The English Historical Review 120 (2005), 486

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The English Historical Review 120 (2005), 486
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The English Historical Review
United Kingdom
ARTICLES EDITOR: Dr Martin Conway Balliol College University of Oxford Oxford OX1 3BJ UK BOOK REVIEW EDITOR: Dr Catherine Holmes University College University of Oxford Oxford OX1 4BH UK ASSISTANT EDITOR Catherine Wright The English Historical Review Faculty of History The Old Boys' High School George Street Oxford OX1 2RL UK Oxford University Press Great Clarendon Street Oxford, OX2 6DP, UK Tel: +44 (0)1865 556767 Fax: +44 (0)1865 267485
Kahlert, Torsten



Public Worship, Liturgy and the Introduction of the Lutheran Reformation in the Territorial Lands of Nuremberg
P. J. Broadhead, 277-302.

Hanover and British Foreign Policy 1714-60
Jeremy Black, 303-339.

Taming the Revolution? Legitimists and the Centenary of 1789
Martin Simpson, 340-364.

An Examination of Suffragette Violence
C. J. Bearman, 365-397.


The Royal Nursery: A Household for the Younger Children of Edward III
W. M. Ormrod, 398-415.

Book Reviews

Review: The Victoria History of the County of Middlesex. Vol. XII: Chelsea
Susan Reynolds, 416-417.

Review: Heraclius, Emperor of Byzantium
James Howard-Johnston, 417-419.

Review: Sacred Images and Sacred Power in Byzantium
Catherine Holmes, 419-421.

Review: Vizantiiskoe missionerstvo: Mozhno li sdelat' iz 'varvara' khristianina? * Review: Khristianstvo v stranakh vostochnoi, ilugo-vostochnoi i tsentral'noi Evropy na poroge vtorogo tysiacheletiia
Jonathan Shepard, 421-424.

Review: Warfare and Society in the Barbarian West, 450-900
Nicholas Brooks, 424-426.

Review: Pretres en Gaule merovingienne
Edward James, 426-428.

Review: Kingship and Politics in the Late Ninth Century: Charles the Fat and the End of the Carolingian Empire
Roger Collins, 428-429.

Review: Family, Friends and Followers: Political and Social Bonds in Early Medieval Europe
Susan Reynolds, 429-431.

Review: Writing, Society and Culture in Early Rus, c. 950-1300
Daniel H. Kaiser, 431-433.

Review: Lanfranc: Scholar, Monk, Archbishop
David Bates, 433-435.

Review: Des femmes eplorees? Les veuves dans la societe aristocratique du haut Moyen Age
Janet L. Nelson, 435-437.

Review: War, Politics and the Irish of Leinster 1156-1606
Dorothy Johnston, 437-439.

Review: The Cambridge Urban History of Britain. Vol. I: 600-1540
G.H. Martin, 439-441.

Review: Warum Europa? Mittelalterliche Grundlagen eines Sonderwegs
Tom Scott, 441-443.

Review: Letters, Orders and Musters of Bertrand du Guesclin, 1357-1380
Jonathan Sumption, 443-445.

Review: Die Dinge im Schnittpunkt sozialer Beziehungsnetze: Reden und Objekte im Alltag (Oberrhein, 14. bis 16. Jahrhundert)
Tom Scott, 445-447.

Review: Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem and Other Analogous Documents Preserved in the Public Record Office. Vol. XXII: 1-5 Henry
S.J. Payling, 447-448.

Review: Image and Devotion in Late Medieval England
Gervase Rosser, 448-450.

Review: Arthurian Myths and Alchemy: The Kingship of Edward IV
Ralph A. Griffiths, 450-453.

Review: Taking Sides? Colonial and Confessional Mentalities in Early Modern Ireland
Brendan Bradshaw, 453-456.

Review: Kingship and Crown Finance under James VI and I, 1603-1625
Neil Cuddy, 456-458.

Review: Witches and Witch-Hunts: A Global History
Ronald Hutton, 458-460.

Review: Print, Manuscript and the Search for Order, 1450-1830
Andrew Pettegree, 460-462.

Review: Seafaring, Sailors and Trade, 1450-1750
Jeremy Black, 462-464.

Review: Le dinastie italiane nella prima eta moderna
Robert Oresko, 464-466.

Review: Europe at Home: Family and Material Culture, 1500-1800
Joan Thirsk, 466-468.

Review: A New Anatomy of Ireland: The Irish Protestants, 1649-1770
Ian McBride, 468-469.

Review: Provincal Power and Absolute Monarchy: The Estates-General of Burgundy, 1661-1790 * Review: Corps and Clienteles: Public Finance and Political Change in France, 1688-1715
Guy Rowlands, 470-474.

