Časopis Matice moravské 127 (2008), 2

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Časopis Matice moravské 127 (2008), 2
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Brno 2008: Matice moravsk¡
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Casopis Matice moravské
Czech Republic
Matice moravská - redakce Filozofická fakulta Masarykovy Univerzity Arne Nováka 1 602 00 Brno Czech Republic Redaktion: Prof. PhDr. Jirí Malír Libor Jan, Ph.D. Mgr. Jan Dvorák, Ph.D.
Tomáš Dvořák



ORLITA, Zdeněk
Poslušná těla – poslušná mysl. Disciplinace v prostředí mariánských kongregací olomoucké diecéze v období raného novověku
/ Obedient Bodies – Obedient Minds. Disciplination in Marian Congregations of the Olomouc Diocese in the Early Modern Times
ABSTRACT: The article is based on the results of Louis Chatellier, who studied the process of Catholic Reformation and the gradual post-Trident revival of the Catholic society in the example of Marian congregations. The author of the article analyses the religious disciplination of the individual, which he considers as one of the explanations of the successful revival of the faith in the sense of Catholicism. A strong emphasis was put on the support of the private forms of divine services (canonical hours, rosary), which congregations ordered to every individual. The sodalists learned to divide the day into the intervals between the prayers and thus control their time more efficiently.
KEY WORDS: Jesuits, Marian congregations, religious disciplination, Moravia, Early Modern Times

„Tichý pohřeb“ trevírského kurfiřta Karla Lotrinského ve Vídni 1715–1716. Raně novověká smrt v kontextu dvorského ceremoniálu a katolické komemorace
/ “Quiet Burial” of the Trier Elector Charles of Lothringen in Vienna 1715–1716. Early-Modern Death in the Context of Court Ceremonial and Catholic Commemoration
ABSTRACT: The study follows the background of preparations of the burial, exequia and the court mourning for the Trier elector Charles of Lothringen (died 1715 in Vienna) and their course as described in the court ceremonial protocols, organizational notes of the emperor and the secret council. The descriptions of individual acts of the burial and memorial services contain the perceptions of death, burial and commemoration in context of the court ceremonial, relationship of the deceased to the imperial family and his social status. The second part of the study follows the presentation of the late archbishop of Osnabruck and Trier in the burial messages.
KEY WORDS: Death, burial, burial message, court, ceremonial

Príspevok k dejinám knižnej cenzúry a jej manipulácii habsburskou štátnou políciou v predmarcovom období
/ A Note on the History of Book Censure and Its Manipulation by the Habsburg State Police in the Pre-March Era
ABSTRACT: This study focuses on the censure of works with political context, whose influence on the society was closely surveyed by the police and Censure Office in cooperation with the Ministry of the Exterior. It includes not only the historical, political and statistical works but also writers such as František Palacký, Jozef Hormayr or Silvio Pellico in direct confrontation with the Habsburg censure system. On one hand we see the effort of the writers to utilize the literary abilities and earn one’s living, influence and recognition, on the other, the struggle of the censors to preserve the extant social order in the multinational Habsburg monarchy and form an obedient, moral and politically loyal citizen and subject.
KEY WORDS: History of the Habsburg monarchy, history of police, censure, period preceding March 1848, state and society in the 19th century

PELC, Martin
Střet kultur v počátcích moderní turistiky
/ The Clash of Cultures in the Beginning of Modern Tourism
ABSTRACT: This study focuses on the censure of works with political context, whose influence on the society was closely surveyed by the police and Censure Office in cooperation with the Ministry of the Exterior. It includes not only the historical, political and statistical works but also writers such as František Palacký, Jozef Hormayr or Silvio Pellico in direct confrontation with the Habsburg censure system. On one hand we see the effort of the writers to utilize the literary abilities and earn one’s living, influence and recognition, on the other, the struggle of the censors to preserve the extant social order in the multinational Habsburg monarchy and form an obedient, moral and politically loyal citizen and subject.
KEY WORDS: History of the Habsburg monarchy, history of police, censure, period preceding March 1848, state and society in the 19th century

Post-White-Mountain Moravian Emigration

SCHUNKA , Alexander
Emigrace ze zemí habsburské monarchie do oblasti středního Německa. Motivy a sociální důsledky
/ The Emigration from the Habsburg Countries to Central Germany. Motives and Social Consequences
ABSTRACT: The study deals with geographic, social and cultural aspects of the exile of Habsburg subjects. It focuses particularly on the non-Catholic refugees from the Czech lands who left their homeland after the Battle of White Mountain on account of the recatholisation of the Habsburg territories in the 17th century. They often settled in the Protestant regions of Central Germany. First the geographic decisions of the emigrants are analysed and put into their historical context. Then the social conditions and consequences of the migrations are explained. Finally a concept of the refugees‘ self-image is proposed, in which confessional aspects often emerge in a purer and more homogeneous form than the examples of individual fates might suggest.
KEY WORDS: Migration, Early Modern Times, recatholisation, refugees, Czech lands, Saxony

