Public Worship, Liturgy and the Introduction of the Lutheran Reformation in the Territorial Lands of Nuremberg P. J. Broadhead, 277-302.
Hanover and British Foreign Policy 1714-60 Jeremy Black, 303-339.
Taming the Revolution? Legitimists and the Centenary of 1789 Martin Simpson, 340-364.
An Examination of Suffragette Violence C. J. Bearman, 365-397.
----------------------------------------------------------------- Notes -----------------------------------------------------------------
The Royal Nursery: A Household for the Younger Children of Edward III W. M. Ormrod, 398-415.
----------------------------------------------------------------- Book Reviews -----------------------------------------------------------------
Review: The Victoria History of the County of Middlesex. Vol. XII: Chelsea Susan Reynolds, 416-417.
Review: Heraclius, Emperor of Byzantium James Howard-Johnston, 417-419.
Review: Sacred Images and Sacred Power in Byzantium Catherine Holmes, 419-421.
Review: Vizantiiskoe missionerstvo: Mozhno li sdelat' iz 'varvara' khristianina? * Review: Khristianstvo v stranakh vostochnoi, ilugo-vostochnoi i tsentral'noi Evropy na poroge vtorogo tysiacheletiia Jonathan Shepard, 421-424.
Review: Warfare and Society in the Barbarian West, 450-900 Nicholas Brooks, 424-426.
Review: Pretres en Gaule merovingienne Edward James, 426-428.
Review: Kingship and Politics in the Late Ninth Century: Charles the Fat and the End of the Carolingian Empire Roger Collins, 428-429.
Review: Family, Friends and Followers: Political and Social Bonds in Early Medieval Europe Susan Reynolds, 429-431.
Review: Writing, Society and Culture in Early Rus, c. 950-1300 Daniel H. Kaiser, 431-433.
Review: Lanfranc: Scholar, Monk, Archbishop David Bates, 433-435.
Review: Des femmes eplorees? Les veuves dans la societe aristocratique du haut Moyen Age Janet L. Nelson, 435-437.
Review: War, Politics and the Irish of Leinster 1156-1606 Dorothy Johnston, 437-439.
Review: The Cambridge Urban History of Britain. Vol. I: 600-1540 G.H. Martin, 439-441.
Review: Warum Europa? Mittelalterliche Grundlagen eines Sonderwegs Tom Scott, 441-443.
Review: Letters, Orders and Musters of Bertrand du Guesclin, 1357-1380 Jonathan Sumption, 443-445.
Review: Die Dinge im Schnittpunkt sozialer Beziehungsnetze: Reden und Objekte im Alltag (Oberrhein, 14. bis 16. Jahrhundert) Tom Scott, 445-447.
Review: Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem and Other Analogous Documents Preserved in the Public Record Office. Vol. XXII: 1-5 Henry S.J. Payling, 447-448.
Review: Image and Devotion in Late Medieval England Gervase Rosser, 448-450.
Review: Arthurian Myths and Alchemy: The Kingship of Edward IV Ralph A. Griffiths, 450-453.
Review: Taking Sides? Colonial and Confessional Mentalities in Early Modern Ireland Brendan Bradshaw, 453-456.
Review: Kingship and Crown Finance under James VI and I, 1603-1625 Neil Cuddy, 456-458.
Review: Witches and Witch-Hunts: A Global History Ronald Hutton, 458-460.
Review: Print, Manuscript and the Search for Order, 1450-1830 Andrew Pettegree, 460-462.
Review: Seafaring, Sailors and Trade, 1450-1750 Jeremy Black, 462-464.
Review: Le dinastie italiane nella prima eta moderna Robert Oresko, 464-466.
Review: Europe at Home: Family and Material Culture, 1500-1800 Joan Thirsk, 466-468.
Review: A New Anatomy of Ireland: The Irish Protestants, 1649-1770 Ian McBride, 468-469.
Review: Provincal Power and Absolute Monarchy: The Estates-General of Burgundy, 1661-1790 * Review: Corps and Clienteles: Public Finance and Political Change in France, 1688-1715 Guy Rowlands, 470-474.
Review: Enlightenment Prelate, Benjamin Hoadly, 1676-1761 Peter Nockles, 474-476.
Review: Defining Germany: The 1848 Frankfurt Parliamentarians and National Identity James M. Brophy, 476-479.
Review: England Eats Out: A Social History of Eating Out in England from 1830 to the Present Matthew Hilton, 479-480.
