The Classical Review Volume 57 - Issue 01 - January 2007
Rabel (R.J.) (ed.) Approaches to Homer, Ancient and Modern. Pp. xviii + 201. Swansea: The Classical Press of Wales, 2005. Cased. ISBN: 978-1-905125-04-3. ADRIAN KELLY Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 1 - 2
Buchan (M.) The Limits of Heroism: Homer and the Ethics of Reading. Pp. x + 282. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2004. Cased, £37, US$65. ISBN: 978-0-472-11391-0. SHEILA MURNAGHAN Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 3 - 4
Kullmann (W.) Realität, Imagination und Theorie. Kleine Schriften zu Epos und Tragödie in der Antike. Herausgegeben von A. Rengakos. Pp. 320. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2002. Cased, €68. ISBN: 978-3-515-08184-9. HANS VAN WEES Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 5 - 6
Privitera (G.A.) Il ritorno del guerriero. Lettura dell'Odissea. (Piccola Biblioteca Einaudi 301.) Pp. viii + 297. Turin: Giulio Einaudi, 2005. Paper, ???18. ISBN: 978-88-06-17825-3. STEPHANIE WEST Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 6 - 8
Zambarbieri (M.) L'Odissea com'è. Lettura critica. Volume 1. Canti I–XII. Pp. 903. Milan: LED – Edizioni Universitarie di Lettere Economia Diritto, 2002. Paper, ???64. ISBN: 978-88-7916-189-3. JOSEPH RUSSO Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 8 - 10
Seaford (R.) Money and the Early Greek Mind. Homer, Philosophy, Tragedy. Pp. xii + 370. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Paper, £18.99, US$29.99 (Cased, £50, US$80). ISBN: 978-0-521-53992-0 (978-0-521-83228-1 hbk). DAVID M. SCHAPS Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 10 - 12
Collins (D.) Master of the Game: Competition and Performance in Greek Poetry. (Hellenic Studies 7.) Pp. xii + 267. Washington, DC: Center for Hellenic Studies, 2004. Paper, £12.95. ISBN: 978-0-674-01644-6. BONNIE MACLACHLAN Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 12 - 14
Gregory (J.) (ed.) A Companion to Greek Tragedy. (Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World.) Pp. xviii + 552, ills. Malden, MA and Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2005. Cased, £85. ISBN: 978-1-4051-0770-9. ROBIN MITCHELL-BOYASK Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 14 - 16
Ebbott (M.) Imagining Illegitimacy in Classical Greek Literature. Pp. xii + 121. Lanham, Boulder, New York and Oxford: Lexington Books, 2003. Paper, £17.99, US$24 (Cased, £44, US$58). ISBN: 978-0-7391-0538-2 (978-0-7391-0537-5 hbk). E.M. GRIFFITHS Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 16 - 17
Rehm (R.) Radical Theatre: Greek Tragedy and the Modern World. Pp. 174. London: Duckworth, 2003. Paper, £10.99. ISBN: 978-0-7156-2916-1. DAVID WILES Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 17 - 18
Lurje (M.) Die Suche nach der Schuld. Sophokles' Oedipus Rex, Aristoteles' Poetik und das Tragödienverständnis der Neuzeit. (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 209.) Pp. xiv + 505. Munich and Leipzig: K.G. Saur, 2004. Cased, ???96. ISBN: 978-3-598-77821-6. E. LEFEVRE Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 18 - 20
De Jong (I.J.F.), Rijksbaron (A.) (edd.) Sophocles and the Greek Language. Aspects of Diction, Syntax and Pragmatics. (Mnemosyne Supplementum 269.) Pp. xiv + 267. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2006. Cased, ???102, US$146. ISBN: 978-90-04-14752-2. FELIX BUDELMANN Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 21 - 22
McHardy (F.), Robson (J.), Harvey (D.) (edd.) Lost Dramas of Classical Athens. Greek Tragic Fragments. Pp. viii + 248. Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 2005. Cased, £40. ISBN: 978-0-85989-752-5. E.M. GRIFFITHS Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 22 - 24
Giangiulio (M.) (ed.) Erodoto e il ‘modello erodoteo'. Formazione e trasmissione delle tradizioni storiche in Grecia. (Labirinti 88.) Pp. xxii + 396. Trent: Dipartimento di Scienze Filologiche e Storiche, Università degli Studi di Trento, 2005. Paper, ???15. ISBN: 978-88-8443-118-9. ROSARIA MUNSON Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 24 - 26
Karageorghis (V.), Taifacos (I.) (edd.) The World of Herodotus. Proceedings of an International Conference held at the Foundation Anastasios G. Leventis, Nicosia, September 18–21, 2003, and organized by the Foundation Anastasios G. Leventis and the Faculty of Letters, University of Cyprus. Pp. xx + 423, ills, maps. Nicosia: Foundation Anastasios G. Leventis, 2004. Paper, ???48. ISBN: 978-9963-560-57-8. CAROLYN DEWALD Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 26 - 29
Meier (M.), Patzek (B.), Walter (U.), Wiesehöfer (J.) Deiokes, König der Meder. Eine Herodot-Episode in ihren Kontexten. (Oriens et Occidens 7.) Pp. 99. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2004. Cased, ???28. ISBN: 978-3-515-08585-4. CHRISTOPHER PELLING Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 29 - 30
Fantasia (U.) (ed.) Tucidide: La guerra del Peloponneso. Libro II. Testo, traduzione e commento con saggio introduttivo. (Studi e Testi di Storia Antica 14.) Pp. 649, maps. Pisa: Edizioni Ets, 2003. Paper, ???28. ISBN: 978-88-467-0582-2. ANTONIOS RENGAKOS Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 30 - 31
Cobetto Ghiggia (P.) (ed.) Iseo: Contro Leocare (sulla successione di Diceogene). Introduzione, testo critico, traduzione e commento. (Studi e testi di storia antica 12.) Pp. xi + 281. Pisa: Edizioni Ets, 2002. Paper, ???17.60. ISBN: 978-88-467-0527-3. J.K. DAVIES Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 32 - 33
