Journal of Religious History Volume 32, Issue 2, June 2008 Special Issue on Religion and Empire
Introduction: Religion and Empire, an Historiographical Perspective* JOHN GASCOIGNE pages 159–178
Religion and the "Evil Empire" HILARY CAREY pages 179–192
Anglican High Churchmen and the Expansion of Empire HOWARD LE COUTEUR pages 193–215
Maori "Conversion" to the Rule of Law and Nineteenth-Century Imperial Loyalties LACHY PATERSON pages 216–233 Special Issue on Religionand Empire
Constructing Colonial Christianities: With Particular Reference to Anglicanism in Australia, ca 1850-1940* PAMELA WELCH pages 234–255 Special Issue on Religion and Empire
To Eliminate Colour Prejudice: The WCTU and Decolonisation in Australia ALISON HOLLAND pages 256–276
A Companion to the Reformation World - Edited by R. Po-chia Hsia Keith Luria pages 277–279
The Long European Reformation: Religion, Political Conflict, and the Search for Conformity, 1350-1750 - by Peter G. Wallace Keith Luria pages 279–280