STUDIE / STUDIES ŽEMLIČKA Josef Mocren, Mogkran, Muckern. Kde hledat říšský majetek Mocran et Mocran? (Mocren, Mogkran, Muckern. Where are we to look for the Imperial estate Mocran et Mocran?), S. 305-350 This presentation is a follow up to the study Mocran et Mocran, published in the Czech Historical Journal (ČČH) 104, 2006, pp. 733-782. Its purpose was to clarify the meaning and contents of three charters which the „elected Emperor“ Frederick II. issued on 26th September 1212 for the benefit of the Bohemian King Przemysl Ottakar I. (Charters A, B) and his brother Vladislav Henry, the Margrave of Moravia (Charter C). The main outcome was as follows: Mocran et Mocran, which Frederick gifted to the Margrave Vladislav in Charter C, is not a clerical corruption of the correct term „double Moravia“ or „the Margravate of Moravia.“ It should, indeed, be understood as a modest land estate with „service“ to the royal court attached. This study attempts to find where this real estate might have been situated. Using both historical settlement analyses and linguistic research and also taking into account the distribution of land possessions awarded to Przemysl Ottakar I in Charter B, it has been possible to determine the location of Mocran et Mocran with a high degree of probability. As is evident, these real estates lined the directions of routes leading from Bohemia to places chosen for Imperial Diets. The study simultaneously illuminates some aspects of the relationship between King Przemysl, the Margrave of Moravia and the Imperial authority.
KUCHAŘOVÁ Hedvika – NEŠPOR Zdeněk R. Pastor bonus, seu idea (semper) reformanda. Vzdělávání a výchova kléru pro působení ve farní správě v českých zemích v 18. a na počátku 19. století (Pastor bonus, seu idea (semper) reformanda. The Education and Preparation of the Clergy for Parish Administration in the Czech Lands in the 18th Century and at the Beginning of the 19th Century), S. 351-392 This study deals with the education and preparation of Czech (primarily Catholic) priests in the 18th century and at the beginning of the 19th century with regard to their pastoral work. In this period priests acted as the main intermediaries of „High Church“ religious forms and contents to the masses. Through their activities they shaped folk piety. This study looks at changes in the theological education of priests, starting with the regulations of the Council of Trent, which were complied with in different ways, through the reforms of Maria Theresa and Joseph II, which introduced pastoral theology and the exclusive institution of general seminaries for a period of time, up to the changes in the period of „reaction“. A particular emphasis is placed on the content analysis of practical theology textbooks (pastoral theology in the wider sense of the word) and within their framework upon the dissemination of the Enlightenment rationalistic and etatistic concept of piety to the detriment of the earlier canonic-legal and moral-theological concept of piety. In addition, a consideration is given to the education of the non-Catholic clergy whose activities were permitted in Bohemia and Moravia under the Toleration Patent of Joseph II (1781).
MATERIÁLY / ARTICLES PÁTKOVÁ Hana Liber Vetustissimus Antiquae Civitatis Pragensis. Život jedné středověké městské knihy (Liber Vetustissimus Antiquae Civitatis Pragensis. The Story of One Medieval Town Book), S. 393-405 The earliest preserved medieaval town book in Bohemia is the so-called Liber vetustissimus of the Old Town of Prague, a town book kept between 1310-1518. This study traces its fortunes during two centuries of usage. It demonstrates that the Vetustissimus was not a static volume of „official record“, but mirrored to a significant degree the development of the town community in which it was used, as well as the political, economic and cultural framework in which this community existed during the course of two centuries. The progress of the Vetustissimus is testimony to the marked developmental dynamics of this group of sources.
DISKUSE / DISCUSSION PEŠEK Jiří České umění 1939-1958: Avantgarda mezi návratem akademismu a totalitní modernizací (Czech Art 1939-1958: The Avant-Garde between the Return of Academism and Total Modernization), S. 406-432 This article discusses the continuity of Czech culture, namely of applied arts between the second half of the 1930s and the period of post-February 1948 Stalinism. Within the context of European developments this dramatic period, which has recently been illuminated in a very inspirational manner in Volume V of the large academic History of Czech Applied Arts (1939-1958), appears to be substantially less fragmented than previously thought. It shows the entire range of connections, which responded to „the death of the avant-garde“ in the 1930s, together with strong European-wide trends returning to various forms of post-avant-garde realism. These processes were not merely typical for art. They can also be traced in the war and post-war concepts of social, urbanistic, economic and political plans, reforms and „revolutionary corrections“ of a liberal democratic society, which, in the eyes of many, failed when confronted with economic crisis and with Nazism. If some artists, or even the whole of society, at least for a period of time embraced radical Stalinism, and only small groups of artists, especially from the younger generation, developed a transformed heritage of surrealism, new pragmatic, consumer-led „socialist modernism“ – the starting point of the reform processes of the 1960s – came to be born in the mid 1950s in the aftermath of the harshest Stalinist period.
HLAVÁČEK Ivan Nad knihou Knihy a knihovny ve středověku (Over the book Books and libraries in the Middle Ages), S. 433
OSVALDOVÁ Barbora, Česká média a feminismus; BAHENSKÁ Marie, Počátky emancipace žen v Čechách. Dívčí vzdělání a ženské spolky v Praze v 19. století; MALÍNSKÁ Jana, Do politiky prý žena nesmí - proč? Vzdělání a postavení žen v české společnosti v 19. a na počátku 20. století (Milena Lenderová) s. 434 - FELCMAN Ondřej – SEMOTANOVÁ Eva, Kladsko. Proměny středoevropského regionu. Historický atlas (Marie Ryantová) s. 437 - LABUDA Gerard, Historia Kaszubów w dziejach Pomorza, Tom I: Czasy średniowieczne (Marceli Kosman) s. 439 - CRESSY David, England on Edge. Crisis and Revolution 1640-1642 (Michal Wanner) s. 442 - BEAUVOIS Daniel, Trójkąt ukraiński. Szlachta, carat i lud na Wołyniu, Podolu i Kijowszczyźnie 1793-1914 (Maciej Górny) s. 444 - MITTLER Max, Der Weg zum Ersten Weltkrieg: Wie neutral war die Schweiz? Kleinstat und europäischer Imperialismus (Pavel Dvořák) s. 447 - ROOWAAN Ries, Im Schatten der Großen Politik. Deutsch-niederländische Beziehungen zur Zeit der Weimarer Republik 1918-1933 (Jiří Pešek) s. 450 - BAVAJ Riccardo, Die Ambivalenz der Moderne im Nationalsozialismus. Eine Bilanz der Forschung (Jiří Pešek) s. 452 - MUELLER Wolfgang, Die Sowjetische Besatzung in Österreich 1945–1955 und ihre politische Mission (Dagmar Černá) s. 459