Finally we are able to announce the release of the 2009 issue of the International Newsletter of Communist Studies Online. The online edition, which can be freely downloaded from the INCS website at <>, incorporates 364 pages, which is over a hundred pages more than the last issue and thus is the largest INCS issue ever (once again). The current issue includes 11 project presentations, 14 articles of a wide geographic and thematic spectrum, 13 book reviews and various informational items (see the table of contents below). We would like to thank everybody who made this possible through his contributions.
As usual, the bibliographical coverage of topics related to Communist Studies is a major focus of the International Newsletter in general and this issue in particular. Here you can find a new issue of the "International Bibliography of Communist Studies", covering 742 book publications from 58 countries. Also, the "International Article Bibliography on Communist Studies and Related Topics", which we introduced last year, has been fruitfully continued in this issue, covering articles published during the year 2008 in scientific journals and periodicals globally. 603 articles and other contributions have been retrieved for the year 2008. The continuous scholarly output worldwide (though with significant nuances) shows not only a high and still growing interest in comparative Communist Studies and a transnational view on Communist history in general, but also the growing participation of a new generation of scholars.
Participation of readers and correspondents continues to be highly appreciated for the bibliographical sections – but of course not only. Everyone is encouraged to send us suggestions, articles, contributions and all kind of informational data on the various sections for the 2010 issue of the International Newsletter.
Due to the 2009 issue having been one of the most extensive and time-consuming International Newsletter issues ever, and also due to new research tasks of the editors for 2009/2010 – Bernhard H. Bayerlein has been invited as guest researcher at the Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung (ZZF) Potsdam, and Gleb Albert has been accepted for a doctoral fellowship at the Bielefeld Graduate School of History and Sociology –, the print version of the 2010 issue will be only rudimentary, featuring no articles or reviews. Yet we are asking you to contribute to the online version of 2010, which will be as extensive as usual and will gladly feature your contributions.
The deadline for the online version of the International Newsletter's 2010 edition is the 15th of February, 2010.
We strongly advice you to follow the submission guidelines, which will be available at the INCS homepage within the next week. By following the style guidelines you will contribute to a speedy editing/ layout process, making the next issue get released with a less delay. Also please note that unsolicited reviews will not be accepted.
With kind regards and best wishes for your ongoing projects,
Bernhard H. Bayerlein, Executive Editor Gleb J. Albert, Assistant Editor
I. The Newsletter of the Newsletters: Communist Studies Newsletters – New issues/ Selected Items.
- Communist History Network Newsletter – Estudos sobre o Comunismo – H-HOAC – London Socialist Historians Group Newsletter – Aktuelles aus der DDR-Forschung ..... 8
II. News on Archives, Fonds and Institutions.
- New Archival Guide on CPSU Files in RGASPI – Digitalisierungsprojekte des VfA – New ROSSPEN Series "History of Stalinism – Declassifications in Russian Archives – Bucharin and Boguslavskij Archival Fonds – "Archivbericht Russland" – – Clio-online Findmittelkatalog – CPGB Bibliography – CPUSA Exhibition Online – Fonds Thorez- Vermeersch – Trotzkismus-Archiv der FES – Sonderarchiv Moskau – Neue ukrainische Archivalien der BSB ..... 11
