The sources of institutional trust in East and West Germany: civic culture or economic performance? William Ross Campbell pp. 401 - 418
The irresistible decline of the medical profession? an empirical investigation of its autonomy and economic situation in the changing German welfare state Gaia Di Luzio pp. 419 - 448
Education and the development of Turkish and Yugoslav immigrants' political attitudes in Germany Peter Doerschler pp. 449 - 480
The Chancellor's forgotten blunder: Konrad Adenauer's foundation for refugees and expellees Armin Grünbacher pp. 481 - 498
Why should Austria be different from Germany? the two recent nationality reforms in contrast Alice Ludvig pp. 499 - 515
'Bridging the differences': political communication experts in Germany Jens Tenscher pp. 516 - 540
Book reviews pp. 541 - 547