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This issue contains:
Drinking the Fruits of Revolution: Common Land Privatisation and the Expansion of Viticulture in Languedoc, c.1789–1820 p. 175 Noelle Plack
URL of article:
Staging Battles: Representations of War in the Theatre and Festivals of the French Revolution p. 203 Ian Germani
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Blood, Mud and Futility? Patrick MacGill and the Experience of the Great War p. 229 David Taylor
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Une illustration des relations difficiles entre Paris et Londres: Le voyage des Francais a Moscou et l'echec du projet britannique de pacte tripartite franco–anglo–sovietique (decembre 1944)1 p. 251 Yann Lamezec
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'Playing the daft lassie with them': Gender, Captivity and the Special Operations Executive during the Second World War p. 271 Juliette Pattinson
URL of article:
Guilt by Association? The Hazards of Linking the Concept of the State with Violence p. 293 Richard Maguire
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The Nazi equation of Jewish partisans with 'bandits' and its consequences1 p. 311 Michael Berkowitz
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BookReview p. 335 Florence Lamezec
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