A new issue of The Classical Review has been made available:
March 2005; Vol. 55, No. 1
Editorial J. G. F. Powell and J. H. D. Scourfield, pp. 1-2.
Review: Homer's Iliad. A Commentary on Three Translations Mike Chappell, pp. 3-4.
Review: Homers Ilias: Gesamtkommentar. II. Book 2, fasc. 1. Text und Ubersetzung; fasc. 2. Kommentar M. M. Willcock, pp. 4-5.
Review: Wounding and Death in the Iliad. Homeric Techniques of Description Mark W. Edwards, pp. 6-8.
Review: Homer Jenny Strauss Clay, pp. 8-9.
Review: Homeric Responses Malcolm Heath, pp. 9-11.
Review: Justice as an Aspect of the Polis Idea in Solon's Political Poems. A Reading of the Fragments in Light of the Researches of New Classical Archaeology Felix Budelmann, pp. 11-12.
Review: Empedocle: Les purifications. Un projet de paix universelle Gordon Campbell, pp. 12-13.
Review: Stesichoros: Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 2359, 3876, 2619, 2803 W. B. Henry, pp. 13-15.
Review: La parola inestinguibile. Studi sull'epinicio pindarico Douglas E. Gerber, pp. 15-16.
Review: Aeschylus Agamemnon Peter Gainsford, pp. 16-17.
Review: Aeschylus' Supplices. Introduction and Commentary on vv. 1-523 Stanley Ireland, pp. 18-19.
Review: Sophocles: Ajax Graham Zanker, pp. 19-20.
Review: Sophocles: Theban Plays Eleanor Okell, pp. 21-23.
Review: Die Tragodien des Euripides Scott Scullion, pp. 23-24.
Review: Euripides Politikos. Recht und Rache in 'Orestes' und 'Bakchen' John Gibert, pp. 24-26.
Review: Gender and the City in Euripides' Political Plays Peter Burian, pp. 26-28.
Review: Euripides' Alcestis Dolores (Laurie) O'Higgins, pp. 28-29.
Review: Il mito sulla scena. La tragedia ad Atene Luigi Battezzato, pp. 29-31.
Review: Tragedy and Athenian Religion Richard Buxton, pp. 31-33.
Review: Asyl und Athen. Die Konstruktion kollektiver Identitat in der griechischen Tragodie Ann N. Michelini, pp. 33-35.
Review: Surviving Greek Tragedy Helene P. Foley, pp. 35-36.
Review: Tradizione testuale e ricezione letteraria antica della tragedia greca. Atti del convegno Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, 14-15 giugno 2002 David Sansone, pp. 37-38.
Review: Poeti minori del dramma satiresco Antonis K. Petrides, pp. 38-41.
Review: Die Mythentravestie in der griechischen Komodie Alan H. Sommerstein, pp. 41-42.
Review: The Languages of Aristophanes. Aspects of Linguistic Variation in Classical Attic Greek Eleanor Dickey, pp. 42-44.
Review: Herodotus and His World. Essays from a Conference in Memory of George Forrest John Dillery, pp. 44-46.
Review: Herodotus and Religion in the Persian Wars Robert Parker, pp. 46-47.
Review: Die Sophistik. Entstehung, Gestalt und Folgeprobleme des Gegensatzes von Naturrecht und positivem Recht C.C.W. Taylor, pp. 47-49.
Review: Lessons from the Past. The Moral Use of History in Fourth-Century Prose V. J. Gray, pp. 49-50.
Review: Demosthenis Orationes I Jeremy Trevett, pp. 50-53.
Review: New Perspectives on Plato, Modern and Ancient R. F. Stalley, pp. 53-54.
Review: Beautiful City. The Dialectical Character of Plato's Republic Luca Castagnoli, pp. 55-57.
Review: Plato and the City. A New Introduction to Plato's Political Thought Richard Kraut, pp. 57-58.
Review: Plato's First Interpreters I. D. Repath, pp. 58-60.
Review: The Heirs of Plato. A Study of the Old Academy (347-274 B.C.) A. A. Long, pp. 60-61.
Review: Ways of Being. Potentiality and Actuality in Aristotle's Metaphysics Rebekah Johnston, pp. 62-63.
Review: Aristotle: On the Parts of Animals I-IV R. A. H. King, pp. 63-65.
Review: Die Uberlieferungsgeschichte der aristotelischen Schrift De generatione et corruptione Jonathan Barnes, pp. 65-66.