Harte (V.) Plato on Parts and Wholes: the Metaphysics of Structure. Pp. x + 311. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2002. Cased, £48. ISBN: 978-0-19-823675-7. CHRISTINE J. THOMAS Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 33 - 35
Karfik (F.) Die Beseelung des Kosmos. Untersuchungen zur Kosmologie, Seelenlehre und Theologie in Platons Phaidon und Timaios. (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 199.) Pp. 293. Munich and Leipzig: K.G. Saur, 2004. Cased, ???89. ISBN: 978-3-598-77811-7. GERALD BECHTLE Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 35 - 36
Carone (G.R.) Plato's Cosmology and Its Ethical Dimensions. Pp. xii + 320. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. Cased, £45, US$70. ISBN: 978-0-521-84560-1. T.K. JOHANSEN Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 37 - 38
Hunter (R.) Plato's Symposium. Pp. xiv + 150. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. Paper, £9.99 (Cased, £45). ISBN: 978-0-19-516080-2 (978-0-19-516079-6 hbk). ARMAND D'ANGOUR Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 38 - 39
Russell (D.) Plato on Pleasure and the Good Life. Pp. x + 272. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2005. Cased, £45. ISBN: 978-0-19-928284-5. SYLVAIN DELCOMMINETTE Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 40 - 41
Slings (S.R.) Critical Notes on Plato's Politeia. Edited by G. Boter and J. van Ophuijsen. (Mnemosyne Supplementum 267.) Pp. x + 202. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2005. Cased, ???99, US$142. ISBN: 978-90-04-14172-8. MARK JOYAL Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 41 - 42
Ferrari (G.R.F.) City and Soul in Plato's Republic. Pp. 130. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2005. Paper, £12, US$17. ISBN: 978-0-226-24437-2. CHRIS BOBONICH Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 43 - 43
Desclos (M.-L.) Aux marges des dialogues de Platon. Essai d'histoire anthropologique de la philosophie ancienne. Pp. 288. Grenoble: Éditions Jérôme Millon, 2003. Paper, ???27. ISBN: 978-2-84137-156-3. MALCOLM SCHOFIELD Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 44 - 45
Gill (C.) (ed.) Virtue, Norms, and Objectivity. Issues in Ancient and Modern Ethics. Pp. xii + 326. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2005. Cased, £40. ISBN: 978-0-19-926438-4. JEAN ROBERTS Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 45 - 47
Rosler (A.) Political Authority and Obligation in Aristotle. Pp. xiv + 298. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2005. Cased, £40. ISBN: 978-0-19-925150-6. 49 MALCOLM SCHOFIELD Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 47 - 49
Mayhew (R.) The Female in Aristotle's Biology: Reason or Rationalization. Pp. xii + 136. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2004. Cased, US$28. ISBN: 978-0-226-51200-6. LAURENCE M.V. TOTELIN Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 49 - 50
Struck (P. T.) Birth of the Symbol. Ancient Readers at the Limits of their Texts. Pp. xiv + 316. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2004. Cased, £26.95. ISBN: 978-0-691-11697-6. JAMES I. PORTER Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 50 - 52
Sternberg (R.H.) (ed.) Pity and Power in Ancient Athens. Pp. xii + 356, ills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. Cased, £45, US$75. ISBN: 978-0-521-84552-6. ROBIN MITCHELL-BOYASK Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 52 - 54
Fortenbaugh (W.W.) Theophrastus of Eresus. Sources for his Life, Writings, Thought and Influence. Commentary Volume 8: Sources on Rhetoric and Poetics (Texts 666–713). (Philosophia Antiqua 97.) Pp. x + 505. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2005. Cased, ???99, US$134. ISBN: 978-90-04-14247-3. MALCOLM HEATH Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 54 - 56
Meriani (A.) Sulla musica greca antica. Studi e ricerche. (Università degli Studi di Salerno: Quaderni del Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Antichità 28.) Pp. 150. Naples: Guida, 2003. Paper, ???16.30. ISBN: 978-88-7188-794-4. SEBASTIAN F. MORO Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 56 - 58
Beroutsos (D.C.) A Commentary on the Aspis of Menander. Part One: Lines 1–298. (Hypomnemata 157.) Pp. 112. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2005. Cased, ???36.90. ISBN: 978-3-525-25256-7. NETTA ZAGAGI Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 58 - 59
Vamvouri Ruffy (M.) La Fabrique du divin. Les Hymnes de Callimaque à la lumière des Hymnes homériques et des Hymnes épigraphiques. (Kernos Supplément 14.) Pp. ii + 326. Liège: Centre International d'Étude de la Religion Grecque Antique, 2004. Paper, ???45. ISSN: 0776-3824. No ISBN. CLAUDIO MELIADÒ Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 59 - 61
Gutzwiller (K.) (ed.) The New Posidippus. A Hellenistic Poetry Book. Pp. xvi + 394, ills, colour pls. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. Cased, £50. ISBN: 978-0-19-926781-1. REGINA HÖSCHELE Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 61 - 62
Lloyd-Jones (H.) (ed.) Supplementum Supplementi Hellenistici. (Texte und Kommentare 26.) Pp. xiv + 159. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2005. Cased, ???64, US$89.60. ISBN: 978-3-11-018537-9. RICHARD HUNTER Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 63 - 64
Gonis (N.), Obbink (D.) [et al.] (edd., trans.) The Oxyrhynchus Papyri. Volume LXIX. (Graeco-Roman Memoirs 89.) Pp. xii + 234, colour pls. London: Egypt Exploration Society, 2005. Cased, £65. ISBN: 978-0-85698-143-2. SILVIA BARBANTANI Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 64 - 67
