Record 1. TI: Themed edition: Early medieval material culture in the nineteenth- and twentieth-century imagination AU: EFFROS, BONNIE; WILLIAMS, HOWARD JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: February 2008 VO: 16 NO: 1 PG: 1-2(2) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.
Record 2. TI: Ugly but . . . important: the Albanian Hoard and the making of the archaeological treasure in the early twentieth century AU: Holcomb, Melanie JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: February 2008 VO: 16 NO: 1 PG: 3-22(20) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.
Record 3. TI: Selling archaeology and anthropology: early medieval artefacts at the Expositions universelles and the Wiener Weltausstellung, 18671900 AU: Effros, Bonnie JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: February 2008 VO: 16 NO: 1 PG: 23-48(26) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.
Record 4. TI: Anglo-Saxonism and Victorian archaeology: William Wylie's Fairford Graves AU: Williams, Howard JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: February 2008 VO: 16 NO: 1 PG: 49-88(40) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.
Record 5. TI: Review article: Recent approaches to late Anglo-Saxon episcopal culture AU: Giandrea, Mary Frances JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: February 2008 VO: 16 NO: 1 PG: 89-106(18) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.
Record 6. TI: Founding the Fatimid State: The Rise of an Early Islamic Empire. An Annotated English Translation of al-Qadi al-Nu'man's Iftitah al-Dawa - By Hamid Haji AU: KENNEDY, HUGH JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: February 2008 VO: 16 NO: 1 PG: 107-108(2) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.
Record 7. TI: Die Lebenschreibungen Bischof Burchards von Wurzburg - Edited by Desiree Barlava AU: PALMER, JAMES T. JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: February 2008 VO: 16 NO: 1 PG: 108-110(3) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.
Record 8. TI: Aux Origines de la Paroisse Rurale en Gaul Meridionale (IVeIXe Siecles) - Edited by Christine Delaplace AU: BLAIR, JOHN JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: February 2008 VO: 16 NO: 1 PG: 110-113(4) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.
Record 9. TI: Les racines chretiennes de lEurope: Conversion et liberte dans les royaume barbares VeVIIIe siecle - By Bruno Dumezil AU: RYAN, MARTIN JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: February 2008 VO: 16 NO: 1 PG: 113-115(3) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.
Record 10. TI: The Sutton Hoo Sceptre and the Roots of Celtic Kingship Theory - By Michael J. Enright AU: RYAN, MARTIN JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: February 2008 VO: 16 NO: 1 PG: 115-116(2) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.
Record 11. TI: Women at the Beginning: Origin Myths from the Amazons to the Virgin Mary - By Patrick J. Geary AU: VAN HOUTS, ELISABETH JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: February 2008 VO: 16 NO: 1 PG: 116-117(2) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.
Record 12. TI: Geschichte Spaniens im Mittelater. Vom Westgotenreich bis zum Ende des 15. Jahrhunderts - By Klaus Herbers AU: COLLINS, ROGER JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: February 2008 VO: 16 NO: 1 PG: 117-118(2) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.
Record 13. TI: East Rome, Sasanian Persia and the End of Antiquity: Historiographical and Historical Studies - By James Howard-Johnston AU: GREATREX, GEOFFREY JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: February 2008 VO: 16 NO: 1 PG: 118-123(6) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.
Record 14. TI: Landscapes of Monastic Foundation: The Establishment of Religious Houses in East Anglia c.6501200 - By Tim Pestell AU: GITTOS, HELEN JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: February 2008 VO: 16 NO: 1 PG: 123-125(3) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.
Record 15. TI: The Footsteps of Israel: Understanding Jews in Anglo-Saxon England - By Andrew P. Scheil AU: ASHLEY, SCOTT JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: February 2008 VO: 16 NO: 1 PG: 125-126(2) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.