Journal of Urban History -- Table of Contents Alert
A new issue of Journal of Urban History has been made available:
1 May 2008; Vol. 34, No. 4
Redefining the Axis of Beijing: Revolution and Nostalgia in the Planning of the PRC Capital Shuishan Yu URL:
Civil Rights Versus "Civic Progress": The St. Louis NAACP and the City Charter Fight, 1956--1957 Clarence Lang URL:
Combating NEED: Urban Conflict and the Transformations of the War on Poverty and the African American Freedom Struggle in Rocky Mount, North Carolina Lisa Gayle Hazirjian URL:
Writing Watts: Budd Schulberg, Black Poetry, and the Cultural War on Poverty Daniel Widener URL:
Review Essay:Down but Not Out: The Politics of the East End Poor and Those Who Investigated Their Lives. MARC BRODIE, The Politics of the Poor: The East End of London 1885-1914. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press, 2004, pp. xii + 240, illustrations, notes, index, {pound}55 cloth.
SETH KOVEN, Slumming: Sexual and Social Politics in Victorian London. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2004, pp. xvii + 399, illustrations, notes, index, {pound}18.95 cloth
Caroline BresseyURL:
Review Essay:Producing the North American Metropolitan Landscape: ROBERT D. BULLARD, GLENN S. JOHNSON, AND ANGEL O. TORRES, eds., Sprawl City: Race, Politics, and Planning in Atlanta. Washington, DC: Island Press, 2000, pp. xiii, 236, tables, notes, index, $30.00 paper.
CATHERINE GUDIS, Buyways: Billboards, Automobiles, and the American Landscape. New York: Routledge, 2004, pp. viii, 333, illustrations, bibliography, notes, index, $22.00 paper.
OWEN D. GUTFREUND, Twentieth-Century Sprawl: Highways and the Reshaping of the American Landscape. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004, pp. xv, 297, illustrations, maps, bibliography, notes, index, $45.00 cloth, $19.95 paper.
RICHARD HARRIS, Creeping Conformity: How Canada Became Suburban, 1900-1960. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004, pp. x, 204, illustrations, figures, maps, bibliography, notes, index, $45.00 cloth, $19.95 paper.
AMY MARIA KENYON, Dreaming Suburbia: Detroit and the Production of Postwar Space and Culture. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2004, pp. vii, 214, bibliography, notes, index, $45.00 cloth, $19.95paper.
DOUGLAS KNERR, Suburban Steel: The Magnificent Failure of the Lustron Corporation, 1945-1951. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 2004, pp. x, 248, illustrations, notes, index, $44.45 cloth.
ROBERT LEWIS, ed., Manufacturing Suburbs: Building Work and Home on the Metropolitan Fringe. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2004, pp. x, 204, illustrations, tables, maps, notes, index, $68.50 cloth, $24.95 paper
Amanda I. SeligmanURL:
Review Essay:Will the Poor Be With Us Always?: MARK ROBERT RANK, One Nation Underprivileged: Why American Poverty Affects Us All. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004, pp. v, 356, preface, appendices, notes, bibliography, index. $29.95 cloth, $16.95 paper.
JEFFREY D. SACHS, End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time. New York: Penguin Press, 2005, pp. vii, 397, acknowledgments, foreword by Bono, introduction, works cited, further reading, notes, index, credits. $27.95 cloth, $16.00 paper.
DAVID K. SHIPLER, The Working Poor: Invisible in America. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2004, pp. vii, 319, preface, introduction, notes, index. $25.00 cloth, $14.00 paper. STEPHEN C. SMITH, Ending Global Poverty: A Guide to What Works. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2005, pp. ix, 260, preface and acknowledgments, introduction, notes and references, index. $26.95 cloth
Terry D. GoddardURL:
Review Essay:The Business of Business in The Middle Ages: Bruges and Montpellier. JAMES M. MURRAY, Bruges, Cradle of Capitalism, 1280-1390. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2005, pp. xi, 409, illustrations, maps, tables, notes, bibliography, index, $100.00 cloth.
KATHRYN L. REYERSON, The Art of the Deal: Intermediaries of Trade in Medieval Montpellier. The Medieval Mediterranean, Vol. 37. Leiden, the Netherlands: Brill, 2002, pp. 257, maps, charts, tables, notes, bibliography, index, $128.00 cloth
Marci SortorURL:
Review Essay:Violence, Memory, and Politics: Recent Work on Memorials in Berlin and Beyond. KAREN E. TILL, The New Berlin: Memory, Politics, Place. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2005, pp. xii, 279, illustrations, maps, notes, index, $25 paper.
DANIEL J. WALKOWITZ AND LISA MAYA KNAUER, eds., Memory and the Impact of Political Transformation in Public Space. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2004, pp. viii, 326, illustrations, notes, bibliography, discography, index, $23.95 paper
Jennifer A. JordanURL:
Review Essay:Collaboration and Conflict: Immigrant Life in Urban America. JACK GLAZIER, Dispersing the Ghetto: The Relocation of Jewish Immigrants across America. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1998, pp. x + 245, appendix, notes, index, $39.95 cloth. DAVID C. HAMMACK, DIANE L. GRABOWSKI, AND JOHN J. GRABOWSKI, eds. Identity, Conflict, and Cooperation: Central Europeans in Cleveland, 1850-1930. Cleveland, OH: Western Reserve Historical Society, 2002, pp. ix + 364, illustrations, tables, notes, index, contributors, $15.95 paper. RUSSELL A. KAZAL, Becoming Old Stock: The Paradox of German-American Identity. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2004, pp. xvii + 383, illustrations, maps, tables, index,notes, $35.00 cloth. ELI LEDERHENDLER, New York Jews and the Decline of Urban Ethnicity, 1950-1970. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2001, pp. xix + 275, illustrations, tables, notes, works cited, index, $29.95 cloth
Diane C. VecchioURL:
Review Essay:Latinos as Protagonists in American Urban History and Planning Practice: ARLENE DAVILA, Barrio Dreams: Puerto Ricans, Latinos, and the Neoliberal City. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2004, pp. xi, 260, illustrations, notes, bibliography, index, $19.95 paperback. MARIO LUIS SMALL, Villa Victoria: The Transformation of Social Capital in a Boston Barrio. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004, pp. xx, 226, footnotes, bibliography, index, tables, $50 cloth, $20 paper.
ANDREW GRANT WOOD, ed. On the Border: Society and Culture between the United States and Mexico. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2004, pp. xi, 303, notes, index, illustrations, $70.00 cloth, $24.95 paper
Zaire Zenit Dinzey-FloresURL: