STOČES JiříRektorská řada předhusitské pražské třífakultní univerzity (do vydání Dekretu kutnohorského). Nové poznatky a otazníky [The Succession of Rectors at the Pre-Hussite Three-Faculty Prague University (prior to the Issue of the Decree of Kutna Hora). Recent Researches and Issues], S. 533-558
This study aims to supplement and amend the current list of Rectors of the medieval three-faculty University in Prague (until 1409). Whereas, thanks to its preserved register, we know all the Rectors of the Law University, which separated itself from the contemporary, and at least formally unified University Corporation in 1372, the list of Rectors of the three-faculty University has to be compiled step by step from individual documents, which have now been found. The author has incorporated all Rectors mentioned in more recent publications within his listing. In addition, he personally discovered a letter from 1394 which had been sent to Göttingen by an unknown Rector. The resulting succession of Rectors, although still considerably incomplete, shows certain irregularities in terms of the number of Rectors holding office each year (in particular in 1383 and 1394). Based on this discovery, the author questions the received idea of Rectorship semester tenures. He draws attention to the possibility of at least the temporary use of the Parisian model of quarter-yearly Rectorships, which was in force at the Universities of Heidelberg and Cologne in the second half of the 1380s. However, there is a lack of evidence so far to make it possible to reach any definite conclusion. Key words: University, Prague, Bohemia, Rector, medieval university, the Three-Faculty University, semester, listing
FRANÇOIS EtienneMísta paměti. Lieux de mémoire. Erinnerungsorte [Places of Memory. Lieux de mémoire. Erinnerungsorte], S. 559-568
In his study, having briefly characterised his starting points Etienne François deals with the possibilities of researching in Germany the places of memory – lieux de mémoire, which are under systematic research in France; he sums up the most common results of research dealing with „German“ memory – the central place of memory focused upon Nazism, yet also the richness of pre-Nazi „memories“; a pluralism of memories, though mutually interconnected. Key words: lieux de mémoire, Erinnerungsorte, the places of memory, German research on the places of memory, Nazism
ONDO GREČENKOVÁ MartinaWindischgrätz a Condorcet: příběh jednoho osvícenského projektu [Windischgrätz and Condorcet: A Tale of One Enlightenment Project] S. 569-598
This microhistoric study researches the co-operation of two Enlightenment scholars, Joseph Nicholas the Count de Windischgrätz and the Marquis de Condorcet, on a joint project of the then popular political arithmetic, which aimed to apply a mathematical model upon political acts and thus ensure their precise and indisputable outcome. The academic competition, for which Count de Windischgrätz invited applications in the 1780s stimulated international discussions in which fifty scholars and politicians from different countries, including five important European Academies of Science and Learned Societies, participated. The correspondence network, which was established thanks to this Project, connected a large part of Europe and thus fulfilled the idea of a supranational and suprastate „institution“ of the Republic of the Learned. This study primarily focuses upon the manner in which this Project gained international recognition, and on the communication and exchange of academic works, information and opinions between its two main protagonists, Condorcet and Windischgrätz. Key words: the Age of Enlightenment, correspondence, communication, science, law, political arithmentic, Enlightenment reforms, Condorcet, Windischgrätz, France’s relations – the Hapsburg Monarchy, Learned Societies Academies of Science, exchange of information and publications
PEŠEK JiříVálečné zločiny německé wehrmacht v německé badatelské diskusi posledního desetiletí [War atrocities of the German Wehrmacht as a matter of German historiographical discussion of the last ten years], S. 599-615
This review article deals with the latest German historiographical research into the German military atrocities of World War II in Eastern Europe. The main focus of this research is laid on the mass murder of civilians and of Soviet and Polish prisoners of war, the question of mass rapes, the extermination of whole districts and the devastation of the occupied territories „in the East”. The latest works can be considered a step forward towards a new understanding of this problem not only in terms of providing us with new analytic studies or new sources, but also by formulating new, innovative questions about the Nazi regime itself and its concept of “total war” as well as its diverse relationship to the nations of Central and Eastern Europe. Key words: German Wehrmacht, World War II, war atrocities in Eastern Europe, German historiography debates
FEJTOVÁ OlgaMaria Bogucka: rekapitulace díla v kontextu polské historiografie [Maria Bogucka: a Review of her Work within the Context of Polish Historiography], S. 616-629
This contribution introduces us to the professional career and work of the Polish historian Maria Bogucka within the context of post-war Polish historiography against the background of a review of her recent publication „Kultura – Naród – Trwanie.“ Key words: Poland, the Early Modern Age, Maria Bogucka, Polish historiography
NEJEDLÝ Martin, Středověký mýtus o Meluzíně a rodová pověst Lucemburků (Tomáš Velímský) S. 630 - RATAJOVÁ Jana - STORCHOVÁ Lucie (edd.), Nádoby mdlé, hlavy nemající? Diskursy panenství a vdovství v české literatuře raného novověku (Ivana Čornejová) S. 635 - URBÁNEK Vladimír, Eschatologie, vědění a politika. Příspěvek k dějinám myšlení pobělohorského exilu (Tomáš Knoz) S. 640 - LACH Jiří, Laichterovo nakladatelství a projekt České dějiny. Studie a edice (Jiří Pešek) S. 643 - FRIEDL Jiří - JIRÁSEK Zdeněk, Rozpačité spojenectví. Československo-polské vztahy v letech 1945-1949 (Jaroslav Vaculík) S. 646 - ANDERS Freia, Strafjustiz im Sudetengau 1938-1945 (Martina Hamplová) S. 649 - JANIŠOVÁ Milena - KŘEN Jan (edd.), Křižovatky dvou životů. Sborník k poctě Hany Mejdrové a Miloše Hájka (Jiří Pešek) S. 652 - KOLDINSKÁ Marie - ŠEDIVÝ Ivan, Válka a armáda v českých dějinách: sociohistorické črty (Jiří Hutečka) S. 656