Review: The Cambridge Companion to the Stoics Jaap Mansfeld, pp. 66-69.
Review: Les Kynica du stoicisme John Sellars, pp. 69-70.
Review: Epicurus. His Continuing Influence and Contemporary Relevance W.R. Johnson, pp. 70-72.
Review: Arato: Fenomenos Anatole Mori, pp. 72-73.
Review: A Historical Commentary on Diodorus Siculus Book 15 Christopher Tuplin, pp. 73-75.
Review: Plutarch: Ist 'Lebe im Verborgenen' eine gute Lebensregel? Eingeleitet, ubersetzt und mit interpretierenden Essays versehen Hubert M. Martin, Jr, pp. 75-76.
Review: Dion von Prusa. Menschliche Gemeinschaft und gottliche Ordnung: Die Borysthenes-Rede. Eingeleitet, ubersetzt und mit interpretierenden Essays versehen Michael Trapp, pp. 77-78.
Review: Lucien: Oeuvres. Tome II. Opuscules 11-20 Graham Anderson, pp. 78-80.
Review: Lucien: Oeuvres. Tome III. Opuscules 21-25 Aristoula Georgiadou, pp. 80-82.
Review: Filostrato: Vite dei sofisti. Testo greco a fronte Christopher P. Jones, pp. 82-83.
Review: Greek Literature and the Roman Empire. The Politics of Imitation Harry Sidebottom, pp. 83-86.
Review: Achilles Tatius: Leucippe and Clitophon I. D. Repath, pp. 86-87.
Review: The Ancient Novel and Beyond Hugh J. Mason, pp. 87-89.
Review: Fashioning the Feminine in the Greek Novel Kathryn Chew, pp. 90-91.
Review: Sextus Empiricus. The Transmission and Recovery of Pyrrhonism John Dillon, pp. 91-92.
Review: La philosophie de Plotin. Intellect et discursivite R. M. Van Den Berg, pp. 93-94.
Review: L'Ethique du Sage chez Plotin. Le paradigme du spoudaios Kieran McGroarty, pp. 94-95.
Review: Iamblichus: De anima Anne Sheppard, pp. 96-97.
Review: Himerios: Reden und Fragmente Hartmut Leppin, pp. 97-98.
Review: The 'Mithras Liturgy' Richard Gordon, pp. 99-100.
Review: Die griechischen Personennamen in Rom. Ein Namenbuch Eleanor Dickey, pp. 101-102.
Review: Veni Vidi Vici. Die Vorgeschichte des lateinischen Perfektsystems James Clackson, pp. 102-104.
Review: Lateinische Komposita. Morphologische, historische und lexikalische Studien Joshua T. Katz, pp. 104-106.
Review: Accius und seine Zeit Elaine Fantham, pp. 106-108.
Review: Tradizione medievale ed edizione critica del Somnium Scipionis J. G. F. Powell, pp. 108-111.
Review: A Commentary on Cicero, De legibus James E. G. Zetzel, pp. 111-113.
Review: La 'Terza Filippica' di Cicerone. Retorica e regolamento del Senato, legalita e rapporti di forza Jon Hall, pp. 113-115.
Review: Lucrece et l'experience Andrea Cucchiarelli, pp. 115-116.
Review: Le jardin romain. Epicurisme et poesie a Rome. Melanges offerts a Mayotte Bollack James Warren, pp. 116-118.
Review: Virgil, Aeneid 7. A Commentary W. R. Barnes, pp. 118-120.
Review: Virgil, Aeneid 11. A Commentary Philip Hardie, pp. 120-122.
Review: Horace Odes III. Dulce Periculum J. H. D. Scourfield, pp. 122-125.
Review: Traditions and Contexts in the Poetry of Horace Barbara K. Gold, pp. 125-127.
Review: Roman Propertius and the Reinvention of Elegy Tara S. Welch, pp. 127-129.
Review: Mail and Female. Epistolary Narrative and Desire in Ovid's Heroides Jill Connelly, pp. 129-131.
Review: Ovid: Ars Amatoria Book 3 P. Murgatroyd, pp. 131-133.
Review: Commento al II libro dei Tristia di Ovidio Martin Helzie, pp. 133-135.
Review: Ovid and the Monuments. A Poet's Rome Geraldine Herbert-Brown, pp. 135-138.
Review: Being There Together. Essays in Honor of Michael C. J. Putnam on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday Niklas Holzberg, pp. 138-139.
