Editorial Statement:
Since its inception in 1940, the Journal of the History of Ideas has served as a medium for the publication of research in intellectual history that is of common interest to scholars and students in a wide range of fields. It is committed to encouraging diversity in regional coverage, chronological range, and methodological approaches. The JHI defines intellectual history expansively and ecumenically, including the histories of philosophy, of literature and the arts, of the natural and social sciences, of religion, and of political thought. It also encourages scholarship at the intersections of cultural and intellectual history, for example the history of the book and of visual culture.
New Guidelines for Submission:
Please submit all manuscripts for consideration by means of our web-based submission process, Editorial Manager: http://www.editorialmanager.com/jhideas/default.asp
If for some reason you are unable to do so, please contact the editorial office.
Journal of the History of Ideas
Volume 71, Number 2 (April 2010)
“Musical References in Brucioli’s Dialogi and Their Classical and Medieval Antecedents” ANTHONY M. CUMMINGS
“Baroque Optics and the Disappearance of the Observer: From Kepler’s Optics to Descartes’ Doubt” OFER GAL and RAZ CHEN-MORRIS
“One Concept of Liberty: Towards Writing the History of a Political Concept” EFRAIM PODOKSIK
“Innocence of Experience: Rousseau on Puberty in the State of Civilization” MARY K. MCALPIN
“A Scottish Jacobin: John Oswald on Commerce and Citizenship” ANNA PLASSART
“Theorist at Work: Talcott Parsons and the Carnegie Project on Theory, 1949-1951” JOEL T. ISAAC
Review Essay: “The Recent Boom in Shanghai Studies” JOSHUA A. FOGEL