Vorwort (5)
Edgar Wolfrum Von der Bonner zur Berliner Republik – ein geschichtspolitischer Umbruch? (7)
Michael Ruck 1968 und die westdeutsche Planungseuphorie der langen 60er Jahre (21)
Wim de Jong Demokratie, Machbarkeit und die politische Kultur der Niederlande in den siebziger Jahren (43)
Till van Rahden Paternity, Rechristianization, and the Quest for Democracy in Postwar West Germany (53)
Richard Bessel Disintegration and Integration after 'Zero Hour' in the Soviet Occupation Zone of Germany (73)
Liesbeth van de Grift Postwar Reconstruction in the Soviet Occupation Zone of Germany (91)
Rolf Steininger Neues zur Stalinnote? Anmerkungen zu Peter Ruggenthaler (107)
Ruud van Dijk The German Question in the Early Cold War: Is There Anything Left to Discuss? (115)
Luuk van Middelaar What if the public says No? The search for a European public and its limits (127)
Eelke Heemskerk European Integration and the Business Elite: the formation of a pan-European network of interlocking directorates? (139)
Helma van Lierop-Debrauwer Two of a Kind? Developments in Dutch and German Children’s Literature after 1945 (157)
Krijn Thijs “It’s a chutzpah!” Why German victimization nevertheless doesn’t really bother Dutch wartime memory (165)
Autorenverzeichnis (185)