Enjeux balkaniques - entre construction des nations et européanisationThe Western Balkans between Nation-Building and Europeanisation
Matthias Waechter & Xavier Lallemand Introduction
Claude Nigoul Les Balkans occidentaux sous la tutelle de la communauté internationale
Nicolas Moll La réconciliation franco-allemande et les Balkans : une motivation, pas un modèle
Dorian Jano From ‘Balkanization’ to ‘Europeanization’: The Stages of Western Balkans Complex Transformations
Alexander Kleibrink Federalism in the Balkans – Doomed to fail?
Arolda Elbasani EU Enlargement and State Institutions after Communism - Reforming Public Administration in Albania
Angela Wieser & Vedran Dzihic The Crisis of Expectations – Europeanisation as “acquis démocratique” and its limits. The case of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia
Lilla Balázs Bosnia and Herzegovina: “Transition, Times Two”
Antonija Petricusic Nation-Building in Croatia and the Treatment of Minorities: Rights and Wrongs
Petar Dragisic Serbia and European Union: A View from Brussels
Tchavdar Marinov Adieu Tito, Bonjour Europe : La République de Macédoine face aux dilemmes du passé communiste et de l’avenir européen
Filippa Chatzistavrou Ancienne République yougoslave de Macédoine : une quête d’identité commune à travers l’intégration européenne
Labinot Greiçevci The Case of Kosovo: From “International Statebuilding” to an “Internationally Supervised and Independent Country”
Arta Ante Exploring Social Capital, a missing link in the State-Building and Development Process in Kosovo
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