Review: Seneca: Thyestes Gottfried Mader, pp. 139-141.
Review: Seneca. The Life of a Stoic David Wray, pp. 141-143.
Review: Morals and Villas in Seneca's Letters. Places to Dwell James Ker, pp. 143-145.
Review: Pliny's Catalogue of Culture. Art and Empire in the Natural History S. Hales, pp. 145-147.
Review: The History of Make-Believe. Tacitus on Imperial Rome Arthur J. Pomeroy, pp. 147-149.
Review: Apuleyo de Madauros: Las metamorfosis o El asno de oro E. J. Kenney, pp. 149-152.
Review: Studi apuleiani. Note di aggiornamento di L. Graverini Juan Martos, pp. 152-153.
Review: La veglia di Venere. Pervigilium Veneris Gordon Campbell, pp. 153-154.
Review: Constantine and Christendom. The Oration to the Saints. The Greek and Latin Accounts of the Discovery of the Cross. The Edict of Constantine to Pope Silvester H. A. Drake, pp. 154-156.
Review: Lactantius: Divine Institutes Jackson Bryce, pp. 156-158.
Review: Jerome on Virginity. A Commentary on the Libellus de virginitate servanda (Letter 22) Andrew Cain, pp. 158-160.
Review: 'L'adorabile vescovo di Ippona.' Atti del Convegno di Paola (24-25 maggio 2000) Josef Lossl, pp. 160-161.
Review: The Life and Works of Potamius of Lisbon Mark Humphries, pp. 161-163.
Review: Christus, Nikodemus und die Samaritanerin bei Juvencus Roger Green, pp. 163-164.
Review: Manuscripts and Tradition of Grammatical Texts from Antiquity to the Renaissance. Proceedings of a Conference held at Erice, 16-23 October 1997, as the 11th Course of International School for the Study of Written Records Clare Woods, pp. 165-167.
Review: A Rhetorical Grammar. C. Julius Romanus, Introduction to the Liber de adverbio as incorporated in Charisius' Ars Grammatica II.13 Leofranc Holford-Strevens, pp. 167-168.
Review: Le Commentaire entre tradition et innovation. Actes du Colloque International de l'Institut des Traditions Textuelles (Paris et Villejuif, 22-25 septembre 1999) Glenn W. Most, pp. 169-171.
Review: The Routledge Handbook of Greek Mythology * Review: The Oxford Dictionary of Classical Myth and Religion Christina A. Clark, pp. 171-174.
Review: History of the Graeco-Latin Fable. Volume Three. Inventory and Documentation of the Graeco-Latin Fable William Hansen, pp. 174-175.
Review: The Emotions in Hellenistic Philosophy Andrew Smith, pp. 175-177.
Review: Ancient Anger. Perspectives from Homer to Galen Simon Goldhill, pp. 178-179.
Review: Envy, Spite and Jealousy. The Rivalrous Emotions in Ancient Greece Elaine Fantham, pp. 180-182.
Review: Sicilia e Magna Grecia. Spazio reale e spazio immaginario nella letteratura greca e latina Graham Anderson, pp. 182-183.
Review: The Way and the Word. Science and Medicine in Early China and Greece Charles H. Kahn, pp. 183-186.
Review: Manus medica. Actions et gestes de l'officiant dans les textes medicaux latins. Questions de therapeutique et de lexique. Actes du Colloque tenu a l'Universite Lumiere--Lyon II, les 18 et 19 septembre 2001 Gerd V. M. Haverling, pp. 186-188.
Review: Ancient Meteorology John T. Ramsey, pp. 188-189.
Review: The Roman Book of Gardening Peter Toohey, pp. 189-191.
Review: Early Riders. The Beginnings of Mounted Warfare in Asia and Europe Victor Parker, pp. 191-192.
Review: Greek Fire, Poison Arrows and Scorpion Bombs. Biological and Chemical Warfare in the Ancient World Richard Stoneman, pp. 192-194.
Review: Geometric Greece 900-700 BC James Whitley, pp. 194-196.
Review: Ancient Tradition and Early Greek History. The Origins of States in Early-Archaic Sparta, Argos and Corinth Jonathan M. Hall, pp. 196-198.
Review: Early Greek States Beyond the Polis Paul Cartledge, pp. 198-200.
Review: Hesiod's Ascra G. L. Huxley, pp. 200-201.
