VÁLKA, JosefZikmund a husité. Jak zakončit (husitskou) revoluci/ Sigismund and the Hussites. How to Put an End to the (Hussite) RevolutionABSTRACT: The author returns to the discussions about the character and historical significance of the Hussite Revolution (from F. Palacký through J. Pekař, J. Slavík and marxism to the present) and seeks to show the significance of King and Emperor Sigismund in the process of ending the revolution. The article follows his path from an unyielding supporter of the annihilation of heretics by crusades to his acceptance of the endeavour of Hussite “political leaders“ to renew the negotiations with the Church concerning the recognition of the basis of the Hussite programme (Four Articles of Prague) at the Council of Basel. Hussitism is regarded here as a religious and political conflict, where war is significant as a continuation of politics and diplomacy as a continuation of war. The article is part of the author’s research on the political system in the Czech lands in the 15th–17th century, for which the Hussite period is decisive. The system of the joint reign of the estates and the ruler was formed for a long time here. Per analogiam with the „long“ French revolution (Furet) it is possible to compare the role of King Sigismund in the long Hussite Revolution with King Louis XVIII and Sigismund‘s electoral capitulation with the Charter of Louis XVIII of 1814. KEY WORDS: Hussitism, theory of revolution, Sigismund of Luxembourg, politicians
ČERNUŠÁK, TomášNuncius Caetani a jeho obrana katolických zájmů v době před vydáním Majestátu Rudolfa II. (1608–1609)/ Nuncio Caetani and His Defence of Catholic Interests in the Time Before the Letter of Majesty of Rudolf II (1608–1609)ABSTRACT: The activities of papal nuncios at the imperial court in Prague at the turn of the 16th and 17th century substantially influenced the furtherance of Catholic interests in Central Europe. Under Nuncio Antonio Caetani (1607–1611) the situation was the same. He was intensely active particularly in the times when the Provincial Diets of Bohemia took place in 1609. By various interventions he endeavoured to prevent the granting of religious freedom to Protestants. However, he was not successful in this effort. KEY WORDS: Antonio Caetani – nunciature – nuncio – Counter-Reformation – Letter of Majesty
JELÍNEK, PetrKlášterní nemocnice řádu Milosrdných bratří ve Valticích a její knihy nemocných (1661–1780)/ The Monastery Hospital of the Brothers of Mercy in Valtice (Feldsberg) and Its Books of the Sick (1661–1780)ABSTRACT: The submitted study analyses the numbers of the patients admitted in the monastery hospital in Valtice from 1661 to 1780 and their mortality. Moreover, a random sample was selected on the basis of Watzke’s study in Graz with the aim to ascertain the average length of stay, diagnosis, country of origin and age of the patients. The individual patients were divided into social groups by their vocation. The purpose was to find out the mortality of those groups and the lethality of various diseases. The books of the sick from Valtice offer an exhaustive and objective proof of the organisation of the first hospitals, standards of medical care and social structure of the population in the Early Modern Times. KEY WORDS: Brothers of Mercy – history of nursing – hospital of Valtice (Feldsberg) – mortality and lethality in 17th and 18th century
GLEVAŇÁK, MichalOtázka návratu pravoslávnych kňazov, absolventov Pravoslávnej bohosloveckej fakulty v Prešove do Gréckokatolíckej cirkvi v roku 1968/ The Question of the Return of Orthodox priests, Graduates from the Orthodox Theological Faculty in Prešov into the Greek Catholic Church in 1968ABSTRACT: Due to the political events which took place after 1948, the Greek Catholic Church in the former Czechoslovak Republic underwent one of the most difficult periods of its existence. The Union of Uzhorod was proclaimed unlawful during the so-called Prešov Assembly on April 28, 1950, which caused the involuntary return of the clergy to the Orthodox Church. Those who opposed this return were persecuted, imprisoned and also forced to move to the abandoned region of Sudetenland by the legislative power. During this 18-year period, an activity of the Greek Catholic Church was allowed in 1968, the new clergy of Eastern tradition was formed and educated at the Orthodox Theological Faculty in Prešov. A group of Orthodox priests and clerics displayed their willingness to return to the Greek Catholic Church after it had been restored. By this action they manifested their former latent ecclesiastical membership. KEY WORDS: Prešov Assembly, Greek Catholic Church, Orthodox church, liquidation, restoration, Orthodox and Greek Catholic priests
ROZHLEDY/HORIZONSZ problematiky církevní správy ve středověku
JOKEŠ, PetrDěkanátní zřízení na středověké západní a jihozápadní Moravě (od počátků do roku 1419)/ The Deanery Organization in Western and Southwestern Medieval Moravia (from the Beginnings to 1419)
ELBEL, Petr „...abyste mi kněze dali, který rozdává tělo Boží a krev Boží podle smluv v Jihlavě učiněných...“ Korespondence Jana Tovačovského z Cimburka s olomouckou kapitulou ve věci utrakvistické farní správy v Hranicích – příspěvek k charakteru církevní správy moravských utrakvistů za episkopátu Pavla z Miličína (1434/35–1450)/ “…so that you give me a priest who administers the body of God and the blood of God according to the contracts made in Jihlava…” The correspondence of Jan Tovačovský of Cimburk with the chapter of Olomouc about the Utraquist parish administration in Hranice – a contribution to the character of the Moravian Utraquist church administration in the episcopate of Pavel of Miličín (1434/35–1450)
KRAFL, Pavel„Debemus caritatis operibus ferventer intendere.“ Výzkumy dějin řeholních kanovníků sv. Augustina v Čechách a na Moravě období středověku za uplynulá desetiletí/ „Debemus caritatis operibus ferventer intendere.“ The Research on the Medieval History of the Regular Canons of St Augustine in Bohemia and Moravia in the Preceding Decades)
KUBÍN, PetrOdpověď na repliku Davida Kalhouse o Kristiánovi
KALHOUS, DavidK historické metodě aneb opět nad pravostí Kristiánovy legendy
Hana PÁTKOVÁ: Česká středověká paleografie – Jan AL SAHEB (ed.): Urbář hukvaldského panství z roku 1581. Komentovaná edice – Przemysław WISZEWSKI: Domus Bolezlai. W poszukiwaniu tradycji dynastycznej Piastów (do około 1138 roku) – Zdeněk VYBÍRAL: Bitva u Moháče. Krvavá porážka uherského a českého krále Ludvíka Jagellonského v boji s Osmany 29. srpna 1526 – Petr ZEMEK: Reformace, protireformace a rozvinutí protireformačního katolictví v Uherském Brodě – křesťanská víra v proměnách času – Josef GRULICH: Populační vývoj a životní cyklus venkovského obyvatelstva na jihu Čech v 16. až 18. století – Vladimír URBÁNEK: Eschatologie, vědění a politika. Příspěvek k dějinám myšlení pobělohorského exilu – Zdeňka STOKLÁSKOVÁ: Cizincem na Moravě. Zákonodárství a praxe pro cizince na Moravě 1750–1867 – Jiří BRŇOVJÁK – Aleš ZÁŘICKÝ (eds.): Šlechtic podnikatelem, podnikatel šlechticem. Šlechta a podnikání v českých zemích v 18. a 19. století – Jana MACHAČOVÁ – Jiří MATĚJČEK: Problémy obecné kultury v českých zemích 1781–1989