The disappearance of the ancient landscape and the climatic anomaly of the early Middle Ages: a question to be pursuedAU: Cheyette, FredricL. URL: <>
Frankish military duty and the fate of Roman taxationAU: Goffart, Walter URL: <>
Tradition as a governing theme in the writings of John CassianAU: Casiday, Augustine URL: <>
Review article: Louis the German/Ludwig der Deutsche: new thoughts on an old kingAU: Warner, DavidA. URL: <>
Fouilles de la Rabita di Guardamar I: El ribat califal. Excavaciones e investigaciones (19841992) - Edited by Rafael Azuar RuizAU: FENTRESS, ELIZABETH; FILI, ABDALLAH URL: <>
Sutton Hoo: A Seventh-Century Princely Burial Ground and its Context - By Martin CarverAU: WILLIAMS, HOWARD URL: <>
Oggetti di ornamento personale dallEmilia Romagna bizantina: I contesti di rinvenimento - By Cinzia CavallariAU: CHRISTIE, NEIL URL: <>
Southeastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 5001250 - By Florin CurtaAU: BOWDEN, WILLIAM URL: <>
Ecriture et reecriture hagiographiques. Essai sur les reecritures de Vies de saints dans lOccident latin medieval (VIIIeXIIIe s.) - By Monique GoulletAU: SMITH, JULIA M.H. URL: <>
History and Memory in the Carolingian World - By Rosamond McKitterickAU: GLENN, JASON URL: <>
Origo Gentis. Identitats- und Legitimitatsstiftung in fruh- und hochmittelalterlichen Herkunftserzahlungen - By Alheydis PlassmannAU: WEST, CHARLES URL: <>
Old English Poetics: The Aesthetics of the Familiar in Anglo-Saxon England - By Elizabeth M. TylerAU: ANLEZARK, DANIEL URL: <>
Death and Memory in Early Medieval Britain - By Howard WilliamsAU: DEVLIN, ZOE LOUISE URL: <>