The Henrician legend revived: the Palatine couple and its public image in early Stuart England, Jaroslav Miller, p. 305
Exercise and perfection: embodying the nation in nineteenth-century Germany, Svenja Goltermann, p. 333
Cycling towards the nation:the use of the bicycle in Germany and the Netherlands, 1880-1940, Anne-Katrin Ebert, p. 347
Les legitimistes hongrois et la question de l'Europe centrale, 1929-38, Zoltan Becsi, p. 365
Exiles' strategies for lobbying in international organisations: Eastern European participation in the Nouvelles Equipes Internationales, Idesbald Goddeeris, p. 383
'Confessionalisation' --a useful theoretical concept for the study of religion, politics, and society in early modern East-Central Europe?, Joerg Deventer, p. 403
Book reviews--comptes rendus, p. 429
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