Review: Enlightenment Prelate, Benjamin Hoadly, 1676-1761
Peter Nockles, 474-476.

Review: Defining Germany: The 1848 Frankfurt Parliamentarians and National Identity
James M. Brophy, 476-479.

Review: England Eats Out: A Social History of Eating Out in England from 1830 to the Present
Matthew Hilton, 479-480.

Review: Political Power in Pre-Colonial Buganda: Economy, Society, and Warfare in the Nineteenth Century
Colin Newbury, 481-482.

Review: The Lion and the Springbok: Britain and South Africa since the Boer War
Allison Drew, 482-485.

Review: Fatal Influence: The Impact of Ireland on British Politics, 1920-25
Matthew Kelly, 485-487.

Review: The Holy Reich: Nazi Conceptions of Christianity, 1919-1945
Andrew Chandler, 487-489.

Review: Die Geschichte der SPD in Mecklenburg und Vorpommern
G. Pritchard, 489-491.

Review: Medical Education at St Bartholomew's Hospital, 1123-1995
Irvine Loudon, 491-493.

Shorter Notices

Review: Technology, Ideology, Water: From Frontinus to the Renaissance and Beyond
Richard Holt, 494.

Review: Folk Taxonomies in Early English
J. Campbell, 495.

Review: Viking Rus: Studies on the Presence of Scandinavians in Eastern Europe
E. Christiansen, 495-496.

Review: The Hagiography of the Female Saints of Ely
Robert Bartlett, 496-497.

Review: Bischof und Burger: Herrschaftsbeziehungen in den Kathedralstadten des Hoch- und Spatmittelalters
Julia Barrow, 497-498.

Review: The Normans
G.A. Loud, 498-499.

Review: Domesday Descendants: A Prosopography of Persons Occurring in English Documents, 1066-1166. Vol.II: Pipe Rolls to Cartae Baronum
J. Campbell, 499-500.

Review: Thomas Becket, Hofling und Heiliger * Review: Becket and Henry: The Becket Lectures
Frank Barlow, 500.

Review: L'histoire du Catharisme en discussion: Le 'Concile' de Saint-Felix (1167)
Bernard Hamilton, 500-502.

Review: Die Kreuzzuge
Jonathan Riley-Smith, 502-503.

Review: Alienor d'Aquitaine: La reine insoumise
Elizabeth A.R. Brown, 503-504.

Review: Lordship in France, 500-1500
Jean Dunbabin, 504-505.

Review: Raymond Berenger V: L'Invention de la Provence
Jean Dunbabin, 505-506.

Review: Le Liber Prioratus Urbis de l'Ordre de Saint-Jean-de-Jerusalem
A.J. Forey, 506-507.

Review: English Government in the Thirteenth Century
J.R. Maddicott, 507-508.

Review: Art, Identity and Devotion in Fourteenth-Century England: Three Women and their Books of Hours
Claire Donovan, 508-510.

Review: Hawkwood: Diabolical Englishman
John Larner, 510.

Review: Politica, Urbanismo y Vida ciudadana en la Barcelona del siglo XIV
Peter Rycraft, 510-511.

Review: Royal Tombs of Medieval England
D.M. Palliser, 511-512.

Review: An English Chronicle, 1377-1461: A New Edition (Aberystwyth National Library of Wales MS 21608 and Oxford Bodleian Library MS Lyell 34)
Christopher Allmand, 512-513.

Review: Public Piers Plowman: Modern Scholarship and Late Medieval English Culture
Greg Walker, 513-514.

Review: The Politics of Magnate Power: England and Wales, 1389-1413
Anthony Tuck, 514-515.

Review: Henry V
Christopher Allmand, 516.

Review: Blood and Roses: The Paston Family in the Fifteenth Century
Colin Richmond, 516-517.

Review: The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries
Hannes Kleineke, 517-519.

Review: Tyranny under the Mantle of St Peter: Pope Paul II and Bologna
Jonathan Davies, 519-520.

Review: Renaissance Military Memoirs: War, History and Identity, 1450-1600
R.J. Knecht, 520-521.

Review: The Household Book (1510-1551) of Sir Edward Don: An Anglo-Welsh Knight and his Circle
W.R.B. Robinson, 521-522.

Review: Mary Queen of Scots and French Public Opinion, 1542-1600
Stuart Carroll, 522-523.

Review: The Queen's Majesty's Passage and Related Documents
Sydney Anglo, 524-525.

Review: Cross, Crown and Community; Religion, Government and Culture in Early Modern England, 1400-1800
C.S.L. Davies, 525-526.