Branham (R.B.) (ed.) The Bakhtin Circle and Ancient Narrative. (Ancient Narrative Supplementum 3.) Pp. xxiv + 349. Groningen: Barkhuis Publishing & Groningen University Library, 2005. Cased. ISBN: 978-90-77922-00-2. MIRIAM LEONARD Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 67 - 68
Harrison (S.), Paschalis (M.), Frangoulidis (S.) (edd.) Metaphor and the Ancient Novel. (Ancient Narrative Supplementum 4.) Pp. xiv + 281. Groningen: Barkhuis Publishing & Groningen University Library, 2005. Cased. ISBN: 978-90-77922-03-3. HUGH J. MASON Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 68 - 70
Hägg (T.) Parthenope. Selected Studies in Ancient Greek Fiction (1969–2004). Edited by L.B. Mortensen and T. Eide. Pp. 493. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 2004. Cased, £35, ???50, US$58, DKr 350. ISBN: 978-87-7289-907-7. JOHN MORGAN Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 70 - 71
Hägg (T.), Utas (B.) The Virgin and her Lover. Fragments of an Ancient Greek Novel and a Persian Epic Poem. (Brill Studies in Middle Eastern Literatures 30.) Pp. xiv + 278, b/w & colour pls. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2003. Cased, ???80, US$100. ISBN: 978-90-04-13260-3. GRAHAM ANDERSON Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 72 - 73
Roskam (G.) On the Path to Virtue. The Stoic Doctrine of Moral Progress and its Reception in (Middle-)Platonism. (Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, Series 1, 33.) Pp. viii + 507. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2005. Cased, ???60. ISBN: 978-90-5867-476-0. RENÉ BROUWER Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 73 - 75
Akujärvi (J.) Researcher, Traveller, Narrator. Studies in Pausanias' Periegesis. (Studia Graeca et Latina Lundensia 12.) Pp. xxviii + 314. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International, 2005. Paper, ???42.10. ISBN: 978-91-22-02134-6. WILLIAM HUTTON Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 75 - 77
Pilhofer (P.), Baumbach (M.), Gerlach (J.), Hansen (D.U.) Lukian: Der Tod des Peregrinos. Ein Scharlatan auf dem Scheiterhaufen. Übersetzt und mit Beiträgen versehen. (SAPERE: Scripta Antiquitatis Posterioris ad Ethicam Religionemque Pertinentia 9.) Pp. x + 257. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2005. Cased, ???29.90, SFr 49.90. ISBN: 978-3-534-15820-1. HUGH J. MASON Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 77 - 78
Höschele (R.) Verrückt nach Frauen. Der Epigrammatiker Rufin. (Classica Monacensia 31.) Pp. xii + 156. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2006. Paper, ???48. ISBN: 978-3-8233-6205-0. MARC LAUXTERMANN Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 78 - 80
Morand (A.-F.) Études sur les Hymnes orphiques. (Religions in the Graeco-Roman World 143.) Pp. xvi + 374, ills. Leiden, Boston and Cologne: Brill, 2001. Cased, €128, US$173. ISBN: 978-90-04-12030-3. RICHARD P. MARTIN Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 80 - 82
Brandenburg (P.) Apollonios Dyskolos. Über das Pronomen. Einführung, Text, Übersetzung und Erläuterungen. (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 222.) Pp. xiv + 676. Munich and Leipzig: K.G. Saur, 2005. Cased, ???120. ISBN: 978-3-598-77834-6. A.U. SCHMIDHAUSER Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 82 - 83
Hansen (P.A.) (ed.) Hesychii Alexandrini Lexicon. Volumen III: [Pi]–[Sigma]. (Sammlung griechischer und lateinischer Grammatiker 11/3.) Pp. xxxiv + 404. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2005. Cased, ???128. ISBN: 978-3-11-017852-4. ELEANOR DICKEY Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 84 - 85
Chiaradonna (R.) (ed.) Studi sull'anima in Plotino. (Elenchos 42.) Pp. 412. Naples: Bibliopolis, 2005. Paper, ???50. ISBN: 978-88-7088-482-1. GARY GURTLER Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 86 - 87
Krueger (D.) Writing and Holiness. The Practice of Authorship in the Early Christian East. Pp. x + 298, ills. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004. Cased, £39, US$59.95. ISBN: 978-0-8122-3819-8. LUCY GRIG Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 87 - 89
Marasco (G.) Filostorgio. Cultura, fede e politica in uno storico ecclesiastico del V secolo. (Studia Ephemeridis ‘Augustinianum' 92.) Pp. 289. Rome: Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, 2005. Paper, ???34. ISBN: 978-88-7961-001-8. MICHAEL WHITBY Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 89 - 90
Silvas (A.M.) The Asketikon of St Basil the Great. Pp. xx + 517, map. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. Cased, £95. ISBN: 978-0-19-927351-5. RICHARD J. GOODRICH Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 90 - 92
Antonsen-Resch (A.) Von Gnathon zu Saturio. (Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte 74.) Pp. x + 262. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2005. Cased, ???88. ISBN: 978-3-11-018167-8. C. DAMON Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 92 - 93
Ancona (R.), Greene (E.) (edd.) Gendered Dynamics in Latin Love Poetry. Pp. xii + 372, ills. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. Cased, £36.50. ISBN: 978-0-8018-8198-5. MATHILDE SKOIE Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 93 - 95
Viarre (S.) (ed., trans.) Properce: Élégies. (Collection des Universités de France publiée sous le patronage de l'Association Guillaume Budé.) Pp. lxviii + 254. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2005. Paper, ???43. ISBN: 978-2-251-01442-5. J.B. HALL Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 95 - 97
Coutelle (E.) Poétique et métapoésie chez Properce. De l'Ars amandi à l'Ars scribendi. (Bibliothèque d'Études Classiques 44.) Pp. vi + 668. Louvain, Paris, and Dudley, MA: Éditions Peeters, 2005. Paper, ???65. ISBN: 978-90-429-1588-6 (Peeters Leuven), 978-2-87723-853-3 (Peeters France). L.B.T. HOUGHTON Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 98 - 99
