PEŘINOVÁ Helena, Postavení „šlechty ducha“ ve Svaté říši římské v zrcadle raně novověkých oděvních řádů (The Position of „the Nobility of the Mind“ in the Holy Roman Empire as Mirrored in Early Modern Dress Codes), S. 561-584 This article studies the changes in the status of the bearers of academic titles which happened throughout the Early Modern Ages. It is based on an analysis of dress codes issued for the entire Empire, as well as individual territorial principalities and free Imperial cities. Whereas at the level of the Empire doctors continued to have the same status as the lower nobility in the social hierarchy, at the Land level they came to be gradually differentiated on the basis of their positions at the court. In addition, there was a visible effort to degrade „the nobility of the mind“ as a whole at least to the status of town aldermen in the case of important Imperial cities. Thus, there was a wide gap between the Imperial „ideal“ and local „reality“.
FILIPOVÁ Lucie, Německo-francouzská partnerství měst a obcí (1950–1990). Příklad soupeření mezi SRN a NDR (German-French Twinning Partnerships of Municipalities (1950–1990). An Example of Rivalry between the FRG and the GDR), S. 585-608 This study researches twinning partnerships which emerged between 1950–1990 amongst West German and French towns and communities on the one hand and between East German and French communities on the other hand. It analyses diverse starting points, which had their foundations in differing ideological reasons for this co-operation; in the completely different international-legal standing of both German states; and also in dissimilar competences of relevant local authorities. This study further shows that there were also differences in the manner in which twinning partnerships were concluded and then maintained and advanced. This study also outlines the different means of financing and the considerable difference in numbers of West German and East German twinning partnerships. At the same time, the clarification of the role played by German-French town twinning in the relationships between the FRG and the GDR, is provided.
DOLEŽEL Stephan, K počátkům Historické komise Sudetských zemí (On the Origins of the Historical Commission of the Sudetenland), S. 609-618 On 30. 4. 1954 the Historical Commission of the Sudetenland was founded in Heidelberg. It proclaimed the aim „of ensuring the continuation of the historical and national historical and geographical research of the Sudetenland by the German side, also, not merely leaving it in the hands of the Czechs“; of balancing exceptional problems caused by a lack of sources and literature through research sponsorship and the creation of publication opportunities. A number of the 39 Commission members owed their careers to the Third Reich. Rudolf Schreiber was elected the first chairman of the Commission. After his death, the leadership passed to Kurt Oberdorffer, both of them having been influenced by the historical paradigm of German-Czech nationalist struggle. The Commission’s publication activity got under way from 1955. Most works focused upon Sudeten German themes. The Commission focused its attention upon the issue of sources for the history of the Sudetenland alongside its interest in alternative sources from German and European archives. From the very beginning, work progressed on biographical and bibliographical handbooks. Expert and political discussions about the establishment of a research institute of Sudetenland history resulted in the foundation of the Collegium Carolinum in 1956. Its independent and increasingly liberal character was determined by the strong personality of Karl Bosl. In 1980 he passed the leadership to Ferdinand Seibt, who had also been Chairman of the Historical Commission from 1965. He also encouraged the Commission and the CC to take an interest in the Czech regions of the Czech Lands.
DISKUSE / DISCUSSION MAUR Eduard, Revoluce ve výkladu historických proměn krajiny?, S. 619-626
ŠMAHEL František, Nad knihou Martina Nodl, S. 627-632
BENEŠ Zdeněk, Společná, či společné učebnice dějepisu? Francouzsko-německá učebnice jako výsledek hledání a ukazatel možných cest. Výzva k diskusi, S. 633-642
OBZORY LITERATURY / REVIEWS HRBEK Jiří, Absolutismus. Konstrukce a dekonstrukce jednoho historického pojmu (Absolutism. Construction and Deconstruction of One Historical Concept), S. 643-689 The concept of absolutism has been used in historical science since the 19th century to label a certain form of monarchical rule in Early Modern Europe. Its meaning has changed several times throughout this period. One of the main components in the development of the modern state in the Anglo-Saxon, French and German contexts have gradually changed into an empty concept, which some historians have unmasked as a mere myth. In recent decades, the discussion of this concept has been broadened to include the theme of the Hapsburg Monarchy, primarily focused upon research of the Viennese Court as the main point of integration for this composite state. Czech historiography has not until now devoted itself greatly to the semantics of the concept of absolutism, although it has made use of it both in the period of disputes about the meaning of Czech history and later in the period of dominance of Marxist philosophy of history.
NĚMEČEK Jan, Polská a česká řada dokumentů zahraniční politiky– podobnosti a rozdíly, S. 690-695
STLUKA Martin (ed.), Život Krista Pána (Jindřich Marek) s. 696 - KROUPA Jiří, Alchymie štěstí. Pozdní osvícenství a moravská společnost 1770-1810 (Daniela Tinková) s. 698 - LENDEROVÁ Milena - RÝDL Karel, Radostné dětství? Dítě v Čechách devatenáctého století (Marie Bahenská) s. 702 - FASORA Lukáš - HANUŠ Jiří - MALÍŘ Jiří - VYKOUPIL Libor (eds.), Člověk na Moravě v první polovině 20. století (Jan Randák) s. 706 - ŠEBEK Jaroslav, Mezi křížem a národem. Politické prostředí sudetoněmeckého katolicismu v meziválečném Československu (Miroslav Kunštát) s. 709 - LONGERICH Peter, „Davon haben wir nichts gewusst!“. Die Deutschen und die Judenverfolgung 1933-1945 (Lenka Šindelářová) s. 714 - OSTERLOH Jörg, Nationalsozialistische Judenverfolgung im Reichsgau Sudetenland 1938-1945 (Daniel Putík) s. 716