Minerva 43 (2005), 1

Titel der Ausgabe 
Minerva 43 (2005), 1
Weiterer Titel 




Minerva - A Review of Science, Learning and Policy
For questions related to any aspect of this journal, please contact: Drs Tamara Welschot Publishing Editor Kluwer Academic Publishers Drs Tamara Welschot Van Godewijckstraat 30 P.O.Box 17 3300 AA Dordrecht The Netherlands Phone: +31 78 6576208 Fax: +31 78 6576254 E-mail: Tamara.Welschot@wkap.nl
Kahlert, Torsten

This issue contains:


Beyond Technology Transfer: US State Policies to Harness University Research for Economic Development, Roger L. Geiger, Creso Sa, p. 1

Creating the Future: 'New Directions' in American Research Universities, Steven Brint, p. 23

What do Universities Really owe Industry? The Case of Solid State Electronics at Stanford, Christophe Lecuyer, p. 51

Essay Review: Loyalty, Democracy and the Public Intellectual, Jonathon Lane, p. 73

Essay Review: Encyclopedic Visions, Brian Dolan, p. 87

Review: Exporting the Humboldtian University, Wilhelm Krull, p. 99

Review: America and the Intellectual Cold Wars in Europe, Volker R. Berghahn, p. 103

Review: When Economists go to Washington, DC: Randall Lutter and Jason F. Shogren (eds.), Painting the White House Green: Rationalizing Environmental Policy inside the Executive Office of the President (Washington, DC: RFF Press, 2004), 201 pp., ISBN 1-891853-73-2 (cloth) and ISBN 1-89153-72-4 (paper), Daniel Greenberg, p. 109

Review: Hughes on Technology; Thomas P. Hughes, Human-Built World: How to Think About Technology and Culture (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004), 235 pp., ISBN 0-226-35933-6, $22.50, Arthur Molella, p. 113

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