Armstrong (R.) Ovid and his Love Poetry. Pp. vi + 214, fig. London: Duckworth, 2005. Paper, £16.99. ISBN: 978-0-7156-3289-5. Liveley (G.) Ovid: Love Songs. Pp. 141. London: Bristol Classical Press, 2005. Paper, £10.99. ISBN: 978-1-85399-670-2. NIKLAS HOLZBERG Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 99 - 101
Ramírez de Verger (A.) (ed.) P. Ovidius Naso: Carmina amatoria. Amores. Medicamina faciei femineae. Ars amatoria. Remedia amoris. (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana.) Pp. xxxvi + 374. Munich and Leipzig: K.G. Saur, 2003. Cased, ???74. ISBN: 978-3-598-71231-9. RICHARD TARRANT Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 102 - 104
Tarrant (R.J.) (ed.) P. Ovidi Nasonis Metamorphoses. (Scriptorum Classicorum Bibliotheca Oxoniensis.) Pp. xlviii + 534. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. Cased, £20.50. ISBN: 978-0-19-814666-7. STEPHEN HEYWORTH Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 104 - 109
Papaioannou (S.) Epic Succession and Dissension. Ovid, Metamorphoses 13.623–14.582, and the Reinvention of the Aeneid. (Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte 73.) Pp. xii + 218. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2005. Cased, ???68. ISBN: 978-3-11-018326-9. GARTH TISSOL Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 109 - 110
Fulkerson (L.) The Ovidian Heroine as Author. Reading, Writing, and Community in the Heroides. Pp. xii + 187. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. Cased, £45, US$75. ISBN: 978-0-521-84672-1. FEDERICA BESSONE Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 111 - 112
Gaertner (J.F.) (ed., trans.) Ovid, Epistulae ex Ponto, Book I. Edited with Introduction, Translation and Commentary. Pp. xvi + 606. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. Cased, £90. ISBN: 978-0-19-927721-6. JENNIFER INGLEHEART Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 112 - 114
Oakley (S.P.) A Commentary on Livy Books VI–X. Volume IV: Book X. Pp. xiv + 658, ills, maps. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2005. Cased, £125. ISBN: 978-0-19-927256-3. C.F. KONRAD Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 114 - 116
Chambert (R.) Rome: le mouvement et l'ancrage. Morale et philosophie du voyage au début du Principat. (Collection Latomus 288.) Pp. 411. Brussels: Éditions Latomus, 2005. Paper, €57. ISBN: 978-2-87031-229-2. JOHN HENDERSON Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 117 - 118
Inwood (B.) Reading Seneca. Stoic Philosophy at Rome. Pp. xvi + 376. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. Cased, £45. ISBN: 978-0-19-925089-9. CATHARINE EDWARDS Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 118 - 120
Sherman (N.) Stoic Warriors: the Ancient Philosophy behind the Military Mind. Pp. xiv + 242, ills. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005. Cased, £14.99, US$26. ISBN: 978-0-19-515216-6. JAMES THORNE Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 120 - 121
Freudenburg (K.) (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Roman Satire. Pp. xvi + 352. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. Paper, £18.99, US$29.99 (Cased, £45, US$75). ISBN: 978-0-521-00627-9 (978-0-521-80359-5 hbk). BARBARA K. GOLD Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 121 - 124
Heslin (P.J.) The Transvestite Achilles. Gender and Genre in Statius' Achilleid. Pp. xx + 349. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. Cased, £48, US$80. ISBN: 978-0-521-85145-9. HELEN LOVATT Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 124 - 126
Stegner (K.) Die Verwendung der Sentenz in den Historien des Tacitus. Pp. 266. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2004. Paper, ???44. ISBN: 978-3-515-08543-4. S.J.V. MALLOCH Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 126 - 127
Consolino (F.E.) (ed.) Forme letterarie nella produzione latina di IV–V secolo. Con uno sguardo a Bisanzio. (Studi e Testi Tardoantichi 1.) Pp. 257. Rome: Herder, 2003. Paper, ???28. ISBN: 978-88-85876-86-6. JENNIFER EBBELER Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 127 - 128
Bonnet (G.) (ed., trans.) Dosithée. Grammaire Latine. (Collection des Universités de France publiée sous le patronage de l'Association Guillaume Budé.) Pp. xxxviii + 203. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2005. Paper, ???48. ISBN: 978-2-251-01441-8. ROLANDO FERRI Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 129 - 131
Stein (M.) (ed.) Manichaica Latina 1. Epistula ad Menoch. (Papyrologica Coloniensia volume 27/1.) Pp. xviii + 95. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1998. Paper, ???32.90. ISBN: 978-3-531-09946-0.131 Stein (M.) (ed.) Manichaica Latina 2. Manichaei epistula fundamenti. (Papyrologica Coloniensia volume 27/2.) Pp. xviii + 129. Paderborn, Munich, Vienna and Zurich: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2002. Paper, ???21.90. ISBN: 978-3-506-71481-7. Stein (M.) (ed.) Manichaica Latina 3.1. Codex Thevestinus. (Papyrologica Coloniensia volume 27/3.1.) Pp. xx + 328. Paderborn, Munich, Vienna and Zurich: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2004. Paper, ???48.90. ISBN: 978-3-506-71779-5. Stein (M.) (ed.) Manichaica Latina 3.2. Codex Thevestinus. (Papyrologica Coloniensia volume 27/3.2.) Pp. vi + 81, ills. Paderborn, Munich, Vienna and Zurich: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2006. Paper, ???13.90. ISBN: 978-3-506-72982-8. SAMUEL N.C. LIEU Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 131 - 133