Review: Jagd nach dem roten Hut: Kardinalskarrieren im barocken Rom
A.D. Wright, 526-527.

Review: Women, Texts and Authority in the Early Modern Spanish World
Henry Ettinghausen, 527-528.

Review: Histoire d'Angleterre: XVI-XVIIIe siecle
Michael Braddick, 528-529.

Review: The Rule of Law, 1603-1660: Crowns, Courts and Judges
Christopher Brooks, 529-530.

Review: Gangraena and the Struggle for the English Revolution
William Lamont, 530-531.

Review: In Search of Empire: The French in the Americas, 1670-1730
Frank Cogliano, 531-532.

Review: Gestorte Formation: Erdbebenbewaltigung in Benevent und Verwirklichung von Herrschaft im Kirchenstaat, 1680-1730
W.R. Ward, 532-533.

Review: The Murder of Mr Grebell: Madness and Civility in an English Town
Peter Clark, 533-535.

Review: L'Imperatrice et l'Abbe: Un duel litteraire inedit entre Catherine II et l'Abbe Chappe d'Auteroche
Simon Dixon, 535-536.

Review: Luxury and Public Happiness: Political Economy in the Italian Enlightenment
Walter Eltis, 536-537.

Review: Anti-Catholic Strategies in Eighteenth-Century Scotland
David Allan, 537-538.

Review: The Making of Revolutionary Paris
Norman Hampson, 538-539.

Review: The Amiens Truce: Britain and Bonaparte, 1801-1803
Norman Gash, 539-540.

Review: The Subverting Vision of Bulwer Lytton: Bicentenary Reflections
Leslie Mitchell, 540-541.

Review: Captain Rock, Night Errant: The Threatening Letters of Pre-Famine Ireland
Philip Bull, 541-542.

Review: Village England: A Social History of the Countryside
Brian Short, 542-543.

Review: Bismarck
Edgar Feuchtwanger, 543-544.

Review: Universitaten in nationaler Konkurrenz: Zur Geschichte der Prager Universitaten im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
R.D. Anderson, 544-545.

Review: Wilhelminism and its Legacies: German Modernities, Imperialism and the Meanings of Reform, 1890-1930
Jan Palmowski, 545-546.

Review: Religion y sociedad en Espana (siglos XIX y XX)
R.A.H. Robinson, 547-548.

Review: Victoria's Ireland? Irishness and Britishness, 1837-1901
Roger Swift, 548-549.

Review: Controversial Issues in Anglo-Irish Relations, 1910-1921
Alan O'Day, 549-551.

Review: Private 12768: Memoir of a Tommy
J.M. Bourne, 551.

Review: Jamaican Volunteers and the First World War: Race, Masculinity and the Development of National Consciousness
Catherine Hall, 551-552.

Review: Homosexual Desire in Revolutionary Russia: The Regulation of Sexual and Gender Dissent
Jane McDermid, 553-554.

Review: Gender, Modernity and the Popular Press in Inter-War Britain
Richard Hoggart, 554-555.

Review: Legible Bodies: Race, Criminality and Colonialism in South Asia
David Arnold, 555-556.

Review: Migrant Races: Empire, Identity and K.S Ranjitsinhji
Ian Copland, 556-557.

Review: Fashion under Fascism: Beyond the Black Shirt
Donald Sassoon, 557-559.

Review: The Soviets, the Munich Crisis, and the Coming of World War II
Peter J. Beck, 559-560.

Review: Dangerous Liaisons: Collaboration and World War Two
Martin Conway, 560-561.

Review: Documents on British Policy Overseas. Series I, Volume VII: Britain and China, 1945-1950
A.J. Stockwell, 561-563.

Review: Dhows and the Colonial Economy of Zanzibar, 1860-1970
Richard Reid, 563-564.

Review: Britain, America and the Vietnam War
John W. Young, 564-565.

Review: The Stasi: Myth and Reality
Josie McLellan, 565-566.

Review: Lineages of European Citizenship: Rights, Belonging and Participation in Eleven Nation-States
Rodney Barker, 566-567.

Review: Marks of Opulence: The Why, When and Where of Western Art, 1000-1914
P. Burke, 568-569.

Review: Catholicism: The Story of Catholic Christianity
Diarmaid MacCulloch, 569-570.

Review: Herbert Butterfield: Historian as Dissenter
John Derry, 570-571.

Review: The Information State in England: The Central Collection of Information on Citizens since 1500
Richard C. Thurlow, 572-573.

Review: A University In Troubled Times: Queen's, Belfast, 1945-2000
D. Palfreyman, 573-575.

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