Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte 121 (2010), 1

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Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte 121 (2010), 1
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Stuttgart 2010: Kohlhammer Verlag
jährlich in drei Heften
jährlich 192,80€; Einzelheft: 72,50€



Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte Redaktion Prof. Johannes Helmrath Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften Unter den Linden 6 10099 Berlin
Prof. Dr. Johannes Helmrath


Inhalt und Abstracts:

Harm Klueting
Catholic Enlightenment - Self-Secularization, Strategy Of Defense, Or Aggiornamento? Some Reflections One Hundred Years After Sebastian Merkle. New York Lecture in Remembrance of a Change in Understanding
Seiten 1-10

The article calls Sebastian Merkle’s Berlin paper “The Catholic View of the Age of Reason” of 1908,which stood at the beginning of today’s understanding of Eighteenth-Century Catholic Enlightenment. The liberal Catholic church historian moved away from Sägmüller’s point of view and denied for Catholic Enlightenment Troeltsch’s understanding of Enlightenment as struggle against church supernaturalism. For him Catholic Enlightenment only was a struggle against exaggerations of the belief in miracles, an attempt to arm people against the problematic influences of the Enlightenment and to teach them to overcome these influences, but not by an anxious isolation against the Enlightenment. The article also asks for the use of the concept “Catholic Enlightenment” after Merkle, specially by M. Braubach, L. A. Veit, E. Hegel, B. Plongeron, H. Klueting, and B. Schneider.

Andreas Odental
"...hoc sacrificium Deo acceptabile“ Der Gottesdienst des Bischofs Meinwerk von Paderborn (1009–1036) nach dem Zeugnis seiner Vita
Seiten 11-33

The Life of Bishop Meinwerk of Paderborn (1009–1036) was written between 1155 and 1165 by Abbot Konrad of Abdinghof and contains manifold liturgically relevant information that shows the typical coinage of medieval piety: The liturgy of mass culminates in the moment of the offertory which is understood as the church’s own act of offering a sacrifice. According to his biography Meinwerk succeeds in persuading Emperor Henry II. during his stay at Paderborn in 1022 to donate a splendid chalice. This linking of the sacrifice consisting in the Emperor’s donation and the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross is seen as precondition of God’s mercy necessary for the empire, its unity and its protection. In this the bishop has the role of the ”Holy Man“ who with his pure hands is able to fulfill the part of the mediator between God and humankind. It is the ”offerre pro“ which forms the foundation of medieval memorial culture. The efforts the bishop took to augment the quantity of relics owned in Paderborn together with the foundation of the Abbey Abdinghof and expanding the religious foundation of Busdorf testify to his endeavour to introduce the ”Stational Liturgy“ as a typically Roman form of liturgy during which several ”holy places“ are inserted into an overall theological program. There are many reasons to suppose that these topoi not only stem from his biographer, but already from Meinwerk himself.

Thomas Haye
Eine antifranzösische Parodie des Dies irae aus dem Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts
Seiten 34-41

The codex Vaticanus latinus 10330 contains a collection of Latin and Italian texts concerning the French Revolution and especially the political situation of the year 1794. One of the pieces written by an Italian author is a hitherto unknown Latin parody of the Dies irae that is formed as a literary attack directed against France. This paper presents a critical edition and a historical evaluation of the text.

Todd Statham
“Landlouping Students of Divinity”: Scottish Presbyterians in German Theology Faculties, c.1840 to 1914
Seiten 42-68

Schon seit der Reformation hatte die Schottische Theologie enge Beziehungen zu protestantischen Schulen und theologischen Universitätsfakultäten auf dem Kontinent. Im 19. Jahrhundert bestand eine große Anzahl der vielen internationalen Studenten, die in deutschen Universitäten Theologie studierten, aus schottischen Presbyterianern. Dieser Artikel analysiert unter anderem, wo in Deutschland diese schottischen Presbyterianer studierten. Trotz des allgemeinen Vorurteils der englischsprachigen Theologie, dass die deutsche Theologie des 19. Jahrhunderts überwiegend liberal war und besonders von liberalen theologischen Strömungen in Amerika und England geschätzt wurde, gibt es doch deutliche Hinweise darauf, dass schottische Presbyterianer wiederkehrend Fakultäten oder Professoren aufsuchten, die den Ruf hatten, ihre konservativen und evangelikalen Glaubensgrundsätze zu teilen. Solche Verbindungen, wie z. B. zwischen der Vermittlungstheologie oder dem Neuluthertum und den evangelikalen schottischen Kirchen, ermöglichen, eine bisher übersehene Dimension der protestantischen Theologie des 19. Jahrhunderts aufzuzeigen.

Since the Reformation, Scottish theology has had strong ties to Protestant seminaries and university faculties of theology on the Continent.In the nineteenth century, Scottish Presbyterians comprised a large section of the many international students who studied theology in the German universities. This article analyses where in Germany Scottish Presbyterians studied. Despite the common prejudice in English-speaking theology that German theology in the nineteenth century was largely ‘liberal’ and was welcomed most of all by liberal theological movements in American and the British Empire, the evidence suggests that Scottish Presbyterians typically sought out faculties or professors who were reputed to share their conservative and evangelical beliefs.Suc h links between German movements like the Vermittlungstheologie or Neuluthertum and the evangelical Scottish Presbyterian churches recovers an overlooked dimension of nineteenthcentury Protestant theology.

Anschriften der Mitarbeiter an dem Heft und Vorankündigung Aufsatzteil 2/2010
Seite 68

Literarische Berichte und Anzeigen
Seiten 69-141

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