III. Research Projects and Dissertations – Work in Progress.
- Michel Christian (Geneva, Switzerland): Party and Society in the German Democratic Republic and in Socialist Czechoslovakia. PhD Project ..... 18
- Frédéric Cyr (Montréal, Canada): Paul Levi and the Politics of the German Left 1918-1930: From Revolutionary to Defender of the Republic. PhD Project ..... 20
- Adrian Grant (Derry, UK): Irish Socialist Republicanism, 1909-1936. PhD Project ..... 21
- Kostis Karpozilos (Rethymno, Greece): Labor Unions, Radicalism and the Communist Left in the Greek-American Communities (1920-1950). PhD Project ..... 23
- Heikki Larmola (Helsinki, Finland): The Czechoslovak Crisis of 1968 and the Soviet Laboratory of Finland: The Beginning Decline of the Communist Movement. Research Project ..... 25
- Stefan Karner, Peter Ruggenthaler (Graz, Austria): Der „Prager Frühling“ 1968. Internationales Forschungsprojekt ..... 29
- Raquel Varela (Lisbon, Portugal): The Role of the Portuguese Communist Party in the Portuguese Revolution of 25 April 1974 to 25 November 1975. PhD Project ..... 31
- Peter Waterman (The Hague, The Netherlands): From International Communism to the Global Justice and Solidarity Movement. Memoirs of a Long-Distance Internationalist. Autobiographical Project .... 32
- Marc Zivojinovic (Erfurt, Germany): Der jugoslawische Titokult 1941-1991. Dissertationsprojekt .... 34
- "Geschichte des Kommunismus" – Ein Forschungsprojekt am Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (Gerd Koenen) ..... 37
- Announcement: Establishment of a Young Scholars’ Network on the „History of Societies and Socialisms“ ..... 38
IV. Materials and Studies.
IV.1 Biographical Materials and Studies.
- Peter Huber (Basel, Switzerland): Die Schweizer Spanien-Freiwilligen. Ein soziobiografischer Querschnitt ..... 40
- Martin Krämer Liehn (Warsaw, Poland): Revolutionising Letter-Writing, 1917-1956: Nin, Gramsci, Serge, Sneevliet, Michalec, Rosmer, Katz (Abstract) ..... 47
- Sandra Pujals (Río Piedras, Puerto Rico) / Katya Vladimirov (Kennesaw, US): Lenin’s Muchachos. A Database of Comintern and Front Organizations’ Personnel in Latin America, 1919-1943 ..... 48
IV.2 Regional Materials and Studies.
- Hernán Camarero (Buenos Aires, Argentina): Algunas reflexiones sobre la inserción del comunismo en el movimiento obrero de la Argentina durante el período de entreguerras .. 60
- Lev Centrih (Ljubljana, Slovenia): The Journal Perspektive and Socialist Self-Management in Slovenia: In Search of a New Anti-Stalinist Society. Towards a Materialist Survey of Communist Ideology ..... 69
- Mariana Hausleitner (Berlin, Germany): Wahrnehmung und Folgen der ungarischen Revolution von 1956 in Rumänien ..... 92
- Bruno Kamiński (Łódź, Poland): The Trial of Laszlo Rajk as a Prelude to the Propaganda Onslaught on Tito on the Basis of "Trybuna Ludów" and Local Press Accounts ..... 107
- Dainis Karepovs (São Paulo, Brazil): A Juventude Comunista do Brasil na era da Internacional Comunista ..... 117
- Viktor L. Kheifets / Lazar Kheifets (St. Petersburg, Russia): Die Komintern und Argentinien in den Jahren 1919-1922. Die Kommunistische Partei Argentiniens gegen die "argentinischen Lenins" (with Spanish abstract) ..... 137
- Viktor Krieger (Heidelberg, Germany): „Bolschewiki zweiter Klasse“. Russlanddeutsche Parteimitglieder im sowjetischen Zwangsarbeitslager während des „Großen Vaterländischen Krieges“ (Abstract) ..... 148
- Viktor Krieger (Heidelberg, Germany): „Russlanddeutsche“ Beschlüsse des Politbüros des ZK der VKP(b) in den Jahren 1920-1943. Eine Auswahl ..... 149
IV.3 Materials and Studies on Ideas and Ideologies.
- Avgust Lešnik (Ljubljana, Slovenia): Reform versus Revolution. The Historical Dilemma of Social Democracy at the End of the First World War ..... 159
IV.4 Cultural Materials and Studies.
- Juan José Gómez Gutiérrez (Sevilla, Spain): Marxismo y cultura popular en Italia. Ernesto De Martino y la crítica de la antropología ..... 175
- Bernhard H. Bayerlein (Mannheim/Potsdam, Germany): Von der Roten Literaturinternationale zu Stalins Hofschreibern? Arbeitsmaterialien zu den Schriftstellerinternationalen, 1919-1943 ..... 202
V. New Publications – Reports, Presentations and Reviews.
V.1 Reviews.