KNOZ, Tomáš
Moravská emigrace po roce 1620
/ The Moravian Emigrants after 1620
ABSTRACT: On the basis of the fates of concrete persons the article outlines a typology of the post-White-Mountain Moravian emigrants. The motives for emigration as well as its course and oucome varied. However, the common denominator of all emigrant groups was their fate resulting from similar attitudes towards Habsburg power. The general uniting feature of the Moravian emigré community was the loss of their economic and social status. The emigrants formed a social group linked together by a great extent of radicalism and an endeavour to restore the pre-White-Mountain conditions. In their military and political attempts to upset the current circumstances the emigré community put the imperial party under pressure at least in the first decade after the Battle of White Mountain and made the situation of the new owners of the confiscated estates rather insecure. Nevertheless, after a series of defeats of anti-Habsburg powers the pressure on the restoration of the pre-White-Mountain conditions decreased even within the group of the emigrants and refugees. The members of this social group, maybe with the exception of the most radical representatives, gradually adapted themselves to the circumstances.
KEY WORDS: Early Modern Times – Moravia – emigrants – exile – Battle of White Mountain – Unity of the Brethren – Comenius – Zierotin (Žerotín)

Uhorský konfesionálny exil v 70. rokoch 17. storočia: nepoznaný fenomén
/ Hungarian Confessional Exile in the 1670’s: An Unknown Phenomenon
ABSTRACT: The study centers on the confessional exile from Hungary in the 1670’s, which followed the use of violent forms of re-Catholization. The community of the Hungarian refugees in Germany had its specific characteristics: it was a rather small and socially narrow group of people (mainly pastors and teachers) who after 1681 could return back to their country. They had an ambiguous relationship with the receiving environment: as they had a right to obtain support, they were a burden for the native inhabitants. On the other hand, they often unjustly put themselves in the position of critics of the local situation, took away job opportunities and represented a potential source of discord with the Habsburg monarchy. Due to internal divisions, the actions of the Hungarian exiles as a group often lacked consistency.
KEY WORDS: Hungary, 17th century, confessional exile, controversy, mental boundaries


STARÝ, Marek
Jmenování moravského zemského hejtmana v roce 1578
/ Nomination of the Land Hetman in 1578
ABSTRACT: The land hetman was the highest representative of the local Moravian government in the period preceding the Battle of the White Mountain (Bílá hora). His nomination belonged to the competences of the ruler, who in accordance with the custom first asked for the “votes “of the other local officers and judges. The author attempts to illustrate the mechanism of appointing a hetman on a particular example. The historica collection of the regional archive in Třeboň preserved a register of the above mentioned votes made in the Czech court office. Although this list dates the election to the year 1598, based on a number of indications the author argues that the votes were collected already in the beginning of 1576. Despite the fact that Jan ze Žerotína and Znata z Lomnice received the majority of the votes, the emperor finally nominated Hanuš Haugvic z Biskupic in 1578. This reality clearly shows that “vota” (the election) of the Moravian nobility was not a real vote but had only a recommendatory character.
KEY WORDS: Administrative history – nomination of the officials – land hetman – land court – court office

BRÁZDIL, Rudolf – KRUŠINSKÝ, Rostislav – ŘEZNÍČKOVÁ, Ladislava
Zprávy o počasí z let 1655–1656 v deníku Jana Františka Bruntálského z Vrbna
/ The Weather Observations from 1655–1656 the Diary of Jan František Bruntálský of Vrbno
ABSTRACT: Jan František Bruntálský of Vrbno (1634–1705), lord of Fulnek and owner of Paskov, Studénka and Mrač, belonged to significant representatives of the higher nobility with a number of posts in the land and court administration. His diary, written from January 1, 1655 to March 4, 1656, contains not only everyday life information, but also weather descriptions (air temperature, precipitation, wind, cloudiness, visibility). On the basis of those notes the weather in the aforementioned period can be ascertained and confronted with other sources on wheather and similar phenomena in the Czech lands. The observations of Bruntálský make it possible to create a list of weighted temperature indices that correspond with the indices compiled for regions in Germany or Switzerland. The analysed diary substantially broadens our horizons as to the weather in 1655–1656 in the Czech lands and Central Europe and contributes to the weather mosaic in the period before systematic meteorological observations.
KEY WORDS: Jan František Bruntálský of Vrbno, personal diary, weather observations, temperature indices


Sonda příliš neúplná

MARÁZ, Karel
Na okraj recenze knihy o Václavu III.


Eduard MAUR: Paměť hor – Dalibor PRIX (ed.): Zemské desky krnovské. Svazek I. 1403–1522Die „sudetendeutsche Geschichtsschreibung“ 1918–1960. Zur Vorgeschichte und Gründung der Historischen Kommission der Sudetenländer – Andrzej PLESZCZYŃSKI: Niemcy wobec pierwszej monarchii piastowskiej (963–1034). Narodziny stereotypu. Postrzeganie i cywilizacyjna klasyfikacja władców Polski i ich kraju – Agnieszka KUŹMIUK-CIEKANOWSKA: Święty i historia. Dynastia Przemyślidów i jej bohaterowie w dziele mnicha Krystiana – Martin WIHODA: Vladislav Jindřich – Martin NODL – Martin WIHODA(edd.): Šlechta, moc a reprezentace ve středověku – Alessandro CATALANO: Zápas o svědomí. Kardinál Arnošt Vojtěch z Harrachu (1598–1667) a protireformace v Čechách – Zdeněk R. NEŠPOR: Náboženství na prahu nové doby. Česká lidová zbožnost 18. a 19. století – Jiří ŠTAIF (ed.): Moderní podnikatelské elity – metody a perspektivy bádání – Martina LUSTIGOVÁ: Karel Kramář. První československý premiérHodonín. Dějiny města do roku 1948

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