Ziolkowski (T.) Hesitant Heroes: Private Inhibition, Cultural Crisis. Pp. xiv + 163, ill. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2004. Cased, £17.50, US$29.95. ISBN: 978-0-8014-4203-2. PANTELIS MICHELAKIS Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 133 - 134
Zimmermann (M.) (ed.) Der Traum von Troia. Geschichte und Mythos einer ewigen Stadt. Pp. 240, ills, map. Munich: C.H. Beck, 2006. Cased, ???22.90. ISBN: 978-3-406-54376-0. BARRY B. POWELL Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 134 - 136
Steel (L.) Cyprus Before History. From the Earliest Settlers to the End of the Bronze Age. Pp. xviii + 279, maps, ills, pls. London: Duckworth, 2004. Paper, £18. ISBN: 978-0-7156-3164-5. DIANE BOLGER Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 136 - 138
Lätsch (F.) Insularität und Gesellschaft in der Antike. Untersuchungen zur Auswirkung der Insellage auf die Gesellschaftsentwicklung. (Geographica Historica 19.) Pp. 298. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2005. Paper, ???48. ISBN: 978-3-515-08431-4. C. CONSTANTAKOPOULOU Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 138 - 140
Malkin (I.) (ed.) Mediterranean Paradigms and Classical Antiquity. Pp. vi + 149, ill., maps. London and New York: Routledge, 2005. Cased, £60. ISBN: 978-0-415-35635-0. TAMAR HODOS Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 140 - 141
Mercuri (L.) Eubéens en Calabre à l'époque archaïque. Formes de contacts et d'implantation. (Bibliothèque des Écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome 321.) Pp. 325, figs, maps, colour pls. Rome: École française de Rome, 2004. Cased, ???90. ISBN: 978-2-7283-0698-5. KATHRYN LOMAS Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 141 - 143
Lazzarini (M.L.), Poccetti (P.) Il mondo enotrio tra VI e V secolo a.C. Atti dei seminari napoletani (1996–1998). Enotrio e l'iscrizione paleoitalica da Tortora. (Quaderni di Ostraka 1.2.) Pp. 212, ills. Naples: Loffredo Editore, 2001. Paper, ???12.91. ISBN: 978-88-8096-882-5. Bugno (M.), Masseria (C.) (edd.) Il mondo enotrio tra VI e V secolo a.C. Atti dei seminari napoletani (1996–1998). (Quaderni di Ostraka 1.1.) Pp. 374, ills. Naples: Loffredo Editore, 2001. Paper, ???18.59. ISBN: 978-88-8096-820-7. KATHRYN LOMAS Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 143 - 144
Brosius (M.) The Persians. An Introduction. Pp. xviii + 217, ills, maps. London and New York: Routledge, 2006. Paper, £12.99 (Cased, £55). ISBN: 978-0-415-32090-0 (978-0-415-32089-4 hbk). ARTHUR KEAVENEY Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 144 - 145
Fischer (G.), Moraw (S.) (edd.) Die andere Seite der Klassik. Gerwalt im 5. und 4. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Pp. 328, ills. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2005. Cased, ???48. ISBN: 978-3-515-08450-5. JAMES MCGLEW Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 145 - 147
Parker (R.) Polytheism and Society at Athens. Pp. xxxii + 544, ills, maps. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. Cased, £65. ISBN: 978-0-19-927483-3. JON D. MIKALSON Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 147 - 150
Bonnard (J.-B.) Le Complexe de Zeus. Représentations de la paternité en Grèce ancienne. (Histoire Ancienne et Médiévale 76.) Pp. 254. Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 2004. Paper, ???25. ISBN: 978-2-85944-508-9. DEBORAH LYONS Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 150 - 151
Dodd (D.B.), Faraone (C.A.) (edd.) Initiation in Ancient Greek Rituals and Narratives. New Critical Perspectives. Pp. xx + 294, ills, map. London and New York: Routledge, 2003. Cased, £65, US$120. ISBN: 978-0-415-28920-7. KEN DOWDEN Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 152 - 155
Samons (L. J., II) What's Wrong with Democracy? From Athenian Practice to American Worship. Pp. xx + 307, ills, maps. Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: University of California Press, 2004. Cased, £17.95, US$27.50. ISBN: 978-0-520-23660-8. Hansen (M.H.) The Tradition of Ancient Greek Democracy and its Importance for Modern Democracy. (Historisk-filosofiske Meddelelser 93.) Pp. 75. Copenhagen: The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 2005. Paper, ???10.74. ISBN: 978-87-7304-320-2. GREG ANDERSON Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 155 - 157
Mooren (L.) (ed.) Politics, Administration and Society in the Hellenistic and Roman World. Proceedings of the International Colloquium, Bertinoro 19–24 July 1997. (Studia Hellenistica 36.) Pp. xxii + 514, ills, maps. Leuven: Peeters, 2000. Cased, ???97. ISBN: 978-90-429-0994-6. J.G. MANNING Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 158 - 160
Manning (J.G.) Land and Power in Ptolemaic Egypt. The Structure of Land Tenure. Pp. xxii + 335, figs, maps. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. Cased, £50, US$70. ISBN: 978-0-521-81924-4. BRIAN MCGING Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 160 - 162
Chrysostomides (J.), Dendrinos (C.), Harris (J.) (edd.) The Greek Islands and the Sea. Proceedings of the First International Colloquium held at The Hellenic Institute, Royal Holloway, University of London, 21–22 September 2001. Pp. xvi + 289, ills, maps. Camberley: Porphyrogenitus, 2004. Paper. ISBN: 978-1-871328-14-1. NIKOLAOS PAPAZARKADAS Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 162 - 164
Bernhardt (R.) Luxuskritik und Aufwandsbeschränkungen in der griechischen Welt. (Historia Einzelschriften 168.) Pp. 423. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2003. Cased, ???68. ISBN: 978-3-515-08320-1. ANDREW DALBY Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 164 - 166