Review: Political Power in Pre-Colonial Buganda: Economy, Society, and Warfare in the Nineteenth Century Colin Newbury, 481-482.
Review: The Lion and the Springbok: Britain and South Africa since the Boer War Allison Drew, 482-485.
Review: Fatal Influence: The Impact of Ireland on British Politics, 1920-25 Matthew Kelly, 485-487.
Review: The Holy Reich: Nazi Conceptions of Christianity, 1919-1945 Andrew Chandler, 487-489.
Review: Die Geschichte der SPD in Mecklenburg und Vorpommern G. Pritchard, 489-491.
Review: Medical Education at St Bartholomew's Hospital, 1123-1995 Irvine Loudon, 491-493.
----------------------------------------------------------------- Shorter Notices -----------------------------------------------------------------
Review: Technology, Ideology, Water: From Frontinus to the Renaissance and Beyond Richard Holt, 494.
Review: Folk Taxonomies in Early English J. Campbell, 495.
Review: Viking Rus: Studies on the Presence of Scandinavians in Eastern Europe E. Christiansen, 495-496.
Review: The Hagiography of the Female Saints of Ely Robert Bartlett, 496-497.
Review: Bischof und Burger: Herrschaftsbeziehungen in den Kathedralstadten des Hoch- und Spatmittelalters Julia Barrow, 497-498.
Review: The Normans G.A. Loud, 498-499.
Review: Domesday Descendants: A Prosopography of Persons Occurring in English Documents, 1066-1166. Vol.II: Pipe Rolls to Cartae Baronum J. Campbell, 499-500.
Review: Thomas Becket, Hofling und Heiliger * Review: Becket and Henry: The Becket Lectures Frank Barlow, 500.
Review: L'histoire du Catharisme en discussion: Le 'Concile' de Saint-Felix (1167) Bernard Hamilton, 500-502.
Review: Die Kreuzzuge Jonathan Riley-Smith, 502-503.
Review: Alienor d'Aquitaine: La reine insoumise Elizabeth A.R. Brown, 503-504.
Review: Lordship in France, 500-1500 Jean Dunbabin, 504-505.
Review: Raymond Berenger V: L'Invention de la Provence Jean Dunbabin, 505-506.
Review: Le Liber Prioratus Urbis de l'Ordre de Saint-Jean-de-Jerusalem A.J. Forey, 506-507.
Review: English Government in the Thirteenth Century J.R. Maddicott, 507-508.
Review: Art, Identity and Devotion in Fourteenth-Century England: Three Women and their Books of Hours Claire Donovan, 508-510.
Review: Hawkwood: Diabolical Englishman John Larner, 510.
Review: Politica, Urbanismo y Vida ciudadana en la Barcelona del siglo XIV Peter Rycraft, 510-511.
Review: Royal Tombs of Medieval England D.M. Palliser, 511-512.
Review: An English Chronicle, 1377-1461: A New Edition (Aberystwyth National Library of Wales MS 21608 and Oxford Bodleian Library MS Lyell 34) Christopher Allmand, 512-513.
Review: Public Piers Plowman: Modern Scholarship and Late Medieval English Culture Greg Walker, 513-514.
Review: The Politics of Magnate Power: England and Wales, 1389-1413 Anthony Tuck, 514-515.
Review: Henry V Christopher Allmand, 516.
Review: Blood and Roses: The Paston Family in the Fifteenth Century Colin Richmond, 516-517.
Review: The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries Hannes Kleineke, 517-519.
Review: Tyranny under the Mantle of St Peter: Pope Paul II and Bologna Jonathan Davies, 519-520.
Review: Renaissance Military Memoirs: War, History and Identity, 1450-1600 R.J. Knecht, 520-521.
Review: The Household Book (1510-1551) of Sir Edward Don: An Anglo-Welsh Knight and his Circle W.R.B. Robinson, 521-522.
Review: Mary Queen of Scots and French Public Opinion, 1542-1600 Stuart Carroll, 522-523.
Review: The Queen's Majesty's Passage and Related Documents Sydney Anglo, 524-525.
Review: Cross, Crown and Community; Religion, Government and Culture in Early Modern England, 1400-1800 C.S.L. Davies, 525-526.
Review: Jagd nach dem roten Hut: Kardinalskarrieren im barocken Rom A.D. Wright, 526-527.