Review: Greek Identity in the Western Mediterranean. Papers in Honour of Brian Shefton Tamar Hodos, pp. 202-204.
Review: Hellenicity. Between Ethnicity and Culture Emma Dench, pp. 204-207.
Review: The Discovery of Freedom in Ancient Greece Ryan Balot, pp. 207-209.
Review: Women of Ancient Greece Helene P. Foley, pp. 209-211.
Review: Coming of Age in Ancient Greece. Images of Childhood from the Classical Past Susan Guettel Cole, pp. 211-213.
Review: Popular Tyranny. Sovereignty and its Discontents in Ancient Greece Alastair J. L. Blanshard, pp. 213-215.
Review: Athenian Democracy Peter Liddell, pp. 215-216.
Review: Sparta: Beyond the Mirage Richard J. A. Talbert, pp. 216-218.
Review: Sparta Thomas Figueira, pp. 218-220.
Review: Der Golf von Korinth. Historisch-topographische Untersuchungen von der Archaik bis in das 1. Jh. v. Chr Catherine Morgan, pp. 220-221.
Review: Akarnanien in Hellenismus. Geschichte und Volkerrecht in Nordwestgriechenland Zofia Halina Archibald, pp. 221-223.
Review: Les hautes terres de Carie R. Van Bremen, pp. 223-226.
Review: Alexander the Great. Historical Sources in Translation Michael A. Flower, pp. 227-228.
Review: Alexander the Great and the Mystery of the Elephant Medallions Adrian Tronson, pp. 228-230.
Review: Alexander: Destiny and Myth Richard Stoneman, pp. 230-232.
Review: Grenzuberschreitungen. Formen des Kontakts zwischen Orient und Okzident im Altertum Maria Brosius, pp. 232-234.
Review: Widerstand--Anpassung--Integration. Die griechische Staatenwelt und Rom. Festschrift fur Jurgen Deininger zum 65. Geburtstag Paul McKechnie, pp. 235-236.
Review: The Roman War of Antiochos the Great J. W. Rich, pp. 236-238.
Review: Aiakidenmythos und epirotisches Konigtum. Der Weg einer hellenischen Monarchie Zofia Halina Archibald, pp. 238-239.
Review: L'idee de gemellite dans la legende des origines de Rome Nicholas K. Rauh, pp. 239-240.
Review: The Cambridge Companion to the Roman Republic Arthur Keaveney, pp. 241-242.
Review: Sub Corona Vendere. Quellenkritische Studien zu Kriegsgefangenschaft und Sklaverei in Rom bis zum Ende des Hannibalkrieges J. W. Rich, pp. 242-243.
Review: Augustus and the Family at the Birth of the Roman Empire Barbara Levick, pp. 243-245.
Review: Propaganda--Selbstdarstellung--Reprasentation im romischen Kaiserreich des 1 Jhs. n. Chr Olivier Hekster, pp. 245-247.
Review: Nero D. Wardle, pp. 247-249.
Review: Debating Roman Demography Wilfried Nippel, pp. 249-251.
Review: Die Wirtschaft des romischen Reiches (1.-3. Jahrhundert). Eine Einfuhrung Walter Scheidel, pp. 251-253.
Review: The Roman Countryside * Review: Villa to Village. The Transformation of the Roman Countryside in Italy, c.400-1000 Graeme Barker, pp. 253-254.
Review: 'Eine wohlhabende Stadt sei nahe ...' Die Standortfaktoren in der romischen Agrarokonomie im Zusammenhang mit den Verkehrs- und Raumordnungsstrukturen im romischen Italien L. De Ligt, pp. 255-256.
Review: The Economy of Friends. Economic Aspects of Amicitia and Patronage in the Late Republic Michael Peachin, pp. 256-258.
Review: Rome and the Barbarians, 100 B.C.-A.D. 400 Frank M. Clover, pp. 258-260.
Review: Rome and its Frontiers: The Dynamics of Empire D. B. Saddington, pp. 261-262.
Review: Die Einbeziehung der Provinzialen in den Reichsdienst in augusteischer Zeit Alison E. Cooley, pp. 262-263.
Review: Hannibal's Dynasty. Power and Politics in the Western Mediterranean, 247-183 B.C. Arthur M. Eckstein, pp. 263-266.
Review: The World of Juba II and Kleopatra Selene. Royal Scholarship on Rome's African Frontier David Cherry, pp. 267-268.
Review: Der Kaiser Marcus Aurelius Probus und seine Zeit A. R. Birley, pp. 268-269.