Carlsen (J.) The Rise and Fall of a Roman Noble Family. The Domitii Ahenobarbi 196 B.C. – A.D. 68. Pp. 259, ills, maps. Odense: University Press of Southern Denmark, 2006. Paper, DKr 278. ISBN: 978-87-7838-996-1. W. JEFFREY TATUM Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 166 - 168
Rosenstein (N.) Rome at War. Farms, Families, and Death in the Middle Republic. Pp. x + 339, figs. Chapel Hill and London: The University of North Carolina Press, 2004. Cased, £31.50. ISBN: 978-0-8078-2839-7. L. DE LIGT Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 168 - 170
Williamson (C.) The Laws of the Roman People. Public Law in the Expansion and Decline of the Roman Republic. Pp. xxviii + 506, maps. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2005. Cased, £43, US$75. ISBN: 978-0-472-11053-7. TOM STEVENSON Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 170 - 172
Schultz (C.E.) Women's Religious Activity in the Roman Republic. Pp. xiv + 234, ills. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 2006. Cased, US$39.95. ISBN: 978-0-8078-3018-5. ALEX NICE Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 172 - 174
Gold (B.K.), Donahue (J.F.) (edd.) Roman Dining. A Special Issue of the American Journal of Philology. Pp. xiv + 140, pls. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. Paper, £13.50, US$19.95. ISBN: 978-0-8018-8202-9. RUTH WESTGATE Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 174 - 176
Saiko (M.) Cura dabit faciem. Kosmetik im Altertum. Literarische, kulturhistorische und medizinische Aspekte. (Bochumer Altertumswissenschaftliches Colloquium 66.) Pp. 389. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2005. Paper, ???34.50. ISBN: 978-3-88476-756-6. GIANPIERO ROSATI Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 176 - 177
Sumi (G.S.) Ceremony and Power: Performing Politics in Rome between Republic and Empire. Pp. xii + 366, figs, maps. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2005. Cased, US$75. ISBN: 978-0-472-11517-4. CARLOS F. NOREÑA Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 178 - 179
Benferhat (Y.) Ciues Epicurei. Les Épicuriens et l'idée de monarchie à Rome et en Italie de Sylla à Octave. (Collection Latomus 292.) Pp. 369. Brussels: Éditions Latomus, 2005. Paper, €54. ISBN: 978-2-87031-233-9. MALCOLM SCHOFIELD Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 179 - 181
Ehmig (U.) Die römischen Amphoren aus Mainz. In two volumes. (Frankfurter Archäologische Schriften 4.) Pp. 547, maps, b/w & colour pls. Möhnesee: Bibliopolis, 2003. Cased, ???128. ISBN: 978-3-933925-50-3 (set). M.H. CRAWFORD Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 181 - 182
Creighton (J.) Britannia: the Creation of a Roman Province. Pp. xii + 180, figs, ills. London and New York: Routledge, 2006. Cased, £55. ISBN: 978-0-415-33313-9. ANTHONY R. BIRLEY Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 182 - 184
Birley (A.R.) The Roman Government of Britain. Pp. xiv + 532. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. Cased, £80. ISBN: 978-0-19-925237-4. Vössing (K.) (ed.) Biographie und Prosopographie. Internationales Kolloquium zum 65. Geburtstag von Anthony R. Birley, 28. September 2002, Schloβ Mickeln, Düsseldorf. (Historia Einzelschriften 178.) Pp. 146, pls. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2005. Paper, ???37. ISBN: 978-3-515-08538-0. BRIAN CAMPBELL Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 184 - 186
Rizakis (A.D.), Zoumbaki (S.), Lepenioti (Cl.) (in collab. with G. Steinhauer and A. Makres) Roman Peloponnese II. Roman Personal Names in their Social Context (Laconia and Messenia). (Meletemata 36.) Pp. 685, map. Athens: Research Centre for Greek and Roman Antiquity, National Hellenic Research Foundation, 2004. Cased, ???120. ISBN: 978-960-7094-88-9. GRAHAM SHIPLEY Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 187 - 188
De Ligt (L.), Hemelrijk (E.A.), Singor (H.W.) (edd.) Roman Rule and Civic Life: Local and Regional Perspectives. Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop of the International Network ‘Impact of Empire' (Roman Empire, c. 200 B.C. – A.D. 476), Leiden, June 25–28, 2003. (Impact of Empire 4.) Pp. xviii + 448, figs, maps, pls. Amsterdam: J.C. Gieben, 2004. Cased, ???128. ISBN: 978-90-5063-418-2. ROMAN ROTH Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 188 - 189
Burnand (Y.) Primores Galliarum. Sénateurs et chevaliers romains originaires de Gaule de la fin de la République au IIIe siècle. I: Méthodologie. (Collection Latomus 290.) Pp. 450. Brussels: Éditions Latomus, 2005. Paper, €60. ISBN: 978-2-87031-231-5. JOHN F. DRINKWATER Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 189 - 191
Marcone (A.) (ed.) Società e cultura in età tardoantica. Atti dell'incontro di studi, Udine 29–30 maggio 2003. (Studi Udinesi sul Mondo Antico 1.) Pp. viii + 293, ills, maps. Florence: Le Monnier Università, 2004. Paper, ???17.50. ISBN: 978-88-00-86089-5. MARK HUMPHRIES Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 191 - 192
Selinger (R.) The Mid-Third Century Persecutions of Decius and Valerian. Second edition. Pp. 179. Frankfurt, Berlin, Berne, Brussels, New York, Oxford, and Vienna: Peter Lang, 2004 (first edition 2002). Paper, ???36.40. ISBN: 978-3-631-52377-3, (US) 978-0-8204-7304-8. H.A. DRAKE Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 193 - 194
Renucci (P.) Les Idées politiques et le gouvernement de l'empereur Julien. (Collection Latomus 259.) Pp. 537, map. Brussels: Éditions Latomus, 2000. Paper, ???67. ISBN: 978-2-87031-200-1. MARK HUMPHRIES Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 194 - 195
Lenski (N.) (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Constantine. Pp. xviii + 469, maps, pls. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. Paper, £17.99, US$31.99 (Cased, £45, US$80). ISBN: 978-0-521-52157-4 (978-0-521-81838-4 hbk). E.D. HUNT Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 196 - 198
Kulikowski (M.) Late Roman Spain and its Cities. Pp. xxii + 489, maps, ills. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004. Cased, £39.50. ISBN: 978-0-8018-7978-4. A.T. FEAR Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 198 - 200
Stroumsa (G.G.) La Fin du sacrifice. Les Mutations religieuses de l'Antiquité tardive. Pp. 217. Paris: Odile Jacob, 2005. Paper, ???27.90. ISBN: 978-2-7381-1634-5. SERGIO KNIPE Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 200 - 201
Brosius (M.) (ed.) Ancient Archives and Archival Traditions. Concepts of Record-keeping in the Ancient World. Pp. xxii + 362, ills, maps. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. Cased, £55. ISBN: 978-0-19-925245-9. JOHN BENNET Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 201 - 203
Papalexandrou (N.) The Visual Poetics of Power. Warriors, Youths, and Tripods in Early Greece. Pp. xviii + 293, ills. Lanham, Boulder, New York, Toronto and Oxford: Lexington Books, 2005. Paper, US$35 (Cased, US$95). ISBN: 978-0-7391-0734-8 (978-0-7391-0733-1 hbk). ANASTASIA DAKOURI-HILD Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 204 - 205
Bonghi Jovino (M.), Chiesa (F.) (edd.) Offerte dal regno vegetale e dal regno animale nelle manifestazioni del sacro. Atti dell'Incontro di Studio, Milano 26–27 giugno 2003. (Tarchna, Supplemento 1.) Pp. viii +136, pls. Rome: ‘L'Erma' di Bretschneider, 2005. Paper, ???80. ISBN: 978-88-8265-318-7. F.R. SERRA RIDGWAY Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 206 - 207
Padgett (J.M.) The Centaur's Smile. The Human Animal in Early Greek Art. With contributions by W.A.P. Childs, D. Tsiafakis, et al. Pp. xx + 406, colour map, b/w & colour ills. Princeton: Princeton University Art Museum, 2003. Cased, £40. ISBN: 978-0-300-10163-8 (978-0-943012-40-7 pbk). NICOLA WAUGH Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 207 - 208
Ault (B.A.), Nevett (L.C.) (edd.) Ancient Greek Houses and Households. Chronological, Regional and Social Diversity. Pp. x + 190, figs, ills, maps. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2005. Cased, £36, US$55. ISBN: 978-0-8122-3875-4. CLARE F. KELLY-BLAZEBY Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 209 - 210
Hurwit (J.M.) The Acropolis in the Age of Pericles. Pp. xxvi + 304, ills, maps, cd-rom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Paper, £17.99, US$25.99 (Cased, £45, US$75). ISBN: 978-0-521-52740-8 (978-0-521-82040-0 hbk). AMY C. SMITH Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 210 - 211
Barringer (J.M.), Hurwit (J.M.) (edd.) Periklean Athens and its Legacy. Problems and Perspectives. Pp. xxiv + 306, ills. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2005. Cased, £35.95. ISBN: 978-0-292-70622-4. CLEMENTE MARCONI Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 212 - 214
Rosenzweig (R.) Worshipping Aphrodite. Art and Cult in Classical Athens. Pp. xvi + 157, pls. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2004. Cased, £37.50, US$60. ISBN: 978-0-472-11332-3. SUSAN DEACY Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 214 - 215
Hemingway (S.) The Horse and Jockey from Artemision. A Bronze Equestrian Monument of the Hellenistic Period. (Hellenistic Culture and Society 45.) Pp. xviii + 222, ills, map, colour pls. Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: University of California Press, 2004. Cased, £42.95, US$65. ISBN: 978-0-520-23308-9. WENDY J. RASCHKE Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 215 - 217
Becker (L.), Kondoleon (C.) The Arts of Antioch. Art Historical and Scientific Approaches to Roman Mosaics and a Catalogue of the Worcester Art Museum Antioch Collection. Pp. xvi + 349, b/w & colour ills, colour maps. Worcester, MA: Worcester Art Museum, 2005. Cased, £48.95. ISBN: 978-0-691-12232-8. REBECCA J. SWEETMAN Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 217 - 219
Gilkes (O.J.) (ed.) The Theatre at Butrint. Luigi Maria Ugolini's Excavations at Butrint 1928–1932 (Albania Antica IV). With contributions by A. M. Liberati, L. Miraj, I. Pojani, F. Sear, J. Wilkes and B. Polci. Published in collaboration with the Butrint Foundation, Museo della Civiltà Romana, Instituti i Arkeologjisë. (The British School at Athens Supplementary Volume 35.) Pp. xviii + 270, maps, ills. London: The British School at Athens, 2003. Cased, £72. ISBN: 978-0-904887-44-0. ELIZABETH R. GEBHARD Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 219 - 221
Hallett (C.H.) The Roman Nude. Heroic Portrait Statuary 200 B.C. – A.D. 300. Pp. xxii + 391, ills. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. Cased, £80. ISBN: 978-0-19-924049-4. PETER STEWART Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 221 - 223
Bruun (C.) (ed.) Interpretare i bolli laterizi di Roma e della Valle del Tevere: produzione, storia economica e topografica. (Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae 32.) Pp. x + 323, figs, ills, maps. Rome: Institutum Romanum Finlandiae, 2005. Paper, ???45. ISBN: 978-952-5323-10-8. SHAWN GRAHAM Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 223 - 224
Leader-Newby (R. E.) Silver and Society in Late Antiquity. Functions and Meanings of Silver Plate in the Fourth to Seventh Centuries. Pp. xiv + 240, ills. Aldershot and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2004. Cased, £50. ISBN: 978-0-7546-0728-1. DAVID W.J. GILL Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 224 - 226
