The Historiography of Sexuality in Modern Germany, Dickinson, Edward R.; Wetzell, Richard F., pp. 291-305
The Politics of Masculinity in the (Homo-)Sexual Discourse (1880 to 1920), Bruns, Claudia, pp. 306-320
Rebellious Girls and Pitiable Women: Abortion Narratives in Weimar Popular Culture, Usborne, Cornelie, pp. 321-338
Legislating Homophobia in the Third Reich: The Radicalization of Prosecution Against Homosexuality by the Legal Profession, Giles, Geoffrey J., pp. 339-354
The Moral State: Men, Mining, and Masculinity in the Early GDR, Evans, Jennifer V., pp. 355-370
Sexual Morality in 1960s West Germany, Herzog, Dagmar, pp. 371-384
Annual General Meeting Report from the Chair, 2004, Stephenson, Jill, pp. 385-388
Future Events, pp. 389-389
Fragmentation, Modernism and Reaction in German Art 1800-2000, Osmond, Jonathan, pp. 390-396
How Historians Tell Their Tales: Towards a Happy Eclecticism, Berger, Stefan, pp. 397-404
Discussion, Fahrmeir, Andreas, pp. 405-411
Book Reviews, pp. 412-429