: Pugnae maioris imago. Intertestualità e rovesciamento nella seconda esade dell'Eneide Reviewed by P. A. Roche, pp. 569-570
D. Grünbein (trans.), B. Seidensticker, ed. Seneca: Thyestes. Mit Materialien zur Übersetzung und zu Leben und Werk Senecas Reviewed by R. Scott Smith, pp. 570-571
B. Tisé: Imperialismo romano e imitatio Alexandri. Due studi di storia politica Reviewed by J. E. Atkinson, pp. 571-572
D. Shotter: Rome and her Empire Reviewed by Tom Stevenson, pp. 572-573
M. Bergamini, ed. La collezione numismatica di Emilio Bonci Casuccini. Con testi di M. Bergamini, P. Bittarelli, S. della Giovampaola Reviewed by J. D. Bateson, pp. 573-574
Books Received, pp. 575-588