STUDIE / STUDIES KALOUS Antonín, Spor o biskupství olomoucké v letech 1482-1497 (A dispute over the bishopric of Olomouc, 1482–1497), S. 1-39 The bishopric of Olomouc went through a time of troubles between 1482–1497, when there were several candidates to the office nominated by the chapter, the king and the popes. The article tries to solve the succession of these candidates on the basis of the Olomouc as well as the Vatican sources. Jan Filipec was the only one of these candidates who was active in Olomouc itself, the others (a candidate of the chapter; another Hungarian prelate; or the curial prelates) never came to Olomouc. The influence of the papal curial was quite substantial in the decision making. The struggle for the bishopric was finally solved in 1497 with Stanislaus Thurzó, who was elected bishop in twenty-six and stayed in the office for forty-three years.
MAREK Pavel, Klientelní strategie španělských králů na pražském císařském dvoře konce 16. a počátku 17. století (The Clientele Strategy of the Spanish Kings towards the Prague Imperial Court in the Late 16th Century and the Early 17th Century), S. 40-89 This study researches the links which tied Central European noblemen to the Spanish rulers Philip II. and Philip III. The author has attempted to interpret the nature of the relationship network between the Spanish Kings and the Prague Imperial Court in the late 16th century and the early 17th century. Much attention is paid primarily to the mechanisms which helped to bind individual courtiers to Spain’s policies.
PEŠEK Jiří, Česká historiografie na počátku 21. století – cesty jejího hodnocení (Czech Historiography at the Onset of the 21st Century – Methods of Assessment), S. 89-100 The author selects the issues of evaluation assessments of Czech historiography as themes, and thus the necessity for defining the criteria of academic efficiency. The quantification of publishing output is complicated by the fact that the qualitative aspect is introduced from „outside“, and by means which are alien to historiography as a system. However, the key issue is the quality of historiographic output comparable with that from abroad. The author points out the satisfactory quantitative output of Czech historiography, but also its excessive ties to a national context. Based on an analysis of the projects awarded between 1999-2005 by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic as the most important national foundation for promotion of science, he describes the chronological, thematic and national/supra-regional nature of approved projects (in comparison with contemporary German historiography).
BŮŽEK Václav, Výuka historie na univerzitách v České republice – tendence a perspektivy (The Teaching of History at Universities in the Czech Republic – Trends and Perspectives), S. 101-112 This study outlines some trends of more general importance in the current state of history teaching at universities in the Czech Republic. It focuses on the means of assessing intellectual abilities to study history during entrance examinations. It raises concerns about candidates’ declining levels of knowledge and their lack of a proper motivation to study. It is now common at all universities in the Czech Republic that there is a structured programme of the study of history, which is divided into a baccalaureate programme level and the follow-on master’s degree. Significant changes have accompanied the university study of history for prospective history teachers at primary and secondary schools. PhD graduates of history will increasingly seek employment beyond academic and research institutions. The beginning of the 21st century brought to an end the period when exclusive study of history attracted merely future teachers of history and narrowly focused academics in the Czech Republic. Baccalaureate programmes of study involving different historical branches in particular require close links with the needs of everyday life.
ŠMAHEL František, Závěrečný projev na IX. sjezdu českých historiků v Pardubicích 8. září 2006 (The Closing Address to The IXth Congress of Czech Historians at Pardubice, 8th September 2006), S. 113-121 In his concluding reflections to the IXth Congress of Czech Historians the author focused upon four issues: “Historikerstreit” from a Czech point of view, Czech historiography in the contemporary world and in contemporary science, The timetable for history lessons is not an end in itself and History, the Historical Sciences and the Humanities.
TŘEŠTÍK Dušan – ŽEMLIČKA Josef, O modelech vývoje přemyslovského státu (On the Development Models of the Przemyslid State), S. 122-164
OBZORY LITERATURY / REVIEWS REITEMEIER Arnd, Pfarrkirchen in der Stadt des späten Mittelalters: Politik, Wirtschaft und Verwaltung (Ivan Hlaváček) S. 165 - DONAVIN Georgiana - NEDERMAN Cary J. - UTZ Richard (eds.), Speculum sermonis. Interdisciplinary reflections on the medieval sermon (Jindřich Marek) S. 167 - FORBELSKÝ Josef, Španělé, Říše a Čechy v 16. a 17. století. Osudy generála Baltasara Marradase (Pavel Marek) S. 172 - HLAVAČKA Milan, Zlatý věk české samosprávy. Samospráva a její vliv na hospodářský, sociální a intelektuální rozvoj Čech 1862-1913 (Pavel Kladiwa) S. 175 - TRABA Robert, „Wschodniopruskość”. Tożsamość regionalna i narodowa w kulturze politycznej Niemiec (Maciej Górny) S. 177 - WAGNER Patrick, Hitlers Kriminalisten. Die deutsche Kriminalpolizei und der Nationalsozialismus (Tomáš Nigrin) S. 179 - GRANDNER Margarete - HEISS Gernot - RATHKOLB Oliver (edd.), Zukunft mit Altlasten. Die Universität Wien 1945 bis 1955 (Jiří Pešek) S. 182 - JUNKER Detlef - GASSERT Philipp - MAUSBACH Wilfried - MORRIS David B. (edd.), Die USA und Deutschland im Zeitalter des Kalten Krieges (Miloš Calda) S. 188