- Chaija Boebel, Lothar Wentzel (eds.): Streiken gegen den Krieg! Die Bedeutung der Massenstreiks in der Metallindustrie vom Januar 1918, Hamburg, VSA-Verlag, 2008 (Eckhard Müller, Berlin) ..... 211 - Heinz Deutschland (ed.): "Ich kann nicht durch Morden mein Leben erhalten". Briefwechsel zwischen Käte und Hermann Duncker 1915 bis 1917, Bonn, Pahl-Rugenstein, 2005 (Ottokar Luban, Berlin) ..... 214 - Andrej B. Edemskij: Ot konflikta k normalizacii. Sovetsko-jugoslavskie otnošenija v 1953- 1956 godach [Vom Konflikt zur Normalisierung. Sowjetisch-jugoslawische Beziehungen in den Jahren 1953-1956], Moskva, Nauka, 2008 (Jan Foitzik, Berlin) ..... 216 - Lorenz Erren: „Selbstkritik“ und Schuldbekenntnis. Kommunikation und Herrschaft unter Stalin. 1917-1953, München, Oldenbourg, 2008 (Klaus-Georg Riegel, Trier) ..... 219 - Boris Kanzleiter, Krunoslav Stojaković (eds.): 1968 in Jugoslawien. Studentenproteste und kulturelle Avantgarde zwischen 1960 und 1975. Gespräche und Dokumente, Bonn, J.H.W Dietz, 2008 (Todor Kuljić, Belgrad) ..... 221 - Annelies Laschitza: Die Liebknechts. Karl und Sophie. Politik und Familie, Berlin, Aufbau- Verlag, 2007 (Andreas Diers, Frankfurt am Main) ..... 223 - Magda Martini: La cultura all’ombra del muro. Relazioni culturali tra Italia e DDR. 1949-1989 [Culture in the shadow of the Wall. Cultural relations between Italy and GDR (1949-1989)], Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007 (Liza Candidi T.C., Udine-Berlin) ..... 227 - Ryszard Nazarewicz: Komintern a lewica polska. Wybrane problemy [Die Komintern und die polnische Linke. Ausgewählte Probleme], Warszawa, Instytut Wydawniczy "Książka i Prasa", 2008 (Werner Röhr, Berlin) ..... 229 - Ulla Plener (ed.): Clara Zetkin in ihrer Zeit. Neue Fakten, Erkenntnisse, Wertungen. Material des Kolloquiums anlässlich ihres 150. Geburtstages am 6. April 2007 in Berlin, Berlin, Dietz Verlag, 2008 (Rainer Holze, Berlin) ..... 238 - Hans-Rainer Sandvoß: Die „andere Reichshauptstadt“. Widerstand aus der Arbeiterbewegung in Berlin von 1933 bis 1945, Berlin, Lukas Verlag, 2007 (Hermann Weber, Mannheim) ..... 239 - Irina P. Sirotinskaja (ed.): K stoletiju so dnja roždenija Varlama Šalamova. Materialy meždunarodnoj konferencii [Zum 100. Geburtstag Varlam Šalamovs. Materialien einer internationalen Konferenz], Moskva, 2007 (Gleb J. Albert, Mannheim-Köln) ..... 241 - Denise Urcelay-Maragnès: Les volontaires cubains dans la défense de la République espagnole. 1936-1959. La légende rouge [Die kubanischen Freiwilligen bei der Verteidigung der spanischen Republik 1936-1959. Die rote Legende], Paris, l'Harmattan, 2008 (Bernhard H. Bayerlein, Mannheim-Köln) ..... 243 - Sana Valiulina: Didar & Faruk. Roman. Aus dem Niederländischen von Ilja Braun, München, Knaus Verlag, 2007 (Wolfgang Schlott, Bremen) ..... 245 - Peter Wurschi: Rennsteigbeat. Jugendliche Subkulturen im Thüringer Raum 1952-1989, Köln-Weimar-Wien, Böhlau, 2007 (Wolfgang Schlott, Bremen) ..... 248
V.2 Presentations and Announcements.