Review: Women, Texts and Authority in the Early Modern Spanish World Henry Ettinghausen, 527-528.
Review: Histoire d'Angleterre: XVI-XVIIIe siecle Michael Braddick, 528-529.
Review: The Rule of Law, 1603-1660: Crowns, Courts and Judges Christopher Brooks, 529-530.
Review: Gangraena and the Struggle for the English Revolution William Lamont, 530-531.
Review: In Search of Empire: The French in the Americas, 1670-1730 Frank Cogliano, 531-532.
Review: Gestorte Formation: Erdbebenbewaltigung in Benevent und Verwirklichung von Herrschaft im Kirchenstaat, 1680-1730 W.R. Ward, 532-533.
Review: The Murder of Mr Grebell: Madness and Civility in an English Town Peter Clark, 533-535.
Review: L'Imperatrice et l'Abbe: Un duel litteraire inedit entre Catherine II et l'Abbe Chappe d'Auteroche Simon Dixon, 535-536.
Review: Luxury and Public Happiness: Political Economy in the Italian Enlightenment Walter Eltis, 536-537.
Review: Anti-Catholic Strategies in Eighteenth-Century Scotland David Allan, 537-538.
Review: The Making of Revolutionary Paris Norman Hampson, 538-539.
Review: The Amiens Truce: Britain and Bonaparte, 1801-1803 Norman Gash, 539-540.
Review: The Subverting Vision of Bulwer Lytton: Bicentenary Reflections Leslie Mitchell, 540-541.
Review: Captain Rock, Night Errant: The Threatening Letters of Pre-Famine Ireland Philip Bull, 541-542.
Review: Village England: A Social History of the Countryside Brian Short, 542-543.
Review: Bismarck Edgar Feuchtwanger, 543-544.
Review: Universitaten in nationaler Konkurrenz: Zur Geschichte der Prager Universitaten im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert R.D. Anderson, 544-545.
Review: Wilhelminism and its Legacies: German Modernities, Imperialism and the Meanings of Reform, 1890-1930 Jan Palmowski, 545-546.
Review: Religion y sociedad en Espana (siglos XIX y XX) R.A.H. Robinson, 547-548.
Review: Victoria's Ireland? Irishness and Britishness, 1837-1901 Roger Swift, 548-549.
Review: Controversial Issues in Anglo-Irish Relations, 1910-1921 Alan O'Day, 549-551.
Review: Private 12768: Memoir of a Tommy J.M. Bourne, 551.
Review: Jamaican Volunteers and the First World War: Race, Masculinity and the Development of National Consciousness Catherine Hall, 551-552.
Review: Homosexual Desire in Revolutionary Russia: The Regulation of Sexual and Gender Dissent Jane McDermid, 553-554.
Review: Gender, Modernity and the Popular Press in Inter-War Britain Richard Hoggart, 554-555.
Review: Legible Bodies: Race, Criminality and Colonialism in South Asia David Arnold, 555-556.
Review: Migrant Races: Empire, Identity and K.S Ranjitsinhji Ian Copland, 556-557.
Review: Fashion under Fascism: Beyond the Black Shirt Donald Sassoon, 557-559.
Review: The Soviets, the Munich Crisis, and the Coming of World War II Peter J. Beck, 559-560.
Review: Dangerous Liaisons: Collaboration and World War Two Martin Conway, 560-561.
Review: Documents on British Policy Overseas. Series I, Volume VII: Britain and China, 1945-1950 A.J. Stockwell, 561-563.
Review: Dhows and the Colonial Economy of Zanzibar, 1860-1970 Richard Reid, 563-564.
Review: Britain, America and the Vietnam War John W. Young, 564-565.
Review: The Stasi: Myth and Reality Josie McLellan, 565-566.
Review: Lineages of European Citizenship: Rights, Belonging and Participation in Eleven Nation-States Rodney Barker, 566-567.
Review: Marks of Opulence: The Why, When and Where of Western Art, 1000-1914 P. Burke, 568-569.
Review: Catholicism: The Story of Catholic Christianity Diarmaid MacCulloch, 569-570.
Review: Herbert Butterfield: Historian as Dissenter John Derry, 570-571.
Review: The Information State in England: The Central Collection of Information on Citizens since 1500 Richard C. Thurlow, 572-573.
Review: A University In Troubled Times: Queen's, Belfast, 1945-2000 D. Palfreyman, 573-575.