Record 1.TI: Merovingian partitions: a genealogical charter? AU: Widdowson, Marc JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: February 2009 VO: 17 NO: 1 PG: 1-22(22) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.
Record 2.TI: Hospitality in pre-viking Anglo-Saxon England AU: Gautier, Alban JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: February 2009 VO: 17 NO: 1 PG: 23-44(22) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.
Record 3.TI: Coins and trade in early medieval Italy AU: Rovelli, Alessia JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: February 2009 VO: 17 NO: 1 PG: 45-76(32) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.
Record 4.TI: Pigs, presses and pastoralism: farming in the fifth to sixth centuries AD AU: Lewit, Tamara JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: February 2009 VO: 17 NO: 1 PG: 77-91(15) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.
Record 5.TI: Excavations at Tintagel Castle, Cornwall, 19901999 - By Rachel Barrowman, Colleen Batey and Christopher Morris AU: TURNER, SAM JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: February 2009 VO: 17 NO: 1 PG: 92-93(2) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.
Record 6.TI: Do ut des: Gift Giving, Memoria, and Conflict Management in the Medieval Low Countries - By Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld AU: JAMROZIAK, EMILIA JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: February 2009 VO: 17 NO: 1 PG: 94-95(2) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.
Record 7.TI: The Battle of the Lechfeld and its Aftermath, August 955: The End of the Age of Migrations in the Latin West - By Charles R. Bowlus AU: GOLDBERG, ERIC J. JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: February 2009 VO: 17 NO: 1 PG: 95-97(3) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.
Record 8.TI: Les magiciens dans lIslande ancienne. Etudes sur la representation de la magie islandaise et de ses agents dans les sources litteraires norroises - By Francois-Xavier Dillmann AU: TULINIUS, TORFI H. JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: February 2009 VO: 17 NO: 1 PG: 97-98(2) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.
Record 9.TI: Byzantine Rome and the Greek Popes: Eastern Influences on Rome and the Papacy from Gregory the Great to Zacharias, A.D. 590752 - By Andrew J. Ekonomou AU: LOUTH, ANDREW JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: February 2009 VO: 17 NO: 1 PG: 99-100(2) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.
Record 10.TI: Roman Barbarians: The Royal Court and Culture in the Early Medieval West - By Yitzhak Hen AU: PIZARRO, JOAQUIN MARTINEZ JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: February 2009 VO: 17 NO: 1 PG: 100-102(3) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.
vRecord 11.* TI: AEthelbald and Offa: Two Eighth-Century Kings of Mercia. Papers from a Conference held in Manchester in 2000 - Edited by D. Hill and M. Worthington AU: BURGHART, ALEX JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: February 2009 VO: 17 NO: 1 PG: 102-104(3) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.
Record 12.TI: Charters of Bath and Wells - Edited by Susan Kelly AU: YORKE, BARBARA JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: February 2009 VO: 17 NO: 1 PG: 104-106(3) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.
Record 13.TI: The Origins of Medieval Architecture - By Charles B. McClendon AU: GOODSON, CAROLINE JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: February 2009 VO: 17 NO: 1 PG: 106-107(2) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.
Record 14.TI: The Political Thought of King Alfred the Great - By David Pratt AU: MACLEAN, SIMON JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: February 2009 VO: 17 NO: 1 PG: 108-109(2) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: on the URL to access the article or to link to other issues of the publication.