- Hernan Camarero: A la conquista de la clase obrera. Los comunistos y el mundo del trabajo en la Argentina. 1920-1935 [Conquering the Working Class. Communists and the Labour Movement in Argentina, 1920-1935], Buenos Aires, Siglo XXI, 2007 ..... 250 - Diego Caro Cancela: Los socialistas en la historia de Andalucía. I: La construcción del Partido Obrero en Andalucía. 1900-1936 [Die Sozialisten in der Geschichte Andalusiens 1900-1936. I: Der Aufbau der Arbeiterpartei in Andalusien 1900-1936], Madrid, Fundación Pablo Iglesias, 2006 ..... 250 - Dorena Caroli: Un Welfare State senza benessere. Insegnanti, impiegati, operai e contadini nel sistema di previdenza sociale dell’Unione Sovietica (1917-1939) [A Welfare State without Welfare. Teachers, Employees, Workers and Peasants in the Social Security System of the Soviet Union, 1917-1939], Macerata, EUM, 2008 ..... 251 - Ralf Hoffrogge: Richard Müller. Der Mann hinter der Novemberrevolution [Richard Müller. The Man Behind the November Revolution], Berlin, Dietz Verlag, 2008 ..... 251 - Herbert Killian: Geraubte Freiheit. Ein Österreicher verschollen in Nordostsibirien, Berndorf, Kral-Verlag, 2008 ..... 252 - Ottokar Luban: Rosa Luxemburgs Demokratiekonzept. Ihre Kritik an Lenin und ihr politisches Wirken 1913–1919, Schkeuditz, GNN, 2008 ..... 253 - Pierre-Frédéric Weber, Henri Ménudier: Le triangle RFA-RDA-Pologne. 1961-1975. Guerre froide et normalisation des rapports germano-polonais, Paris, l'Harmattan, 2007 ..... 254 - Bernhard H. Bayerlein: "Der Verräter, Stalin, bist Du!" Vom Ende der internationalen Solidarität. Komintern und kommunistische Parteien im Zweiten Weltkrieg 1939-1941. Unter Mitarbeit von Natal'ja Lebedeva, Michail Narinskij und Gleb Albert. Mit einem Zeitzeugenbericht von Wolfgang Leonhard. Vorwort von Hermann Weber, Berlin, Aufbau- Verlag, 2008 ..... 254 - Series: Os Anos de Salazar, 30 vols., Lisbon, Editora Planeta de Agostini, 2008f ..... 256 - New Journal: Twentieth Century Communism. A Journal of International History ..... 256
V.3 Books Sent in for Review ..... 258
VI. Meetings and Conferences Concerning Communist Studies 2008-2010 ..... 259
VII. The International Bibliography of Communist Studies. Issue 2008 ..... 264
VIII. Periodicals/ Serials on Communist Studies
VIII.1 The International Bibliography of Journal Articles on Communist Studies. Issue 2008 .. 301
VIII.2 Directory of Serials on Communist Studies and Connected Areas: Conventional and Online Journals, Newsletters and Bulletins ..... 335
IX. Internet Resources. Websites Relevant for Communist Studies ..... 346
X. Cultural and Artistic Performances Concerning the History of Communism (New Movies, Documentaries, Stage Performances, Literary Fiction etc.) ..... 353
XI. Discussions, Debates, Historical Controversies.
- Tschechien: Aufsehen um Milan-Kundera-Akten ..... 355 - Memorial: Raid on St. Peterburg Office and International Protest ..... 355
XII. Miscellanea.
- Jubilees: Jakov Drabkin (90) – Orbituaries: Marjan Britovšek, Oleg Ken – Errata ..... 357
List of Authors ..... 359