Record 1. TI: Editorial AU: FOURACRE, PAUL PG: 251-251(1) URL:
Record 2. TI: Minting in Vandal North Africa: coins of the Vandal period in the Coin Cabinet of Vienna's Kunsthistorisches Museum AU: Berndt, GuidoM.; Steinacher, Roland PG: 252-298(47) URL:
Record 3. TI: The seal of Alaric, rex Gothorum AU: Kornbluth, Genevra PG: 299-332(34) URL:
Record 4. TI: The Life of Muhammad in Eulogius of Cordoba: some evidence for the transmission of Greek polemic to the Latin west AU: Wasilewski, Janna PG: 333-353(21) IS: 0963-9462 URL:
Record 5. TI: Writing Medieval Biography 7501250. Essays in Honour of Frank Barlow - Edited by David Bates, Julia Crick and Sarah Hamilton AU: WEILER, BJORN PG: 354-356(3) URL:
Record 6. TI: Excavations at Radley Barrow Hills, Radley, Oxfordshire. Volume 2: The Romano-British Cemetery and Anglo-Saxon Settlement - By Richard Chambers and Ellen McAdam AU: HAMEROW, HELENA PG: 356-358(3) URL:
Record 7. TI: The King's English: Strategies of Translation in the Old English Boethius - By Nicole Guenther Discenza AU: PRATT, DAVID PG: 358-360(3) URL:
Record 8. TI: The Alamanni and Rome 213496. Caracalla to Clovis - By John F. Drinkwater AU: MERRILLS, A.H. PG: 360-363(4) URL:
Record 9. TI: Abd al-Rahman III. The First Cordoban Caliph - By Maribel Fierro AU: BARTON, SIMON JN: Early Medieval Europe PG: 363-364(2) URL:
Record 10. TI: Episcopal Culture in Late Anglo-Saxon England - By Mary Giandrea AU: MESLEY, MATTHEW PG: 365-366(2) URL:
Record 11. TI: Elves in Anglo-Saxon England: Matters of Belief, Health, Gender and Identity - By Alaric Hall AU: ROWE, TAMSIN PG: 366-368(3) URL:
Record 12. TI: Imagining the Sacred Past: Hagiography and Power in Early Normandy - By Samantha Kahn Herrick AU: HICKS, LEONIE PG: 368-370(3) URL:
Record 13. TI: Basil II and the Governance of Empire (9761025) - By Catherine Holmes AU: MORRIS, ROSEMARY PG: 370-373(4) URL:
Record 14. TI: Gallia irradiata. Saints et sanctuaires dans le nord de la Gaule du haut Moyen Age - By Charles Meriaux AU: LIFSHITZ, FELICE PG: 373-374(2) URL:
Record 15. TI: Missale Gothicum e codice Vaticano Reginensi latino 317 - Edited by Els Rose AU: GANZ, DAVID PG: 375-376(2) URL:
Record 16. TI: The Transformation of a Religious Landscape. Medieval Southern Italy, 8501150 - By Valerie Ramseyer AU: WEILER, BJORN PG: 377-378(2) URL:
Record 17. TI: West over Sea. Studies in Scandinavian Sea-Borne Expansion and Settlement Before 1300. A Festschrift in Honour of Dr. Barbara E. Crawford - Edited by Beverley Ballin Smith, Simon Taylor and Gareth Williams AU: GORE, DEREK PG: 378-380(3) URL:
Record 18. TI: Dark Speech: The Performance of Law in Early Ireland - By Robin Chapman Stacey AU: HUDSON, JOHN PG: 380-381(2) URL:
Record 19. TI: Christian Persecution, Martyrdom, and Orthodoxy - By G.E.M. de Ste. Croix and Edited by Michael Whitby and Joseph Streeter AU: MERRILLS, A.H. PG: 382-384(3) URL:
Record 20. TI: The Fall of Rome and the End of Civilisation - By Bryan Ward-Perkins AU: HALSALL, GUY PG: 384-386(3) URL:
Record 21. TI: Representations of Power in Medieval Germany, 8001500 - Edited by Bjorn Weiler and Simon MacLean AU: GORECKI, PIOTR PG: 386-389(4) URL:
Record 22. TI: Insignis sophiae arcator: Medieval Latin Studies in Honour of Michael Herren on his 65th Birthday - Edited by Gernot R. Wieland, Carin Ruff and Ross G. Arthur AU: WOOD, IAN PG: 389-391(3) URL:
Record 23. TI: The Proprietary Church in the Medieval West - By Susan Wood AU: HUMMER, HANS PG: 391-396(6) URL: