Journal of Contemporary History 42 (2007), 4

Titel der Ausgabe 
Journal of Contemporary History 42 (2007), 4
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London [u.a.] 2007: Sage Publications
Quarterly: January, April, July, October



Journal of Contemporary History (JCH)
United Kingdom
Grünberg, Karl

Journal of Contemporary History
A new issue of Journal of Contemporary History
has been made available:

1 October 2007; Vol. 42, No. 4



The Anti-Komintern and Nazi Anti-Bolshevik Propaganda in the 1930s
Lorna L. Waddington
Journal of Contemporary History 2007;42 573-594

Social Democracy and Partition: The British Labour Party and Northern
Ireland, 1951 64
Aaron Edwards
Journal of Contemporary History 2007;42 595-612

The Meeting of the Staatssekretare on 2 May 1941 and the Wehrmacht: A
Document up for Discussion
Klaus Jochen Arnold and Gert C. Lubbers
Journal of Contemporary History 2007;42 613-626

Failing the Public: The BBC, The War Game and Revisionist History: A Reply
to James Chapman
Mike Wayne
Journal of Contemporary History 2007;42 627-637

Review Article: Youth and Modernity
Louise A. Jackson
Journal of Contemporary History 2007;42 639-647

Review Article: Knowledge, Memory and Justice: Some Grey Areas in
Contemporary Holocaust Research
Deborah Staines
Journal of Contemporary History 2007;42 649-659

Review Article: Turning Memories into History in the Spanish Year of
Historical Memory
Judith Keene
Journal of Contemporary History 2007;42 661-671

Review Article: The Politics of Fashion: The Politics of Fashion Studies
Christopher Breward
Journal of Contemporary History 2007;42 673-681

Review Article: Documenting Health: Contemporary Social and Cultural
Histories of Medicine and Psychiatry
Catharine Coleborne
Journal of Contemporary History 2007;42 683-691

Review Article: Consolidation and Diversification: Some Current Turns in
Gender History
Shani D'Cruze
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Journal of Contemporary History 2007;42 707-709

Journal of Contemporary History 2007;42 710

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