Articles -----------------------------------------------------------------
The Jewish Military Organization (ZZW) in the Warsaw Ghetto, Moshe Arens, pp. 201-225.
"Keeping very clear of any 'Kuh-Handel'": The British Foreign Office and the Rescue of Jews from Bergen-Belsen, Rainer Schulze, pp. 226-251.
The German-Romanian Relationship and the Final Solution, Jean Ancel, pp. 252-275.
The Auschwitz Analogy: Holocaust Memory and American Debates over Intervention in Bosnia and Kosovo in the 1990s Alan E. Steinweis, pp. 276-289.
----------------------------------------------------------------- Book Reviews -----------------------------------------------------------------
Committed to Memory: Cultural Mediations of the Holocaust, Oren Baruch Stier (Amherst, MA; Boston: University of Massachusetts Press, 2003), 296 pp., $34.95. Bjorn Krondorfer, pp. 290-292.
Auschwitz, Poland, and the Politics of Commemoration, 1945-1979, Jonathan Huener (Athens: Ohio University Press, 2004), 352 pp., cloth $44.95, pbk. $24.95. Genevieve Zubrzycki, pp. 292-295.
Harnessing the Holocaust: The Politics of Memory in France, Joan B. Wolf (Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press, 2004), 264 pp., $49.50. Christine van der Zanden, pp. 295-297.
A Race Against Death: Peter Bergson, America, and the Holocaust, David S. Wyman and Rafael Medoff (New York: The New Press, 2002), 269 pp., cloth $26.95, pbk. $17.95. Donald R. Schwartz, pp. 298-300.
U.S. Intelligence and the Nazis, Richard Breitman, Norman Goda, Timothy Naftali, and Robert Wolfe (Washington, DC: National Archives Trust Fund for the Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Interagency Working Group, 2004), 488 pp., $24.95. George C. Browder, pp. 300-303.
"Non-Germans" under the Third Reich: The Nazi Judicial and Administrative System in Germany and Occupied Eastern Europe, with Special Regard to Occupied Poland, 1939-1945, Diemut Majer, translated by Peter Thomas Hill, Edward Vance Humphrey, and Brian Levin (Baltimore; London: Johns Hopkins University Press in association with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 2003), 1,088 pp., $149.95. Michael J. Bazyler, pp. 303-305.
"Rasse, Siedlung, deutsches Blut": Das Rasse- & Siedlungshauptamt der SS und die rassenpolitische Neuordnung Europas, Isabel Heinemann (Gottingen: Wallstein Verlag, 2003), 697 pp., A50. Peter Black, pp. 305-309.
'Aryanisation' in Hamburg: The Economic Exclusion of Jews and the Confiscation of Their Property in Nazi Germany, 1933-1945, Frank Bajohr, translated by George Wilkes (New York: Berghahn, 2002), 300 pp., cloth $79.95, pbk. $29.95. Martin Dean, pp. 309-311.
Verdict on Vichy: Power and Prejudice in the Vichy France Regime, Michael Curtis (New York: Arcade Publishing, 2003), 440 pp., $27.95. Paul B. Miller, pp. 311-314.
Zidovska komunita na Slovensku medzi ceskoslovenskou parlamentnou demokraciou a slovenskym statom v stredoeuropskom kontexte, Eduard Niznansky (Presov, Slovakia: Universum, 1999), 292 pp., 200 crowns (Slovak). Owen V. Johnson, pp. 314-317.
The Specter of Genocide: Mass Murder in Historical Perspective, Robert Gellately and Ben Kiernan, eds. (Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003), 406 pp., cloth $65.00, pbk. $22.99. * Final Solutions: Mass Killings and Genocide in the 20th Century, Benjamin A. Valentino (Ithaca, NY; London: Cornell University Press, 2004), 336 pp., $29.95. Kenneth Christie, pp. 317-321.
Eyewitness to a Genocide: The United Nations and Rwanda, Michael Barnett (Ithaca, NY; London: Cornell University Press, 2002), 240 pp., cloth $36.95, pbk. $17.95. Bridget Conley, pp. 321-323.
Recently Published Works in Holocaust and Genocide Studies, pp. 324-360.
Erratum, p. 361.
Obituary, p. 362.
Biographies of Contributors, p. 363.