Adrados (F.R.) A History of the Greek Language: from its Origins to the Present. Translated by F.R. del Canto. Pp. xx + 345. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2005 (first published as Historia de la lengua griega, 1999). Cased, €99, US$134. ISBN: 978-90-04-12835-4. IO MANOLESSOU Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 226 - 228
Libronix Digital Library System, Liddell (H.G.), Scott (R.) A Greek–English Lexicon (9th edition, Oxford 1996, revised H.S. Jones and R. McKenzie, revised Supplement P.G.W. Glare). Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2003. CD-ROM, US$145. D.M. CARTER Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 228 - 229
Aneziri (S.), Giannakopoulos (N.), Paschidis (P.) Index du Bulletin Epigraphique (1987–2001). I. Les Publications. (Meletemata 43/1.) Pp. 397. Athens: Research Centre for Greek and Roman Antiquity, National Hellenic Research Foundation/Paris: Association des Etudes Grecques, Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne, 2005. Paper, ???44. ISBN: 978-960-7905-25-3. Aneziri (S.), Giannakopoulos (N.), Paschidis (P.) Index du Bulletin Epigraphique (1987–2001). II. Les Mots grecs. (Meletemata 43/2.) Pp. 686. Athens: Research Centre for Greek and Roman Antiquity, National Hellenic Research Foundation/Paris: Association des Etudes Grecques, Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne, 2005. Paper, ???68. ISBN: 978-960-7905-26-0. Aneziri (S.), Giannakopoulos (N.) Index du Bulletin Epigraphique (1987–2001). III. Les Mots français. (Meletemata 43/3.) Pp. 569. Athens: Research Centre for Greek and Roman Antiquity, National Hellenic Research Foundation/Paris: Association des Etudes Grecques, Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne, 2005. Paper, ???62. ISBN: 978-960-7905-27-7. POLLY LOW Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 230 - 232
Bricault (L.) Recueil des inscriptions concernant les cultes isiaques (RICIS) (Mémoires de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres 31.) Pp. xxx + 832 in 2 vols, with 135 pp. of plates in vol. 3. Paris: Diffusion de Boccard, 2005. Paper, ???190. ISBN: 978-2-87754-156-5. RICHARD GORDON Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 232 - 234
Cleland (L.), Harlow (M.), Llewellyn-Jones (L.) (edd.) The Clothed Body in the Ancient World. Pp. xvi + 192, ills. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2005. Paper, £28. ISBN: 978-1-84217-165-3. LARISSA BONFANTE Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 234 - 236
Lloyd (G.E.R.) Delusions of Invulnerability. Wisdom and Morality in Ancient Greece, China and Today. Pp. 176. London: Duckworth, 2005. Paper, £12.99. ISBN: 978-0-7156-3386-1. STEVEN SHANKMAN Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 236 - 238
Hagedorn (A.C.) (ed.) Perspectives on the Song of Songs. Perspektiven der Hoheliedauslegung. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 346.) Pp. xxii + 373, ills. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2005. Cased, ???98. ISBN: 978-3-11-017632-2. SIMON GOLDHILL Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 238 - 240
Timpanaro (S.) The Genesis of Lachmann's Method. Edited and translated by G.W. Most. Pp. viii + 252. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2005. Cased, £30, US$47.50. ISBN: 978-0-226-80405-7. E.J. KENNEY Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 240 - 243
Ackerman (R.) (ed.) Selected Letters of Sir J.G. Frazer. Pp. x + 426. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. Cased, £75. ISBN: 978-0-19-926696-8. ROBERT FRASER Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 243 - 245
Mackie (C.J.) (ed.) Oral Performance and Its Context. (Orality and Literacy in Ancient Greece, Vol. 5.) (Mnemosyne Supplementum 248.) Pp. x + 208, ills. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2004. Cased, ???85, US$107. ISBN: 978-90-04-13680-9. JAMES BRADLEY WELLS Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 246 - 246
Mills (S.) Euripides: Bacchae. Pp. 174. London: Duckworth, 2006. Paper, £11.99. ISBN: 978-0-7156-3430-1. JUDITH MAITLAND Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 247 - 247
Alonso-Núñez (J.M.) Die Archäologien des Thukydides. (Xenia: Konstanzer Althistorische Vorträge und Forschungen 45.) Pp. 114, maps. Konstanz: UVK Universitätsverlag Konstanz GmbH, 2000. Paper, ???19. ISBN: 978-3-87940-729-3. TIMOTHY ROOD Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 248 - 248
Laurand (V.) La Politique stoïcienne. Pp. 153. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2005. Paper, ???17. ISBN: 978-2-13-054150-9. MALCOLM SCHOFIELD Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 248 - 249
Bryce (T.) The Trojans and their Neighbours. Pp. xiv + 225, ills, maps. London and New York: Routledge, 2006. Paper, £16.99, US$30.95 (Cased, £65, US$120). ISBN: 978-0-415-34955-0 (978-0-415-34959-8 hbk). BARRY B. POWELL Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 249 - 250
Bagnall (R.S.), Worp (K.A.) Chronological Systems of Byzantine Egypt. Second edition. Pp. viii + 349. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2004 (first published as Studia Amstelodamensia 8, 1978). Cased, ???70, US$87.50. ISBN: 978-90-04-13654-0. MARK HUMPHRIES Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 250 - 250
Meadows (A.), Williams (R.) (edd.) Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Volume XIII. The Collection of the Society of Antiquaries, Newcastle Upon Tyne. Pp. 112, pls. Oxford: Oxford University Press/London: Spink and Son, for the British Academy, 2005. Cased, £50. ISBN: 978-0-19-726310-5. K. RUTTER Published Online: 06-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 251 - 251