Časopis Matice moravské 127 (2008), 1

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Časopis Matice moravské 127 (2008), 1
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Brno 2008: Matice moravsk¡
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Casopis Matice moravské
Czech Republic
Matice moravská - redakce Filozofická fakulta Masarykovy Univerzity Arne Nováka 1 602 00 Brno Czech Republic Redaktion: Prof. PhDr. Jirí Malír Libor Jan, Ph.D. Mgr. Jan Dvorák, Ph.D.
Tomáš Dvořák



„Alles von Rechts wegen.“ Sonda do právního života na Moravě v polovině 17. století
/ „Alles von Rechts wegen.“ An Inquiry into the Legal Practice in Moravia in the mid-17th Century¬
ABSTRACT: The historians’ effort to accentuate the absolutistic features of the law history of the 17th and 18th century traditionally determines its interpretation. Focusing on the changes of the legal norms however isolates legal history from the development of the society, which created the law. Misinterpretation may be prevented by closer study of the courts in their everyday practice. The article probes and analyzes in detail a case handled by the Moravian Land Court (Moravský zemský soud) in 1644–1661, which reflects a number of phenomena of the legal culture of the time. The goal of the author is to capture the changing position of the estate courts within a framework dominated by the ruler’s legislation.
KEY WORDS: Law history, 17th century, estates, absolutism, Moravia, land court, Hodonín

¬Podíl zemské samosprávy na budování lokální železniční sítě a zemská železniční akce v Rakouském Slezsku (do roku 1918)
/ The Participation of the Local Government on Building of the Local Railway Network and the Railroad Construction in Austrian Silesia (before 1918)
ABSTRACT: The study inquires into the building of local railways in the period of the so called co-operative rails and the role of local government in this process. Pressured by the state and society, the government began to actively support the construction of local railways in the 1880’s. The individual countries of the Cisleithan Regions dealt with the problem of building the local network in different ways. Silesian authorities became engaged in this work already in the 1860’s, although the law promoting this activity was issued only in 1895. Unlike others, they chose to cooperate as closely with the state as possible. The country thus did not have to invest great sums into the local railway network, but this choice significantly protracted its construction and the local railroad network in Silesia was successfully inaugurated only before World War I.
KEY WORDS: History of transportation, local railroad network, local government, Austrian Silesia

LACH, Jiří
Laichterův projekt České dějiny v kontextu české nakladatelské práce
/ Laichter’s Project Czech History (České dějiny) in the Context of the Czech Publishing Activity
ABSTRACT: Laichter’s project Czech History (České dějiny) belongs to the significant attempts on a general interpretation of the nation’s past. The idea appeared in the beginning of the 20th century in connection with both the boom of publishing and the progress of the Czech positivist historiography. The article follows the beginning of the project and the political, historical and professional reasons for which it finally remained incomplete. The author further focuses on the role of the key publishers (Jan and František Laichter) and historians, who participated on the synthesis (e.g. Václav Novotný, Kamil Krofta, Rudolf Urbánek and Josef Šusta).
KEY WORDS: České dějiny (Czech History), Laichter’s Publishing House, Czech historiography, Jan Laichter, František Laichter, Václav Novotný, Kamil Krofta

Společnost pro obnovu Lidic 1946–1959
/ The Society for the Renovation of Lidice (Společnost pro obnovu Lidic) 1946–1959¬
ABSTRACT: The study focuses on the activity of The Society for the Renovation of Lidice (Společnost pro obnovu Lidic) established by law in September 1946. Its main role was to supervise the building of the new village of Lidice, offer help to the returning inhabitants and make contact with foreign societies created in order to help Lidice and promote its memory. The article presents the activity of the Society in context of the changing political situation in Czechoslovakia especially in the years 1946 – 1952 when the symbol of Lidice and its renovation was misused by the communist propaganda.
KEY WORDS: The Society for the Renovation of Lidice (Společnost pro obnovu Lidic), Czechoslovakia, constitutional law, the competences of an institution, the Ministry of the Interior, the government, foreign associations, reconstruction of the municipality, construction, February 1948, propaganda, political writing, communist propaganda


VISI, Tamás
Intelektuální život Židů v Brně v 15. století
/ The Intellectual Life of the Jews in Brno in the 15th Century
ABSTRACT: The Jewish community of Brno had an important role in Ashkenazi intellectual life during the first half of the fifteenth-century. Eizek Tirna composed both his Sefer Minhagim and a polemical treatise against Christianity (recently discovered by Abraham David) in Brno. There is evidence for rabbinic education in Austerlitz (nearby Brno) from the late thirteenth century, in Olomouc and Znojmo from the early fifteenth century on. A divorce formula contained in an Oxford manuscript (MS Opp. 312) testifies the existence of local scribal traditions in Znojmo and Brno. These traditions were codified probably by Rabbi Meir in Znojmo and Israel Bruna in Brno during the first half of the fifteenth-century. Eizek Tirna’s polemical treatise and Bruna’s response no. 73 testify that Moravian rabbis were interested in theological and esoteric subjects as well.
KEY WORDS: Eizek Tirna (Isaac Tyrnau), Israel Bruna, Brno: Jewish community, Znojmo: Jewish community, Halakha (Jewish law): divorce, Hussite controversies: reflected in Jewish sources

GAYOT, Gérard
Protoindustriální podnikatel a nákladnický systém mimo své domovské teritorium v merkantilistické Evropě
/ The Proto-Industrial Contractor and the Putting-Out System Outside the Original Territory in Mercantilist Europe
ABSTRACT: The article investigates the possibilities of transferring the so called putting-out system from the west European environment to the empire on the Danube. The author is mainly interested in discovering the thinking of the contractors, who came to the Czech and Austrian regions mainly from the Austrian Netherlands, which were in close contact with the then most advanced centers of textile production of the time. Based chiefly on the experience of the imperial counselor and contractor Jean Thyss it is possible to observe a whole spectrum of circumstances, which a proto-industrial contractor had to watch when leaving his country and in course of his business activity such as the workforce market, infrastructure, or the mechanisms of purchasing raw materials.
KEY WORDS: Putting-out system, transfer of production organization and know-how, 18th century, textile production


JUREK, Tomasz
Kníže, koruna a prameny. Polemika o politice a metodě

Svět české šlechtologie. Když Petr Maťa odpovídá


The Cambridge History of Christianity. Volume 9. World Christianities c. 1914 – c. 2000Kaiser Friedrich II. (1194–1250). Welt und Kultur des Mittelmeerraums – Karel MARÁZ: Václav III. (1289–1306). Poslední Přemyslovec na českém trůněKról w Polsce XIV i XV wieku – Martin NEJEDLÝ: Středověký mýtus o Meluzíně a rodová pověst LucemburkůPeníze nervem společnosti. K finančním poměrům na Moravě od poloviny 14. do počátku 17. století – Pavel BALCÁREK: Kardinál František Ditrichštejn 1570–1636. Gubernátor Moravy – Pavel MAREK: Emil Dlouhý-Pokorný. Život a působení katolického modernisty, politika a žurnalisty – Radovan LOVČÍ: Alice Garrigue Masaryková. Život ve stínu slavného otce – Jaroslav HRDLIČKA: Život a dílo prof. Františka Kováře. Příběh patriarchy a učence

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