table of contents:
Editorial announcement, pp. i-i(1)
Early medieval port customs, tolls and controls on foreign trade Middleton, Neil, pp. 313-358
Talking about history in eleventh-century England: the Encomium Emmae Reginae and the court of Harthacnut Tyler, ElizabethM., pp. 359-383
Introduction, pp. 385-385
Engaging Order and Exclusion: reflections on a recent book by Dominique Iogna-Prat Nirenberg, David, pp. 387-394
Orders and exclusions Cochelin, Isabelle, p. 395-403
Peter the Venerable and the New World Order Pick, LucyK., pp. 405-411
Ordering Christian society through exclusion: the strange history of Cluny Iogna-Prat, Dominique, pp. 413-418
Book reviews, pp. 419-439
Index of reviews for Volume 13, pp. 441-443