From the Editor(s): Genocide research, preventionism and politics of memory-a personal note p. 245 Dominik J. Schaller
From the Guest Editor: Neighbours and war: genocide in the Central Balkans p. 249 Cathie Carmichael
Mass killing in the Independent State of Croatia, 1941?1945: a case for comparative research p. 255 Tomislav Dulic
Violence and ethnic boundary maintenance in Bosnia in the 1990s p. 283 Cathie Carmichael
Nationalist narratives, violence between neighbours and ethnic cleansing in Bosnia-Hercegovina: a case of cognitive dissonance? p. 295 Ben Lieberman
Contested memories: the Bosnian genocide in Serb and Muslim minds p. 311 Paul B. Miller
Documents and Discussion:Crimes against humanity: overcoming indifference p. 325 Gareth Evans
Book reviews p. 341