Editorial Statement:
Since its inception in 1940, the Journal of the History of Ideas has served as a medium for the publication of research in intellectual history that is of common interest to scholars and students in a wide range of fields. It is committed to encouraging diversity in regional coverage, chronological range, and methodological approaches. The JHI defines intellectual history expansively and ecumenically, including the histories of philosophy, of literature and the arts, of the natural and social sciences, of religion, and of political thought. It also encourages scholarship at the intersections of cultural and intellectual history, for example the history of the book and of visual culture.
Executive Editors:
Warren Breckman Martin J. Burke Anthony Grafton Ann E. Moyer
Managing Editor:
Robin Ladrach
Pliny’s Natural History: Enkuklios Paideia and the Ancient Encyclopedia AUDE DOODY
Roman Law and Human Liberty: Marsilius of Padua on Property Rights ALEXANDER LEE
Samuel Clarke’s Newtonian Soul JEFFREY R. WIGELSWORTH
The German Hercules’s Heir: Pierre Gassendi’s Reception of Keplerian Ideas KUNINOBU SAKAMOTO
Reading “Sibylline Leaves”: J. G. Hamann in the History of Ideas JOHN R. BETZ
Was William Godwin a Utilitarian? ROBERT LAMB
Interpreting the Religion of Thomas Hobbes: An Exchange
Hobbes’s Erastianism and Interpretation A.P. MARTINICH
Interpreting Thomas Hobbes in Competing Contexts JEFFREY R. COLLINS