Review: Envoys and Political Communication in the Late Antique West, 411-533 R. W. Burgess, pp. 269-271.
Review: Pompeii: A Sourcebook Ray Laurence, pp. 271-273.
Review: The Etruscans Mark Pearce, pp. 273-274.
Review: Vigilia di romanizzazione. Altino e il Veneto orientale tra II e I sec. a. C. Atti del convegno, Venezia, S. Sebastiano, 2-3 dicembre 1997 Mark Humphries, pp. 274-275.
Review: Tra l'Amato e il Savuto. I. Terina e il Lametino nel contesto dell'Italia antica * Review: Tra l'Amato e il Savuto. II. Studi sul Lametino antico e tardo-antico Kathryn Lomas, pp. 275-276.
Review: The Romanization of Central Spain. Complexity, Diversity and Change in a Provincial Hinterland John Richarson, pp. 277-278.
Review: Baetica felix. People and Prosperity in Southern Spain from Caesar to Septimius Severus Simon Kean, pp. 278-280.
Review: A Casebook on Roman Family Law Keith Bradley, pp. 280-282.
Review: Die Fiduzia in romischen Recht B. W. Frier, pp. 282-284.
Review: Das Recht der Tablettes Albertini Dennis P. Kehoe, pp. 284-285.
Review: Roman Religion Ittai Gradel, pp. 285-286.
Review: Atlas de la diffusion des cultes isiaques (IVe siecle av. J.-C.-IVe siecle apr. J.-C.) Richard Gordon, pp. 286-288.
Review: Evangelizzazione dell'Occidente dal terzo all'ottavo secolo. Lingua e linguaggi. Dibattito teologico William E. Klingshirn, pp. 288-290.
Review: Conversion in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. Seeing and Believing Philip Rousseau, pp. 290-292.
Review: Portraits of Spiritual Authority. Religious Power in Early Christianity, Byzantium and the Christian Orient Mark Humphries, pp. 292-294.
Review: The Making of Fornication. Eros, Ethics and Political Reform in Greek Philosophy and Early Christianity M. J. Edwards, pp. 294-296.
Review: Gender, Cult, and Culture in the Ancient World from Mycenae to Byzantium. Proceedings of the Second Nordic Symposium on Gender and Women's History in Antiquity, Helsinki 20-22 October 2000 Janet Huskinson, pp. 296-297.
Review: Early Christian Families in Context. An Interdisciplinary Dialogue Antti Arjava, pp. 297-299.
Review: Pagani e Cristiani a Siracusa tra il III e il IV secolo d. C Mark Humphries, pp. 299-300.
Review: Children and Childhood in Roman Italy Margaret King, pp. 300-302.
Review: Old Age in the Roman World. A Cultural and Social History Brent D. Shaw, pp. 302-304.
Review: La retorica della diplomazia nella Grecia antica e a Bisanzio Ioanna Kralli, pp. 304-306.
Review: Nature Embodied. Gesture in Ancient Rome Catharine Edwards, pp. 306-308.
Review: Written Texts and the Rise of Literate Culture in Ancient Greece David Rosenbloom, pp. 308-311.
Review: The Culture of the Roman Plebs Richard J. Evans, pp. 311-313.
Review: Art in the Lives of Ordinary Romans. Visual Representation and Non-Elite Viewers in Italy, 100 B.C.-A.D. 315 Verity Platt, pp. 313-315.
Review: Greek Historical Inscriptions 404-323 BC Ian Worthington, pp. 315-317.
Review: Lettered Attica. A Day of Attic Epigraphy. Proceedings of the Athens Symposium, 8 March 2000 Peter Liddell, pp. 317-319.
Review: The Lindian Chronicle and the Greek Creation of their Past Vincent Gabrielsen, pp. 319-322.
Review: Athens and Macedon. Attic Letter-Cutters of 300 to 229 B. C. Stephen Lambert, pp. 322-324.
Review: The Epigraphy of Death. Studies in the History and Society of Greece and Rome John Bodel, pp. 324-326.
Review: Catalogo delle iscrizioni latine del Museo Nazionale di Napoli (ILMN). Vol. I: Roma e Latium Alison E. Cooley, pp. 326-327.
Review: Les Papyrus de Geneve. Premier volume, 2e edition. Nos 1-10, 12-44, 66-78, 80-81: textes documentaires Brian McGing, pp. 327-329.
Review: Women of Jeme. Lives in a Coptic Town in Late Antique Egypt Richard Alston, pp. 329-330.
Review: Ancient Cypriote Art in the National Archaeological Museum of Athens Review: Cypriote Antiquities in the Royal Ontario Museum Review: The Cyprus Collections in the Medelhavsmuseet * Review: Ancient Art from Cyprus in the collection of George and Nefeli Giabra Pierides Diane Bolger, pp. 331-334.
Review: La sculpture grecque. Sources litteraires et epigraphiques K. W. Arafat, pp. 334-335.
Review: The Ancient Art of Emulation. Studies in Artistic Originality and Tradition from the Present to Classical Antiquity Peter Stewart, pp. 336-338.
Review: Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Great Britain Fascicule 20, The British Museum Fascicule 10. Fragments from Sir William Hamilton's Second Collection of Vases Recovered from the Wreck of H.M.S. Colossus Elizabeth Moignard, pp. 338-339.
Review: Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Deutschland [Band 75]. Mannheim, Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen, ehemals Reiss-Museum. Band 2 E. Anne Mackay, pp. 339-341.
Review: Style and Politics in Athenian Vase-Painting. The Craft of Democracy, ca. 530-460 B.C.E. Amy C. Smith, pp. 341-344.
Review: The Invention of Coinage and the Monetization of Ancient Greece John H. Kroll, pp. 344-346.
Review: Musarna 1. Les tresors monetaires R. Abdy, pp. 346-347.
Review: 'Mehr Dionysos als Apoll.' Antiklassizistische Antike-Rezeption um 1900 Matthew Bell, pp. 347-349.
Review: Ugo Bianchi. Una vita per la storia delle religioni Richard Gordon, pp. 349-351.
Review: Translating Words, Translating Cultures Susan Bassnett, pp. 351-352.
Review: Moderne Literaturtheorie und antike Texte. Eine Einfuhrung Elena Theodorakopoulos, pp. 352-353.
Review: Ancient Greek Civilization Polly Low, pp. 354-355.
Review: Aristofane: La pace. Introduzione, traduzione e note ALan H. Sommerstein, p. 355.
Review: Plato's Republic. An Introduction Chris Emlyn-Jones, pp. 355-356.
Review: Demosthenes, Speeches 50-59 Matthew R. Christ, p. 356.
Review: Luciano: La morte di Peregrino. Introduzione di F. Montanari Karen Ni Mheallaigh, pp. 356-357.
Review: Ovid: Metamorphoses. A New Verse Translation D. E. Hill, pp. 357-358.
Review: Concordantiae Gargilianae. Accedunt Index nominum, Index frequentiae Gerd V. M. Haverling, p. 358.
Review: Heilkunde und Hochkultur II. 'Magie und Medizin' und 'Der alte Mensch' in den antiken Zivilisationen des Mittelmeeraumes Julius Rocca, pp. 358-359.
Review: Agrippa Postumus. Splitter einer historischen Figur Alison E. Cooley, p. 359.
Review: Roman Imperialism. Readings and Sources Neville Morley, p. 360.
Review: Confrontation in Late Antiquity. Imperial Representation and Regional Adaptation A. D. Lee, pp. 360-361.
Review: The Origins of the Etruscans * Review: Les origines de Rome Christopher Smith and Christopher Smith, pp. 361-362.
Review: Ostia port et porte de la Rome antique Alison E. Cooley, pp. 362.
Review: Epigrafia anfiteatrale dell'Occidente romano. V. Alpes Maritimae, Gallia Narbonensis, Tres Galliae, Germaniae, Britannia Alison E. Cooley, pp. 363.
Review: Index numerorum. Ein Findbuch zum Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum Jonathan R. W. Prag, pp. 363-364.
Review: Mariage et suovetaurilia. Etude sur le soi-disant 'Autel de Domitius Ahenobarbus' Zahra Newby, pp. 364.
Review: Griechisches Munzwerk. Bibliographie zur antiken Numismatik Thrakiens und Mosiens Zofia Halina Archibald, pp. 364-365.
Review: Celtic Art in Transition during the First Century BC. An Examination of the Creations of Mint Masters and Metal Smiths, and an Analysis of Stylistic Development during the Phase between La Tene and Provincial Roman Jonathan Williams, pp. 365.
Review: The Life and Work of Jane Ellen Harrison Robert Parker, pp. 365-366.
BOOKS RECEIVED pp. 367-381.