A new issue of Past & Present has been made available:
November 2005; Vol. 189, No. 1
URL: http://past.oxfordjournals.org/content/vol189/issue1/index.dtl?etoc
Manhood and Politics in the Reign of Richard II Christopher Fletcher, pp. 3-39.
Charles I: A Case of Mistaken Identity Mark Kishlansky, pp. 41-80.
'A Thousand Countries To Go To': Peasants and Rulers in Late Eighteenth-Century Bengal Jon E. Wilson, pp. 81-109.
Business in Pictures: Representations of Railway Enterprise in the Satirical Press in Britain 1845-1870 James Taylor, pp. 111-145.
The Body and Socialism: Dora Russell in the 1920s Stephen Brooke, pp. 147-177.
Mind the Gap: The Perception and Reality of Communist Sabotage of French War Production during the Phoney War 1939-1940 Talbot Imlay, pp. 179-224.